Monday, August 05, 2013

Lauren Silverman Had Affair At 16 - With Married High School Teacher - Brooke Mueller BFF

Simon Cowell is not the first person Lauren Silverman had an affair with. When she was 16 she had an affair with a married English teacher in her high school. The same high school that saw her bff with Brooke Mueller. They both kind of ended up in the same type of career didn't they? Just one managed for the most part to stay off drugs after high school. Everything was going smoothly in the affair for several months until Lauren's mom found out about it and told the headmaster of the school. The teacher got fired and shortly after he got fired, Lauren left school. While it was going on, the entire student body knew the couple was having sex because it was such a small school.

Classmates said that Lauren loved being with older guys and that the teacher was actually younger than the guys she usually dated. See, now you are beginning to get a picture of how she and Brooke were such good friends. They probably had the same dating policy. Get paid for dating. The teacher stayed with his wife and ended up moving to Montana.


Cecilia00 said...

I am not going to comment on her adult activities, but it seems like you are blaming her as a 16yo here...I'll echo Oprah here who once said something like "I don't care if the teenager is running around naked and trying to seduce you - your job as the adult is to say 'Put your clothes on right now' "

Really Enty, any 16yo messing around with older adults - while they may not be stupid, the responsibility there lays with the adult. Stop blaming her for childhood stuff.

Meanie Rhysie said...

I guess this Enty never made any bad choices. Must be nice...

greenmountaingal said...


MadBlackChica said...

Making bad life choices does not exempt you from whatever (appropriate) consequences come after, judgemental attitudes included.

As a girl and now as a woman, it does paint a full character picture about her. I knew girls in college who felt awesome about fking their high school teachers and they're terrible people, still, today. Although the adult bears the burden of responsibility, it reveals how far back her rottenness goes. Let's not pretend teens can't be shitty.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

I find it disgusting that the media has brought this story to light...particularly the way they are implying it's proof positive of her floozyness. It's not even interesting. They are just grasping at straws since the well of info on this case has run dry for now. I find it way more interesting to get an inside view of Cowell's harem and the jealousies that he seems to enjoy fueling.

J Ruth said...

Or you could spin it as she was the victim of statutory rape as a child, which left a long standing impact on her and her relationships with men. Ugh. Whatever. Slut shaming is lame and I just find this whole story really boring.

Now! said...

@Nope, I'm not disagreeing with you, but how would you define slut-shaming? I mean, there's been a lot of talk about Simon Cowell and his harem and what a sad little man he is. Would you consider that slut-shaming as well?

J Ruth said...

Interesting point. I guess I would. He's single and has the right to live as he chooses.

Girl Golfer said...

I'm still wondering if the baby is even Simon's.

Glitter said...

All of these people are unsavory.

auntliddy said...

what a mess! bad water in that town or what?

Anonymous said...

Fuck. 16 year old girls can be scary creatures - however they're conflicted with self doubt, their emerging self identity and rampaging hormones. Power imbalance: teacher acted in a predatory manner. She was, after all, 16. Perhaps she had fucked up dynamics at home? Girls who tend to be highly sexualised, not saying she was though, have experienced some form of abuse. Sounds more like attachment disorder. Don't agree with the slant put on this post.
ALSO, she, Simon, and allegedly her hubby, are all cognicent, consenting adults.

Now! said...

@Nope Again, just clarifying - as I understand it, under your definition, slut-shaming means attempting to shame single people for taking on multiple sexual partners.

But Lauren Silverman is not single, and was not at the time she apparently took on additional partners and ended up pregnant by Simon Cowell.

So is objecting to her behavior slut-shaming, or is it OK to object to people who cheat on their partners?

Male or female, straight or gay, the rules should be the same.

auntliddy said...

almost always multiple sex partners leads to all sorts of problems. maybe not shame worthy, but surely not best idea in the world. and for those that hate the running videos, just turn sound off.

Anothergrayhare said...

Hey in a few years everyone will have forgotten the scandal, she'll be absolutely loaded with Simon's money and no one will care. I agree with the comment about character being evident early on. Not shaming her but just questioning her moral values at 16. The teacher was wrong for sleeping with her no matter what.

J Ruth said...

Let's take single out of the equation and just say I don't believe in throwing harsh judgements at consenting adults. I wouldn't presume to tell you what I think is "OK" for anyone to say or do. Just stating my opinion on it.

Barton Fink said...

If you like "older men," Simon Cowell would pretty much fit the geriatric bill.

Anonymous said...

Agreed Grayhare!

lelale said...

So she was a victim of statutory rape by a teacher. There are plenty of teachers in jail for that behavoir. At this point its the only thing that gives me any sympathy for this woman.
This story in particular is slut-shaming because it portrays her as a whore in a case where she wasn't of age to consent by a person who was placed in direct authority over her.

digal704 said...

I don't see similarities between Lauren and Brooke other than the fact that they went to school together and got pregnant by creepy men. Does Lauren have a raging chemical dependency problem and all the other issues that Brooke has?

Anonymous said...

Lelale: agreed!

Carolyn said...

As a public educator in a high school, I put more of the blame here with the teacher.

Rose said...

@Nutty Flavor, I think Simon Cowell has always been pretty upfront about the women he dates and why they are with him. He knows it's the money and not him that gets women.

di butler said...

Forget the sex, she was besties with Brooke freaking Meuller! That, is worth shaming her over, and tells so much.

SophiaB said...

No it does not. AuntLobby, I don't know where you live or anything about you. What I am about to say is not personal. You are simply wrong.

I know literally THOUSANDS of people who exercise a relationship OPTION of multiple, ongoing partnerships, and 80-90% of those relationships are healthy, respectful, stable, and even kinda boring.

I used to live in San Francisco and now live near Vancouver BC. My network is worldwide. The keyword is POLYAMORY. The range of personalities, social strata, cultural and ethnic diversity is astounding. We are EVERYWHERE.

What is NOT normal or ok is the lack of information or knowledge that gets passed along in statements like yours. I have no clue, like I said, who you know or where you live. But I can say with certainty that the thousands, if not millions (given the number of people on this planet) who are making a choice, honoring their own innate sexuality, respecting their own path and authentic being, are NOT having the 'inevitable' problems you assume.

I just wonder why there is so much rampant cheating. I just wonder why we cannot all see that monogamy is shoved down our throats as the ONLY option. Critical thinking and basic observation would indicate that most cultures have a wide range of relationship models and options, and that mainstream RELIGIOUS rules have wiped out people's awareness of the options available, but NOT the strong inclination to act upon a desire, need for, maybe even an imperative for multiple simultaneous relationships.

The messages we get through popular culture are just major mind fucks. THIS is sexy, but DON'T play around... but love triangles are SEXY but cheating isn't ok... geez louise!!! It is all so crazymaking.

I have been doing relationship coaching for more than 10 years, serving both the polyamorous and monogamous community with a little crosspolination (poly/mono couples are not unusual).

The worst part about living holy in a monocentric culture is the dismissal, the lack of social structure to support different relationship configurations, the fear of job and custody loss due to discrimination which leads to MANY in-the-closet longterm relationships, and the lack of context or compassion when problems need to be solved.

There is very little CHEATING (though some) and the worst thing is that there are the same narcissist abusers who permeate the normal and kinky dating world. What IS good about the small pond we swim in is that word spreads and we take care of each other when a predator comes into our midst. Protection against STDs is a high priority and I have never, in my 15 years of involvement in this community, heard of ONE disastrous outbreak.

I personally do not sleep around a great deal. I had one horrible experience with a sociopath, and three longterm 'other' partners. My marriage is stressed due to life changes but not due to the relationships we have had since the beginning.

That is what I know. And unless you are intimately familiar with hundreds of multipartner families with children, houses, and rich, satisfying lives that are just as interesting as monogamous families (or not), then I wonder why you would make such a blanket, dismissive statement.

Our previous exchanges have been really fun and you seem really cool. So I am just asking the question and backing up my perspective with my usual TMI to indicate I know what I am talking about. PERSONALLY.

Unknown said...

Well call me when it is revealed she is getting therapy for her issues and then maybe I'll be sympathetic

Sorry if you are married and unhappy get out the marriage and then you can f**k your brains out and be perma pregnant if you want

I am pretty sure most people here including Nope would not be happy if you were the to be ex-husband and ex best friend.

And personally I think paternity is still an issue - does Simon trust this woman if she says she never slept with her husband at the same time or is the husband saying it

SophiaB said...

Living POLY not HOLY... LOL.

Henriette said...

I want to know who this teacher was and is he still teaching.

lazyday603 said...

At least the teacher had a fallback career as a dental floss tycoon. Yippee Eye Oh Kai Yay.

J Ruth said...

What's with all the love from you on multiple posts? I'm so flattered! But tell me, how do you know how the ex husband feels? Is he a friend of yours? Was he always faithful? Or is he someone going through a potentially expensive divorce who is maybe faking some of this outrage? I don't know. I don't think you know. But I do enjoy all the attention you give my comments, Tina.

lazyday603 said...

@SophiaB, I always thought the British aristocracy in the 19th century had it right. To divorce in those days required passage of a bill in Parliament. So nobody tried except in extreme circumstances. You married for dynastic reasons and once you had created your heir & your spare both partners were free to fall in love as they pleased. Hostesses would discreetly arrange the bedrooms to make the assignations easy at weekend parties. Everybody more or less happy. With younger children the parentage was often a subject of gossip, but that was the only real downside. Lady Diana Cooper was famously the daughter of a duke while really being the daughter of a handsome officer her mother had a long affair with.

Andrea said...

But you are a slut if you are married and fucking people or if you are fucking other married people. Big difference from a single person that has sex with other single people.

auntliddy said...

Sophia, interesting info. I am not at all offended. But the people i have come in contact with that had multiple sex partners were not at all happy. Some felt ashamed and wondered why she couldnt settle with one person. Said she got no satisfaction from multiple relationships. Some had hurt feelings, jealously- they couldnt handle seeing someone they grew to love be with another partner. Some couldnt get rid of partners when they wanted to. Im saying, in my experience, which of course is no where near yours, someone ends up broken hearted. Even if everyone starts on same page, not everyone stays there. Its just human nature. And a huge defense mechanism-"I know you're/we going to cheat, so lets just factor that in at outset of relationaship. There! Now no one can get hurt!" To those for whom it works, thats great and certainly none of my business. But I am available for hugs and cookies if it diesnt work:)

J Ruth said...

@Sophia/Aunt L, that was a really interesting exchange. That's all

Bit dams said...

I think slut-shaming is appropriate when someone is having sex with a family friend WHILE MARRIED. what she did was horrible. embarrassing for her, her husband, her son, her future child, her family. she should be ashamed.

as a teen, she was victimized by an older man. no question. but she's all grown up now. if she needs therapy, she has the resources to get it.

JSierra said...

Someone has their very own fan club. Pretty soon there are going to be t shirts involved.

JSierra said...

@Sophia holy interesting shit,i feel like you just took me to Pandora. I never knew a world like that existed

Unknown said...

Exactly. Beautifully put, I might add.
Think I <3 you now, lol

gr8p said...

Not a big fan of 'slut shaming' but she is revolting. The more I learn/read about her the more repulsed I am. What the hell was the feminist movement all about if women are not empowered enough to realise that they can earn money themselves instead of fucking for it? If you want a Ferrari, then work and buy yourself one. It's must more impressive if YOU are a millionaire rather than being married to one. Get it together ladies.

Jenn said...

I'll shame her for allowing those gross hairy man boobies touch her. That's quite enough though. Ew.


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