Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Tom Cruise Lawsuit Against Life & Style Heads To Mediation

I suspect that in April 2014, there will be no trial pitting Tom Cruise against Life & Style. Two reasons. He will lose and also he does not want to have any public questions about Scientology asked that he will have to answer under oath. First question. Do you believe in Xenu? Second question. Explain Xenu. Third question. When is the last time Nicole Kidman saw her children? Talked to her children? Is this normal among Scientologists? It would just go downhill from there. Cruise and Life & Style have been ordered to mediation and believe me, they will work out a deal. There will not be a public trial. There probably won't be a deposition of Tom Cruise. Everything will be swept under the rug and no money will exchange hands. Tom sued and got his side of the story out. Life & Style made a few bucks and got some publicity.


LottaColada said...

What exactly was he suing them for again?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was for saying that he hasn't seen Suri in 60 days or something like that. They ha a countdown going of the last time he had seen his daughter...

VIPblonde said...

Nothing to see here, just two straight dudes hanging out GMD

smash said...

Where is Shelly? That should be a question

Nyan said...

If there was a trial, I would want TC to be asked questions like these under oath "Where's Shelley Miscavige? Why is your 78 yr old president Heber Jentzsh still in the SP Hole? How many times have you witnessed Miscavige beating his execs? How many have you beaten? etc...etc... so many more...

Sherry said...

And Nyan that's exactly why there will be no trial. I am sure the Scio's are concerned that the feds are breathing down their necks as it is with the recent "Going Clear" book out.

Kloie said...

Don't forget "what is a thetan?" and "are you smoking something?"

Nyan said...

Also Sherry, the Narconon exposés, Jenna Miscavige Hill's book, and Marc Headley's also writing a sequel to "Blown For Good" which he says will blow the lid off it's prominent members, like TC, to a level that has never been yet revealed!

MISCH said...

Such a joke

Agent**It said...

Headley is allegedly going to disclose how the adoption of Tom and Nichole's 2 children came about. Where's Shelly?

Unknown said...

It would be dumb for Life and Style to settle. They could just stop spending any money on advertising and use it for the defense fund. This would be the best advertising they could get anyway.

auntliddy said...

Whst does cruise care what life and style mag writes? Ignore it man, and move on. You still win, u a star, wealthy powerful. They still low rent rag. I dont get why he wld even go there.

mooshki said...

Unknown, the problem is, they can't be too hard on a celeb or publicists will stop leaking things to them. The celebs and tabloids have a delicate relationship.

Redd said...

I don't totally agree with this reasoning; there is no way Cruise would have to answer questions about when the last time Kidman saw her kids- they are all adults and not in his care & control. Other lines of questioning for sure, but people are carefully prepared before attending depositions and being subjected to questioning. As for the issue at hand, that is his visits with Suri,plenty of divorced people experience long breaks from seeing their children and it's not something that brings a great deal of attention. I predict a lot of negotiations.

Jessie said...

I think it's silly for celebs to sue mags at this point. The news cycle is so fast that everyone forgets what they read by the next day. Takin it to court just brings it all up again.

Where's Shelley?

B626 said...

Really? A tabloid gets to judge separated/divorced visitation of celebs kids? I like most of TC's action type movies. The whole COS religion thing is creepy. But lawsuit worthy? STOP IT Tom's people. STOP IT Life & Style.

The Real Dragon said...

I want to sue Tom Cruise Pain I endure during the events of Vanilla Sky.


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