Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 19, 2016

By my count, this reality family has shown off 14 new animals they have acquired over the years. Once the initial luster fades and enough photos have been taken, they tell an employee to find a new owner. They then put the animal out of their mind and move on to the next photo op.



sandybrook said...

At least they give it away to someone who wants it. KTrash used to be buddies with Paris Hilton so maybe they were taught to do something.

Simon said...

Of course it's the trash kardashians who do this. I'd walk through fire to take care of my pets, so this is just one more reason why I hate these trash people. Soul-less vapid trash.

AMartel said...

Better than they treat their men.

... said...


zip said...

As if the massive amounts of alternation to their faces and bodies, pretending its natural, and obsession with selfies and attention on the internet, didn't cue in the fact that they have mental/emotional problems.

Shorny said...

And then there's Transjenner. I'm happy for her and sympathize with the struggles of trans people. Katelyn as a person is icky. And to be honest, is about as altered in the name of supposed beauty as the rest of them.

Jessica said...

Better than Paris, letting them die in her house while she goes to the mid-east to "DJ"

cough *whore* cough, cough

Hot Cola said...

They treat their pets just like humans!

Derek's Anal Wart said...

Jenner is a cross-dresser. He claims to be trans for the publicity and sympathy. There is no feminine sensibility there.

Rudiruled said...

Truly horrible people. A dog is not a living accessoire, or handbag of the month, it's a living, breathing, feeling being that attaches deeply to its family, especially when they are adopted at an early age. Tossed away scars them for life, they mourn even. Breeders should blacklist them all!


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