Monday, June 15, 2015

Blind Item #2

This boyfriend of an A+ list singer is out the door for now. Never has there been a more diva boyfriend with his demands. He already makes more than all of the bodyguards and wants even more.


Tricia13 said...

Calvin Harriss/Taylor Swift

sandybrook said...

Shithead who has Rita Whora's STDs to spread.

Dani said...

Calvin Harris

And-so-on.. said...

Jlo's babysitter.. works every time he goes on strike..

Derek Harvey said...

Britney Spears boyfriend

CreCre said...

I think it's Britney's BF.

Sheezy said...

+1 it seems like it would be someone who doesn't make their own money or in this case a lot of their own money.

Momption said...

Britney Spears / Charlie Ebersol

Sarah said...

Agree with the Britney guess. Calvin Harris doesn't need Tay Tay's $$.

david said...

Charlie Ebersol doesn't need Brit's money, either. His dad was president of production at NBC for years. His mom is Susan St James from MacMillan & Wife with Rock Hudson from way back in the 70's.
And wasn't there a Blind Item where he said Britt was too dumb for him?

TheCousinEddy said...

I parrot the BritBrit/Charlie Ebersol guesses. What I will say is that just because his folks may be famous wealthy celebrities doesn't mean that Charlie shares in their wealth. And even if he is wealthy of his own volition, the blind only says that his current income exceeds that of his companion's bodyguards and that he wants even more money from his companion.

In summary, just because he may already have money doesn't mean he wouldn't want to add more to the bottom line. It's the new form of Capitalism. Just ask any of the "Instagram Models" or "Yacht Girls". #TagYourSponsor


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