Monday, December 03, 2012

Twins Fight In The Womb

Never too early to start fighting if you are siblings.


Amber said...

Watching what the babies do in there is nuts! No wonder pregnant women have so many peemergencies. It's like a full-on assault of the bladder.

Maja With a J said...

That's amazing. It kind of looked like the bigger baby was telling the other to stop kicking!

Melinda9 said...

I felt bad for the one that's kicking - it's like he/she is uncomfortably squished up and trying to get more space.

Sara said...

Could have told you this w/o the technology! I felt my twins interacting and reacting to one another throughout my pregnancy. I've never understood how twins can come as a surprise if you've ever been pregnant before. It feels entirely different!

Anonymous said...

Sara, my twins were my first pregnancy. I didn't find out until 18 weeks along when my AFP came back whacky. Even though there were two of them moving in there, they moved FAR less than my 2 subsequent singleton pregnancies. I think it had to do with them laying bunkbed style...

Pip said...

My husband saw this at a seminar for his work and told me about it! I'm glad I can finally see it. It's so cool, and creepy at the same time.


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