Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Mr. X Blind Item

When tributes pour in for this recently deceased A lister, don't listen to the ones from his old label. They screwed him over by diverting funds from his records to those of a singer, the head of the label was sleeping with leaving our A lister precious little promotional money.


Tricia13 said...


Tricia13 said...

Or GMichael?

sandybrook said...

George michael\Sony

Tricia13 said...

Yep they were Aholes and wouldn't let him record what he wanted (inspiration for Freedom90) which is a classic...

Canadian Grinch said...

G Michael
Or Mimi then
Tommy mattola

Zilla1 said...

Sony has proven themselves to be virulent aholes many, many times over.

John said...

As opposed to the other kind and gentle labels who let their artists be raped or just flat out shoot them. It's a disgusting business. But yeah could be either and Sony, they had the same fight.

Guesser said...

Too early for it to be I'll, but Likely George Michael and Tommy Mottola, remember when Michael Jackson said Mottola was the devil? Maybe he was right.

Guesser said...

Jlo, not i'll

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I thought that was just about leaving Wham! and no longer being a teen idol?

If this is George Michael, RIP. I hope more dirt about the people who wronged him come out. Let's go outsiiide... LOL.

He's my hero. ♥

Suzanne said...

I really try to avoid these companies that support abuse of artists, Ktrash-anything, etc.

I ate my own head said...

George MIchael. Tommy Matola fucked him over in favor of Mariah who he was banging.

NT said...

Definitely George Michael. He complained several years ago that Tommy Mottola(head of Columbia Records which later was acquired by Sony) put his music and those of other artists on the back burner to further promote Mariah Carey. Guess it really does benefit one when sleeping ( and sometimes as in this care, marrying) the boss.

R.I.P. George Michael!!!!

Zilla1 said...

@John, No other label in the last 25 years, not even Prince and Warner Brothers or Don Henley with Geffen, has had the kind of high profile fights and problems that Sony has had, with George Michael and Michael Jackson being the most high profile ones.

Renshaw said...

@Zilla. GM had to pay about huge $$$ to get out of his contract. Apparently this soured his attitude towards the US and as the music. I never really knew why he disappeared from the music scene. Why do artist continue to sign with them is beyond me. Sadly he will get that money back posthumously like MJ. Family infighting already started.

longtimereader said...

He lost his ambition. When you are 25 and already have more fame and money than you ever thought possible, i'd sit back, smoke weed and get laid for the rest of my days as well. He was not madonna or bono, desperate for permanent adulation.

Boop said...

Everyone who goes against Sony ends up dead. Weird.

Terri said...

Yeah I thought it was weird when O saw a headline mentioning Mimi wanting to do a benefit for George.
He was such a heartthrob when he was in Wham . Every girl had a T-shirt with his face on it. kind of like the Shawn mendes of his generation.(Pun intended);+)
We deserved at least another 10 years of his music. I bet he and Prince rockin put in heaven today with Carrie and Debbie.


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