Monday, November 24, 2008

"There Was A Previous Relationship"

Yesterday there was a shooting over at Scientology's Celebrity Center. Of course they like to spell it Centre because they just have to be different. Kind of like that whole Kate and Katie thing. Apparently a guy got out of his care with two large samurai swords, and started waving them at the security guards. He got too close so they killed him. The same thing probably would have happened in that Tom Cruise film if they had guns back then. It would have saved us two hours of watching bad acting and he got killed in the end anyway. Didn't he? Maybe it was just the Japanese guy.

Anyway, my problem is not with the security guard for his actions. There was video of the encounter from a million angles and if a guy is waving around samurai swords at your head from five feet away and approaching I doubt you are going to try and talk to him. My problem is with what the Church did to the guy or didn't do to the guy with the swords.

The answers I was hearing yesterday were answers that investigators regurgitated faster than a mama bird to a baby.

"He had a history with the Church, but is not a member now."

"He was involved with the Church a long time ago."

"There was a previous relationship, but it is unclear to what degree."

Sounds to me like when the investigators were investigating they talked to some spokesperson for the Church and this is what they told them. Meanwhile, I bet the Church staff were hard at work poring through all of the records pertaining to the guy and what he knew and what he had done and his auditing sessions and everything else. The answers given to investigators are so vague as to be insulting. Obviously this guy had a grudge. If it was so long ago, then why he is still carrying a grudge? Something must have happened. Did he lose his family? Couldn't afford the monthly payments? You don't just walk away from a Church, wait a long time and then decide to storm the guardhouse. Something is going on here and the Church and the police better not just stick to this crap script they played with yesterday. I want to see who or what was the reason the guy went over the edge. Maybe no one pushed him, but I would like to see his entire Church history before coming to that conclusion.


sassafrass said...

since when does a "church" have armed fucking guards?

jax said...

my thoughts exactly.

canadachick said...

it would seem a little suspect that the guards are armed...can you see armed guards outside a Kabbula centre ?

Anonymous said...

sassa - with the amount of animosity the Co$ has towards it, if they didn't have armed guards they'd have been raided years ago. Even with the Mormon funding of Prop 8, they had the cops put up barrricades. I don't blame the Co$ for having armed guards. Now, armed with semi-automatic weapons... that's where it seems more paramilitary.

Typically when someone pulls out swords, they're not exactly mentally stable.

And "The Last Samurai" or whatever that movie Ent was describing was a complete waste of 2 hours of my life. Nothing redeeming in that movie.

Goodgrief said...

I want to hear all of the juicy, sordid details. But of course it will never happen. By the way, what ever happened to Andrew Morton? Is he still alive?

jax said...

i'm sorry but if a 'church' needed armed guards due to that much animosity then maybe its time the government stepped in like the Germans.

GladysKravitz said...

No sensible person would attend a church that needs armed guards. So that explains everyone who does.

jw12 said...

We still have to worry about Swatikas and vandalism at our Temple. We have a paid police officer guarding every day.

d said...

anybody have a link to the security video?

Hervana said...

Uhm, ever been to the Vatican? Armed guards EVERYwhere!!

stiffkittens said...

Tom Cruise < the Pope

shakey said...

LRon was British so Centre is Centre probably because of that.

I don't blame someone for carrying a grudge if they were brainwashed and had their lives ruined.

But what I really want to know is - did they press the gun to his wounds in hopes that would save him?

Ayesha said...

I'd love to know the real story here.

So if the dead guy was a member a long time ago, what are the chances that anyone would really remember him? Well, maybe from the tattoos. I'm pretty sure if I went back to my old school, or a place I worked ten years ago, nobody would remember me. And most of the people who would remember or recognize me would be long gone.

Sadly, we will never know the truth. This story is going to be swept under the carpet.

Unknown said...

jax:"then maybe its time the government stepped in like the Germans."

Germany thinks Scifauxtology is a cult. They have tried to ban it. Its why TC picked Valkyrie (a heroic German tale) and strong-armed officials into filming at historic sites (claiming religious persecution and hey, isn't that something that Nazis did?!).

I know Valkyrie will flop. Its too bad because I like Eddie Izzard (who needed the paycheck like a few others in it). But I hope even more that the CO$ doesn't get to keep their tax-free status under Obama.

Unknown said...

Muslim temples were being looted and threatened after 911 and I don't remember hearing if they had to hire armed guards for protection.


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