Sunday, November 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed- Anniversary Month


June 29, 2007

Go back in time and you will see this married A list film actor has a problem with a great deal of body hair. Body hair on top of body hair. Then, a month or so ago. Poof. All gone. Why? His new 20 year old girlfriend could handle the age difference but not the hair so he had it all waxed. Psssst. Everywhere. Yes, even there. And yes, there also.

Robin Williams


Count Jerkula said...

I bet that is what got Robin back on drugs. As hairy as he was, he probably needed Oxies for the pain. Sad, cause he was rich enough to get a full body laser job.

Sincerely, Your Friend said...

Couldn't he just pay her extra?

Jervad said...

Count, maybe this has already been answered elsewhere, but how did you get an icon to display?

JSierra said...

And we complain about boring blinds now. The sonnzefest started in 2007,

Shelly Shell said...

a beard or stubble on the face alone is horrible when kissing, don't even want to think about what a full body covered with hair is like during sex

missyrocks said...

Bad taste to put this up now. It's just not right. Please let's not hear anything else about this poor, kind man.

Jenn said...

Huh this new website is weird but if I can actually post... For some reason my new phone would flip out whenever I tried posting on the old site.

I dunno - I dated an older guy once and everything was fine... except his grisly grey chest hair. For some reason that really weirded me out.

Opie said...

Entry I would not say most of us like the new site, but may be able to get used to it eventually. I am on my iPad and can't find the 5 things I should know, some ads are overlapping each other, I hit the 2 for the second page but it did not work so am scrolling through the top banner, and as long as I'm bitching it would be helpful if the banner was connected to the home screen to refresh after you've been away. Glad to hear you don't have to drink on the job anymore and can stay home with us!

Melanomma said...

Jervad I logged on to wordpress to post with an avatar. It didn't work immediately, I had to add CDAN to my wordpress reader.

OKay said...

One gets the feeling that if Robin Williams was the kind of guy who could say "I'm rich, I'm famous, DEAL WITH IT, HONEY", he'd probably still be with us today.

cptcrashsqueen said...

Have you had laser hair removal? Holy shit, dude! I'm all for a bit of pain, but even I teared up with the higher levels, walking out of there feeling broken and used.

lisi0014 said...

testing too..

Jade said...

This really sucks


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