Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Rachel Uchitel Makes Some Unusual Comments

I just cannot get a handle on Rachel Uchitel. The NY Post is speaking to lots of people about 9/11 as we approach the 10th anniversary of it. It is hard to believe it has been 10 years. Think about how the world has changed in the past ten years and how our daily lives have changes as a result of what happened. Anyway, Rachel would have been interviewed regardless of what happened with Tiger Woods, because lets face it, people identified with her at the time and her story was a tear jerker. In the past she has said the right things when discussing her fiance' who died in the attacks on the World Trade Towers but this time she said, "I'm almost happy it ended the way it did." She then went on to say that if he was alive she would be fat with three kids and live on Long Island as it would be a bad thing.

So, is she happy he is dead because she is not fat with three kids or is she happy he is dead because it gave her the chance to f**k half of married Hollywood? I don't understand. That being said, grief is something that has to be done at a personal level and maybe this is her way of dealing with grief. Maybe she is grieving again because of the anniversary and having to relive thoughts of what she wish she had done or not done the day of.


RJ said...

Or she could have had a little taste of fame, and now will do or say ANYTHING to get her name and face mentioned ANYWHERE. Let's face it, there is no bottom left to scrape in the entertainment barrel. Trash like the Jersey Shore people and Kardashians are millionaires while people with education and moral fiber are losing their homes and would have no way to pay their medical bills were they to become seriously ill. We live in an age where teenage girls see having a baby as a viable form of making money (and getting on the cover of magazines). 9/11 has nothing to do with why she said what she said. Our extremely low bar for celebrity has everything to do with it.

RocketQueen said...

I cannot stand this b*tch. I'm tired of her sob story, I'm tired of the constant attention she gets for sleeping with married men, and I'm tired of her blaming her behaviour on anything but herself. These comments seem right in line with the person she seems to be: just ugly.

Krab said...

I'm a fat housewife with two kids on Long Island, and I gotta tell ya, it's better than being a whore living off Tiger Woods' hush money.

bflogurl said...

@Krab: AMEN!!!!!!

Rita said...

Life takes a weird turn when faced with the death of a loved one.

Rachel may have started as someone stricken with grief over the sudden loss of a very-much loved one, someone all of us connected with for she was brave enough to show how deep her sorrow was after 9/11. BUT, her life after that date had taken her places she, as a housewife, would've never thought would be going, or the kind of life she could be leading.

Yeah, the camera changes your outlook on life, fame or infamy becomes a drug of choice, however, the happiness over the loss of a loved one is the result of ugliness and self-serving superficiality that age would take care of and leave with a bitter taste of time wasted.

Maybe Rachel Uchitel should not be the face of 9/11 survivors anymore. Maybe someone else should take her place: the overweight mother with 3 kids who had done her best since the loss of her husband on 9/11 to keep on trucking and raising her children right.

Cathy said...

@Krab - I thought she had to give back most (if not all) of the hush money recently, after she said too much on Celebrity Rehab.

Lux Luthor said...

She is a textbook narcissist. And a worthless human being.

selenakyle said...

Yeah...I am giving the whore a pass on this one. Grief does weird things to a person.

Binky Melnik said...

Not one of you checked the veracity of this stupidity? She's suing over it. Of COURSE she didn't say it. She knows on which side her PR toast is buttered.

Geesh. Have a little credulity, folks. Don't swallow EVERYTHING. Google is your friend.

RocketQueen said...

BinkyM - You mean just like how OctoMom was going to sue that magazine for quoting her as saying she hates her children, then provided the evidence for it? Or like how Kutcher was going to sue a tab for reporting he had an affair and never got around to it? Please. I think I'll wait to see if she actually files.

Binky Melnik said...

So you really think she just wrecked her one and ONLY claim to fame? I don't believe even that slag would do it; she didn't impress me as stupid on "Celebrity Rehab." Without America's sympathy over her loss, she'll have nothing.

Daveb said...

I don't like her but I suspect that she was probably "misquoted". I suspect she probably said all the proper things about her fiance, which the paper considered dull and unnewsworthy, then added a joke about how she would otherwise be in the suburbs, fat etc which the newspaper recognized as publicity gold.

RocketQueen said...

BinkyM - you obviously think more of her than I do.
I fail to see how you can on the one hand imply everyone here is stupid to believe this report, yet completely buy the opposite without any hard evidence of your own.

Voice O' Reason said...

Whether she said it or not, I personally wish she would just go away and be quiet. The story about her fiance is sad, but really aren't there better faces to represent the losses of loved ones on 9/11? Like someone who carried on with their life in a loving and respectful way that their departed would have been proud of? Just sayin!

Ms Cool said...

You know, I had a boyfriend die 18 years ago Thursday from leukemia. It was an abusive relationship and I will always be grateful to be away from him. I am sorry he died and grieved for a very long time but I am happy for where my life is now. If my boyfriend had beat the leukemia, I hope I would have been strong enough to stay away from him and ended up where I am now. But I just don't know.

You can feel sad and happy at the same time - grief and life can be complex.

ForSure said...

I don't live in NYC, but I am just suspicious of the NY Post in general. I can't pass judgement on this story, but Uchitel is basically a high end madam who provided young women to rich men, and slept with a few of them herself. Yep, that's exactly the type of person who gets to be famous and wealthy in America.

Robert said...

@FS: Yes, it's that Sydney Biddle Barrows thing all over again!

Unknown said...

Is that her in the photo? (I'm assuming yes). I wasn't even aware that she went through this. Weird that she's famous for the other stuff - she could have done so much from this experience to really change the world had she kept her credibility.

Woodsy_gal said...

I am friends with a girl who knows her. This girl who I am friends with is a total fame whore (in Philly no less) and trust me Rachel is a fame whore too. Trust.

brendalove@gmail.com said...

{{{{hugs}}}} to Ms. Cool

Lux Luthor said...

Oh, please. Suing? gmafb. Another attention-grabbing move, at best. As far as checking claims of veracity, my opinion of her comes from the whole of her words, actions, and behavior.

KellyLynn said...

Wow, I never knew she was a 9/11 "widow." I only know of her most recent (fame) whoring.

Henriette said...

I didn't know she lost anyone in 9/11. Is that how she started rubbing up against celebs? I still can't figure out where Tiger and the sleazes met her, but the madam story makes sense.

This reminds me of the Nancy Grace story. Her fiancé was gunned down and that turned her into what she is. Wonder if we would have ever heard of Nancy Grace if he had lived. The same can be said for the Lardashians and O.J. Simpson.

Fate takes weird turns.

crila16 said...

Whether she's an ass now or not...she genuinely cried and was grief stricken over the loss of her fiance. Those tears and the pain in her face appear to be real and my heart feels for her having lost someone myself. Unfortunately with time passing and a taste of fame...that is what is speaking now. She's become a fame whore. The words she is spewing now, is all ego talking. If none of the fame with Tiger had happened, she would never have said that. She'll regret saying this 5 - 10 yrs from now, when nobody can even remember her name and she's thrown back into reality.

Selock said...

IDK. It's a bizarre thing to say if she said it (I'd bet she did, suing or not) but I think her whole story is a good testament to what that day did to survivors.

I was living in a dorm a few blocks from the towers and the emotional impact of the experience took my life in directions I never would have imagined, and led me to behave in ways I never would have thought I would...I don't regret the end result of where I've ended up (thankfully!), either, but I know I made quite a few less-than-ideal choices because of a traumatized state of mind. If she was an analytical and self-reflective person, I think she might agree...

I think it's still very difficult to reconcile the experience of being involved in that day, whether you were there, lost someone, or just watched it. We're a traumatized country, rightfully so...but I am also disappointed with how little perspective we have, and how we've allowed the trauma to take us in some lame directions of narcissism and fascism and whatnot.

Oh, well.

Lux Luthor said...

Well said, Selock.

I was just talking to a coworker about this story and he sent me a really interesting link I wanted to share. It's an analysis of Rachel's words done by a blogger who writes about deceptive communication in criminal cases. I can't vouch for the blogger, I'm not familiar with his work. I don't know why he's writing about her if his specialty is criminal cases, and I don't know if I 100% agree with his reasoning, but I found the article interesting nonetheless and wanted to share.

Pookie said...

idk, enty...grief can be a funny thing. (and no pun intended there). we can speculate and call her out for her fame-whoring...but at the end of the day we don't know what's in her heart. i've stood and looked out over the coordinates of where WTC2 stood...believe me, the frailty of life really hits you...the thought of those 110 floors falling--well i can't even imagine, most especially if i'd have had a loved one on the 104th floor as she did. my heart goes out to her out of sheer humanity...i know nothing about her but what the press has painted, but i like to think that at some point she had a heart, and that ever once in a while, it surely must feel.

Moosefan said...

This trick is not worth the time. Just remember, one day, your ass will be alone-without a relationship of worth, without friends-true friends, not the ones that will help you spend your F'ed a married man money-and without children. And when you are alone, you have this to look back on. There are thousands of couples all over the country that would love to be fat, with children and the one they loved.

mooshki said...

How about we all agree that both the NY Post and RU are awful, and even if one of them is right, they're still both 'wrong?' ;)

Lelaina Pierce said...

Co-Sign with Voice of Reason

Lux Luthor said...

Hahaha this subject keeps coming up today with different friends, and I have to say, all personal Rachel hate aside, it is a pretty damn bizarre interview. It's a pretty poorly written article; I wish I could read the unedited transcript so I could get a better sense of the context. When she says "I'm almost happy it ended the way it did," what exactly is she referring to? The end of their relationship? The end of his life? Either way, it's hard to ignore the fundamental self-centeredness of her words. Even giving her the benefit of the doubt and allowing for bad reporting, she comes off as pathologically self-obsessed. It's kinda creeping me out.

nunaurbiz said...

Like others here, I have experience a deep grief that I really never would have survived without therapy (I'm not kidding or making light of this at all, I really don't think I would have lived through 2001, which was my horrible year outside of 9/11).

This is how I read this: Sometimes, when someone makes an outrageous statement, they are really saying the opposite of what you think they are. I did see genuine, untreated grief on Rachel's part on "Celebrity Rehab."

If she did say this, I think what she really was saying was that had he lived, she would be blissfully unfamously happy with a family. I do hope she's getting help dealing with her grief.

__-__=__ said...

We should be reading about Beverly Eckert. But she died in a plane crash.

Jeri said...

She needs to just go away.

Maybe if she took time "out of the media" she could figure out who she is and how to behave like a caring human being.


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