Saturday, July 11, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 15, 2015

These two Ladies Of London are competing for the same guy. He is married. One of the Ladies is also supposedly in a relationship so she probably doesn’t care.

Caprice/Noelle Reno


Dudette said...

Who cares about these two?

June Gordon said...

I don't even know who the F they are.

And I am sure it will stay that way if there is a god.

Malibuborebee said...

They're just as tacky and stupid as the American Housewives, they just sound better while they do it

There is no god, June.

OKay said...

Caprice is a self-involved nudie model. Noelle is a hardcore gold-digger (and American, so she doesn't even sound good!) The most interesting thing about all this is that Caprice is cheating on her baby daddy. He's young and cute, she's rich - what the hell else does she want?

OKay said...

*Correction - they're both American. But Caprice has been in London a long time so she at least uses charming language. :D


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