Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 1, 2014

This A list mostly movie actress and her A list singer might have been acting romantic while in public but then why the separate hotel rooms while out of the country on a trip? Not even the same suite. Barely the same floor. They only got together when they emerged in public. She just loves those cold and sterile relationships.

Nicole Kidman/Keith Urban


back again said...

OT:Speaking of BI Reveals-we certainly won't be getting one re:the personal assistants who had to be held in a hotelroom in isolation b/c they saw the winner of a certain reality show who has THREE names on a cellphone msg.? Obviously meant to be Vivica-Whatever-Fox on Celeb Apprentice but she got booted..I hope those P.A.s at least ordered really good Room Service while they were held captive. ; )

sandybrook said...

That's the second one today. The Zsa Zsa one is being debunked as we post.

rhinovodka said...

I always thought they were a bit of an odd couple but if it works for them. And I am not sure if I buy Nicole as being as cold as she is always portrayed, I thought she was a bit on the shy/private side.

back again said...

Aaah,but take away all the glitz & glammer & they're both just true Aussies at heart which is a huge & comforting commonground.I like nicole & I don't care who knows it..hahaha..& I don't buy the cold fish thing-private?yes & w/her history I don't blame her but no way would Lenny Kravitz keep going back for more when it comes to her if she is as cold as the tabloids try to portray her as being,imo.

MrsLunt said...

How many times is this going to be revealed? It seems like this is the third time I've read this reveal!!

hothotheat said...

I'm not a Nicole fan, but given that she spent 10 years with TC I don't blame her for appearing to be a cold fish. I don't like her for other reasons though.

it took forever said...

yes enty i do think she likes these types of relationships

Malibuborebee said...

After the Cruise marriage she was in the driver's seat for this one. She picked him and it's exactly the way she wants it which does seem to be pretty chilly. Urban seems good with the kids.


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