Sunday, March 24, 2013

Nick Douglas Tells Guys How To Get Lucky- Can't Miss With This


SingBlue said...

I'll stick to the tried and tested. Too much alcohol and bad judgement.

Chrissy Buns said...

That made me giggle :)

Katja said...

c buns- one of us mariners needs to start a Wa. Group for all of us here.. At least 20...

karen said...

Yes, and then make her drunk and have sex with her. Don't worry, she couldn't give consent, but who cares?
Take pictures of her passed out and naked so that you can show them to your friends.

Honestly, posting a video in which a man encourages other men to treat women like sex objects (make eye contact - with her breasts)and then stalk her on social network sites. This all after Steubenville...


Nick Douglas said...

Hi Karen! I made this video, and the entire point is to mock pickup artists because they're horrible people. My character is intentionally a bad person and he's the butt of the joke.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

I didn't bother to watch this till Nick's response, above. It's pretty hilarious, Nick, and to me, the humor was pretty obvious. Maybe the problem for some is that you're not convincing enough as a d-bag...which is not necessarily a bad thing. ;)

crila16 said...

This isn't even funny. It's so stupid.

When I'm drunk...I can't be touched. I lose all desire for sex. All the guys who have ever tried to get me drunk to get me in bed,100% have failed. When I'm drunk,all I want to do is puke and pass out...and be left alone.


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