Friday, July 14, 2017

Blind Item #10

Looks like this foreign born do everything person finally managed to break free from her bearding role for this A-/B+ list mostly television actor. How? She is the one who made a bunch of calls and pleas to find someone to take her place. She finally succeeded with someone who would be much better for the role. Our do everything person honestly didn't know she was signing up for bearding.


Tricia13 said...

Alexa Chung/Alex Skardgaard

sandybrook said...

ASkars and Chung broke up

Tricia13 said...

Toni Garnn is the new pro beard

Honeybadger said...

ASkar isn't mostly TV. He has a ton of movie work.

sandybrook said...

He's got a lot of tv he's got a lot of movies but he's known mostly for True Blood so I guess the Entern decides he's mostly tv.

police dog said...

Looks like this foreign born do everything person [ALEXA CHUNG] finally managed to break free from her bearding role for this A-/B+ list mostly television actor. How? She is the one who made a bunch of calls and pleas to find someone to take her place. She finally succeeded with someone [TONI GARNN, dicaprio ex-beard] who would be much better for the role. Our do everything person honestly didn’t know she was signing up for bearding.

police dog said...

whoops, meant to put ALEX SKARSGARD for closeted actor

loserize said...

i'm a bit confused. i think i've read on this site a few times that alexa chung has been accused of helping with the beard thing. so why would she really be surprised that a guy that some think has utilized beards in the past. would want to date her ????

Lol said...

Isn't Toni Garrn gay too? She was rumored to be dating Karlie Kloss when they were teenagers. If she is I don't think she is a pro beard. She needs a beard + some famous guy needs too = perfect match.

david said...

How do you NOT know you are signing to be a beard?
It's like signing up for yachting. You know that sexual acts are required.

LizOz said...

Plus big little lies

Donk said...

I happen to know Alex and he's always been shagging the ladies in Stockholm, from one night stands to longer relationships.
Might be BI but no way is he gay!

Renshaw said...

Yachting, beaarding, it fascinates me. If Hollywood had the cojones, they would make a film about it.

AndrewBW said...

A role made in Lindsay Lohan heaven.

jones said...

Definitely NOT gay though. I grew up in Stockholm while he was still a nobody, and he only liked the ladies. Lots of them, too.

jones said...

Me too, and you are correct, he is definitely not gay. Wonder where the h-ll that rumor comes from. It's ridiculous. He is a boring, straight, very typical Swede.

longtimereader said...

Yup, dated both kloss and mrod.


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