Friday, August 24, 2012

Four For Friday - She Swept It Under The Rug

It's Friday funday which also means announcements. None this week except for my usual which is to remind you to follow me on Twitter if you have not already done so. Yesterday I had a blind item on Twitter that I did not post on the site. My Twitter handle is @entylawyer. You can also click the bird over there --------> Make sure you come back tomorrow and Sunday for some weekend blogging. On Saturdays I also reveal a blind item from the archives. I think everyone would agree that the past three Saturdays have been pretty amazing reveals.

This celebrity/model has it made now. In the world of celebrity she is A+. She has it all going for her. Model/reality show host/businesses. Everything. It did not start out that way for our celebrity. Back in the day she was struggling. Lost in a world in which she did not feel comfortable and struggling to make ends meet she met a man. A very rich man. This man is struggling financially now and has approached our celebrity about getting him out of his financial mess. Seems simple enough, only he did not just ask for a loan. He is basically blackmailing our celebrity into giving him the money or he will tell the world how she got her start as the man's plaything. Our celebrity was paid a lump sum of money every month to be his mistress. The man is not nice and this was not a normal sexual favors for money relationship. The things he made her do still haunt her today and because of the situations he put her in she has a host of bodyguards to protect her from people coming out of her past to try and get close to her again. The man used to take out celebrity to S&M clubs where he would pass her around like candy to get favors from other business people and to just humiliate her. Some of those people have tired to also blackmail our celebrity. She has generally paid them off and sign an agreement. It has worked. This man though knows all the secrets and has hours and hours of footage of her sexual activities. He knows the true story of the circumstances surrounding a pregnancy that she never wants to come out in the open. He knows the people she slept with to get ahead. The political leaders and married CEO's. He knows it all and for years she has kept it quiet and out of the press. She knows if it ever comes out it would destroy her fairly family friendly image.


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Cassiopeia said...

Do you suppose enty likes flowers at all?

smash said...

Can't believe this is still going.

B - my Saturday is gone. I am only upset at myself for not just waiting until tonight and reading the newer comments. I think you are legit. But your are also smarter then the average bear.

astrogirl said...

Something like this you mean

Simply because after living a life that was perpetually five or ten minutes off-schedule, I have learned a crucial technique to entertain people when I do arrive to whatever moment in my life that I am late for. I talk shit.

astrogirl said...

B you were right, it doesn't quite say stir shit

Unknown said...

All of this sleuthing to uncover Ent's identity! It's really not that hard. All you have to do is join his FB, be somewhat pretty (and female) and he will tell you who he is...

And email you...
And text you...
And call you at work...
And send you flowers...
And send you photos...

And you don't even need to be single! :/

Not A Ninny said...
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Anonymous said...
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Cassiopeia said...
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Anonymous said...

Tony Clifton. Obviously.

Not A Ninny said...
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Anonymous said...

B who are you talking at? I can't believe we're at 411...

libby said...

Olidgol, I'm talking about a female...she's very distinctive in a few said you might have known her in LA?
Lots of people were fans of Andy's, she and I both...but she certainly doesn't look or act like him. Perhaps I'm just tired, but I don't get the reference to her.

Night all! Time for bed, sorry!

Unknown said...

so B, are you saying that Enty IS an entertainment lawyer, because I've heard from several sources that he is a lawyer, but not an entertainment lawyer.

Not A Ninny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dia papaya said...

B - I seem to remember you stirring the shit with whocares in the last few weeks. Accusing her of not being in the biz bc you saw thru her poorly created stories.

All I'm saying is that is time to play your hand. I call you! Show your hand or stop the game!

I am going to bed now, with ENTY!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Goes in Circles: yes really. And I have reason to believe that I'm not the only reader he has pursued.

B profane: if you think he has money and is semi-famous you are wrong. Don't forget he requested money from his readers twice

libby said...

Sorry, Olidgol.....I thought maybe you worked with her. If you did, only a few descriptors would be needed to convince me that you had.

Take care all!

OneGirlRevolution said...

Having FINALLY (!) gotten 100% on Lego Batman...

Here's honestly what I think and I hope no one will be angry with me or think I'm hiding anything from you...

I think the posts on here follow the ebb and flow of other gossip sites. There is a limited number of hot gossip stories on any given day and there is a limited number of hot topics in the public consciousness. Most of the posts follow what is going on everywhere. These posts (here and elsewhere) do have a common thread. KK is part of that, Heidi Klum is part of that, Victoria Beckham is part of that and so on. Does someone associated with these people leak info? Probably. That is likely who I found (or one of a few others who could be linked). That was my statement about how could they ever have time?

I am dubious, especially after reading all of the "clues", that it is Enty.

Many of the blinds could be linked to this person but they could also be linked to so many other people because, as I said, Hollywood is uber incestuous.

Even thinking that I haven't really found Enty, I don't want to post a name because on the small chance I am right...well, horcruxes and all...

I have always maintained (often against popular opinion) that Enty is the same as he has always been. That, other than occasional guest writers (which are noted), there is one person that has always written here. Maybe I'm wrong but I'll stick with my delusions.

I'm not going to go into my qualifications (or lack thereof as the case may be) about any response I write but it really chaps my ass when people go, "AHA!!!! Enty is NOT a lawyer!!!" (See today"s post about custody law in Georgia) or, "Enty is making this up, he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about!!!!!" (see the Britney Spears article yesterday).

I lurked here for years (for all intents and purposes) before I decided to comment and it really bothers me that people's opinions are belittled and cast aside on a daily basis. We all have value to add...this blog is the sum of all of us.

I know my thoughts are wandering here but I guess where I'm going with all of this is who cares who Enty really is. Does it matter? Can't we have fun and enjoy what we have and who we have it with?

Cassiopeia said...

I can't. Mobile.
sorry, you said you knew nothing about what I was talking about so I assumed I was safe!

astrogirl said...

That's cool B. we will have to chat about favourite sci fi authors some time, or sit down and have a beer maybe watch Futurama....

Not A Ninny said...
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Not A Ninny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brandon said...

B. - can we get a new clue? I really need something to jump start my thought process. Your riddle about hiding the smoking gun earlier is getting me nowhere.

Anonymous said...

haha, sorry Libby, I think I'm just super paranoid, and in my mind anything I say is super obvious. Unless I say something like "38H".

smash said...

Gotta-I hope it was better then QT sucking on your toes. (not you personally, the girl who told the story about that)

Cassiopeia said...

very interesting!
How did he get your info to send you flowers?!

I apologize. I had no idea I can't delete from Mobile til I just tried.

yes, this person would know the juiciest stuff as well as know other people who do.

Brandon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
smash said...

Goes- if you open the non mobile site you can delete your comments on your phone.

IDoTheRobot said...

I would also appreciate an email. :D Pretty please!

Cassiopeia said...

Thanks smash... :)
I just figured that out.

Unknown said...

Goes in Circles: he sent them to my work, which he knew the name of because I told him during general conversation.

Brandon said...

goes in circles, I just emailed you.

Not A Ninny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
EGB said...

Dia, I always knew I liked you!

Cassiopeia said...

Enty being a possible creeper is far more interesting than his real idenity!

Brandon said...

I have to say, I've never heard of this person and I don't see how the "family affair" clue plays into it. But otherwise I suppose it all checks out.

Brandon said...

Additionally, in regards to the Leo BI, I definitely cannot picture this guy hanging out with Leo.

bdalpe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Not A Ninny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

will someone please email me at need sleep, been following this too long

smash said...

I want to believe!

Brandon said...

I mean yea, that's true, but the way you originally worded it I thought that this person was in a famous family and they were all sort of in on it. Anyway, good find guys. Very smart the way you must have found this. Lips are sealed :)

Brandon said...

Although I still don't know what conflict/controversy you're referring to. I'd like to know that just out of curiosity.

smash said...

It is lane how many of you gave your email address' over so quickly. I rather not know and give you then have someone outright tell me.

I really wish the clues would start to add up for me B.
My neck is killing me. If you knew how pretty I was you would feel bad ;)

Maybe this is all an inception?

EGB said...

(In my best Marge Simpson voice) I guess I am just a lame

WUWT? said...

B, when you say This Person could be the source of *this very blind*, do you mean that Enty could be the Blackmailer of this blind and using this gossip forum as the means to reveal what the woman does not want revealed? That would be very low down dirty, and I don't believe it, but I don't know what else you'd mean.

Unknown said...

Is it a name that a regular gossip enthusiast would recognise?

DisembodiedThumb said...

This has been driving me crazy, can someone please take pity and email me at my handle at gmail? Thanks in advances.

Roman Holiday said...

Wow it is Sunday morning and this shit is still going on? Bprofane I do think you like to stir the pot whether you said that or not! There really was no reason for you to say anything to anyone. You could have emailed Enty and let him know how "easy" it was to track him down. So I am with Libby and think that you are looking for attention! Well I guess you got it huh?

Unknown said...

I think there was no harm in doing it. It was sort of like a blind item. And commenters go to similar lengths to find the answer to blind items.

Surely Enty has weighed up the consequences of being caught by now. He obviously feels safe enough to continue to post.

Megerz said...

B. I just want to know how West Side Story ended. Can you please give me the initials of who shot Tony?

Nooo...Really? said...

Guys, the only thing is that I feel like the last kid being picked for a game of kickball! I would give my email, and seriously considered it, but it is my name. I also considered creating a second handle/gmail account...that is how bad I want to play kickball!

bdalpe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bdalpe said...

I can't believe we're all still going at it, 2 full days later!!!

Laura said...

I'm feeling slightly offended that I was never emailed on FB! I must not be pretty enough! Ha JK, that is pretty odd. I can't figure it out but I have enjoyed the ride.

Anonymous said...

David Berson?

AlexT said...

Don't feel bad, Nooo... I managed to miss the big clue-reveals (if you could call them that) twice and still have no idea what people are talking about, and am just about out of fucks to give.

Superwife said...

I think I found The Person but can't link that any further. I'm stumped on Golden Cite and family connection and the CO$ clues. Under your nose is throwing me off too. What led me to where I am now is the hint to look at some top links and follow this like an investigator or cop. I think that got me close but not close enough. Can someone email me?

White lilly said...


I thought the same thing, lol!! The funny thing is at the beginning I didn't care because I was sure I wouldn't know who they're talking about but now, my curiosity got me.
If I give my email, would somebody email me the answer??? Lol

Laura said..., anyone........Bueller, Bueller?

Unknown said...

Enty hasn't tweeted for a few hours which is unusual. It's midnight in Australia and usually he starts tweeting around (my time) 1030pm.

Unknown said...

Though I guess it is early Sunday morning in the US..

IDoTheRobot said...

Wow. Just wow!

Cassiopeia said...

If you think you know, do not post his/her full name.
I think we should stop playing this game.
No blog post yet today. :(
I do not want him/her to go away!

Deed75 said...

I think I may have figured it out, though I think the person is not easily searchable... you have to look through the company. I have no clue about the smoking gun- if it involves a man. But, if it's who I think it is, then MV might be Madonna.

IDoTheRobot said...

So, my guess for MV is Cher or Faith Hill.

Deed75 said...

Oh! I missed those too.

Nooo...Really? said...

I do not think there is a worry of this going away; first off, because we are the protectors, have been for many years.

Alex, I'm in much the same boat and find myself trying to fit pieces of the puzzle together because I have missed days of information and some reveals.

More worrisome to me is the new twist in lingo...the using of so many initials. I too far behind to be able to stay caught up with the current posting style.

libby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
IDoTheRobot said...

@Deed I forgot to include Madonna in my list too. But I think it's for sure one of them.

Nooo...Really? said...

Golden Circle = McDonalds?

Mrswife29 said...

I'm concerned about Enty--no posts in 24 hours is weird.

Nooo...Really? said...

Enty is having too much fun with us right now...:-D

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
libby said...

Thanks for the two who wrote me....I'm 'just a lame' too, on a Sunday morning.

Cassiopeia said...

Well, regardless, don't be so obvious.
How are we "protectors"?

I don't think MV can be Cher. She has been around since the 60s. It's definitely her voice.

IDoTheRobot said...

@Libby, me too. But frankly idgaf if I'm lame! :P

smash said...

Wow way to be bitchy when my comment wasnt directed toward anyone.

I do not want to know who enty is unless I can figure it out on my own. That is all I was saying. Jesus...

Nooo...Really? said...

Credit for the invention of the blind item is given to a man named Colonial William d’Alton Mann...
The extent of my sleuthing prowess. =.=

smash said...

And to be clear Libby and ido.

I was talking about the 15 or so other people I saw jump on the bandwagon of giving in. That is all.

Nooo...Really? said...

Goes: for many years trolls have come and gone each leaving a string of accusations. It was the integrity of this blog community that has chased each one away. We have protected and will continue to stand up for our entertainment high!

White lilly said...

Can somebody email me the answer?

Staple611 said...

I don't post often, but I feel compelled to here. I have read this blog from literally the very first week. I am a lawyer, which I've mentioned several times here when I post - which is not that common. Plus, I always post under "Unknown" because I don't want to go through the trouble of putting together another Gmail account just for this blog.

Anyway, I've always been suspect of the way Enty talks about the law - when he gets enraged over certain verdicts or case issues or criminal justice one-offs he posts on here. The main reason is, that's just not something I see in my line of business very often - I practice trial law in one of the biggest three cities in the country and know hundreds if not thousands of lawyers, and by and large, we aren't all "OMG" about some of the legal things that Enty seems to be "OMG!!" about, if that makes sense. We just shrug our shoulders. I thought this just the other day about the Norway killer post. For that reason alone, I always wondered if he was really a lawyer for that reason alone.

Until the Post article came out and said he was a probate lawyer. THAT made sense to me. I know several probate lawyers at my firm (in offices other than mine) who work for entertainers (including one that shows up here as a hot mess regularly), but they do tax work, estate work, money stuff, really - and will frequently describe themselves as entertainment lawyers, or describe themselves as doing legal work for entertainers. Also, though, transactional lawyers aren't doing litigation and would be more suprised by some of the crazy judge/sentencing/justice issues that litigators/trial attorneys see every day - which also made sense to me how he would be "OMG!!" about some things. So to make a short story long, reading that he was a probate lawyer made a lot of things that didn't make sense to me, suddenly make sense.

I was actually in court all day on Friday, and don't typically check the blog on Saturday, so I just sat at my computer for 90 minutes and read all of these clues and posts, etc. (most of the important ones deleted). So I haven't followed any clues, I haven't tried to piece anything together, etc., because I just got to the game too late. But if the person you found is really an ENTERTAINMENT lawyer in the true sense of the word, I bet it's not Enty.

Cassiopeia said...

I get ya Nooo , but one never knows.
No one was on the right track before tho...that's assuming we are now. :/

KS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Silly Girl said...

I don't see my other posts, but here goes again....I don't even know anyone else who reads CDAN, so I don't have anyone to go OMG about this with! I know no one in the industry, let alone who is a lawyer. I am just a good old fashioned celebustalker who really wants to actually know, or be right, about one little blind item! I'd take knowing ALL the reveals over knowing who Enty is, but if anyone is so inclined to email me a direction to start searching (or the answer, for petes sake!), please feel free!
My husband would appreciate me not spending any more time random google searching things. He truly doesn't care. :)

Cassiopeia said...

I will email you if your offer to exchange gossip still stands. Lol :)

Nooo...Really? said...

Goes: I'm with ya on this double-sided coin. I feel that there is no way it can be put 'out there' if Ent is as vulnerable as the post makes him out to be. He just would't let the commenting take him down. So on the other side, I think he is with us as we try to solve this much like the timmy/shimmy post. They are two different types of blinds but the 'behind-the-scenes control is there.

With that said, COMMON SENSE must prevail. LOL...easier said than done, I know from personal experience.

White lilly said...

Being together for a few years with a lawyer I always wondered that about Enty, how the gets upset/eraged about some veridicts when most lawyers just know that's how the law works. And now that I went back and read some of the post in the beginning of the blog I can tell the writing is somewhat different, making me belive that there's more than just one "Enty" posting right now...

libby said...

It does not make sense that this person would have solicited money from the blog....

And that's Madonna's voice. It was sped up unmercifully to make her voice higher, and therefore 'younger'. She was mid-20's and they were trying to appeal more to teens. S was supposed to be a GOOD, maybe great singer. Whatever appeared on Madonna's album never was good singing.

I guess I will search further, instead of dousing others' MV guesses!

smash said...

What if MV was someone like Whitney Housten great? I believe Whitney sang most of her own music so it is probably not her.

Ent said it would rock the foundation of music, but then said she had 40 hits, could have been chart toppers could have stayed at 30. Also the clue about the hyphen in their name or spouses name. And they do have atleast 1 child.

I am more interested in finding out MV then the identity of the author. :)

IDoTheRobot said...

Hey @ Lisa,

Email me

Nooo...Really? said...

White: busy folks have assistants. I always felt that there was more than one person posting, even back in the shimmy days. Really, it is here nor there just a different writing style. I see this as a mute point of discussion, given I feel it to be fact.

White lilly said...

I really doubt that Madonna, Cher or Whitney is MV simply because They've been around too long. I thought it could be JLo cause I belive her voice is so blah but she used to be a backing vocal for Janet Jackson (there's a video where you can see her).
To me, the stronger canditate would be Britney because she lip-synchs. But at the same time, Enty says it would freak everybody out so it should be someone that everyone thinks can sing. OTH, he could just trying to throw us off...

Staple611 said...

@White Lilly - thanks for dating a lawyer, sometimes it's hard for people to find us tolerable :)

I definitely know what you mean about the blog tone changing from the beginning, but always wondered if that's just how it's developed over time and that Enty's just found a different voice. I've always been able to give him the benefit of the doubt on that.

But I really do think he's a probate lawyer, like the article said. The only thing that ever made me doubt Enty was a lawyer was the things that Enty himself said about the law - but if I start with the premise he's a probate lawyer, it actually fits. I just don't think he's an entertainment lawyer in the real sense that people would typically use that word.

Amber said...

Aaand we have Twitter action again. I've been following this while on my road trip, and unfortunately was asleep when goes in circles posted what B said to delete. I thought maybe I had it yesterday, but it doesn't seem as shocking as it's coming across from those who have figured something out. Oh well.

Amber said...

Hmmm. I thought JLo was just a dancer for Janet?

Nooo...Really? said...

I'm just going to throw this out there and will try to keep the explanation short. I have felt that I've know who Ent was since way back.

I was curious to see what would come from this post and round of sleuthing to see if I could confirm my guess. I think that I'll be much happier just thinking that I Sunday is slipping away and I need to enjoy what is left of the weekend!

As MidwestSurfer (can't remember if I used a space between the 2 words) I commented on a post. That comment was verbiage including a 1st and last name. My comment was deleted and I was no longer able to get into the CDAN website. I was certain I had been blocked and I guessed it was because my comment hit close to home.

I found a back door and never commented again because I did not want to be found out yet I had to have my CDAN. I won't share that back door, I don't know if it still exists, and if it does I may need it again. :-D

I have held this to myself all these years, number one because I felt foolish of my comment and two, because I had been banned.

Based on a couple of comments here today, although there is now way I can follow the clues because I have always been sucky at that, I think I'm still right after all these years.

Cassiopeia said...

I posted his undergrad major...and deleted it.

It's shocking I guess, but I have no idea who this you it is more of an "oh. " than a "OMG!"
if this person is him.

White lilly said...


Was she? I don't know, I just saw her on the video, here it is:

P.S.: I just did a little research and found out she was a dancer not a singer. So it might as well be her...

KS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber said...

Goes - I guess it's all relative. I feel like I'd have the same "oh" reaction. The only satisfaction would come from completing the puzzle, but then what?

Laura said...

I remember you MidwestSufer, that is an interesting account of what happened to you. Thank you for sharing.

Amber said...

I think something ppl aren't always considering, is that it would have been shocking at the time of the blind - not necessarily NOW. It's 5+ years later, and we know a lot more about these ppl and their careers than we did at that time.

White lilly said...


Oh, I know what you mean, lol. Sometimes he really drives me crazy but at the end of the day, it's all worth it. Plus, I always think that if I ever need a lawyer, I got one for free, lol.

But I see what you mean with changing the voice, after all, the blog has been around since 2006...

smash said...

The last clues of the children, husband or her with hyphenation were both from 2010. I think that is a good place to start. Maybe Aaliyah?

djphob said...

I reread ALL the MV guesses/clues the other day and I still have no clue who it is. My brain kept going back to Jessica Simpson.

Enty said MV was not married when it was originally posted but had been since. The MV had appeared in commercials. They were a worldwide success.

Also pretty sure Enty ruled out Beyonce and Britney.

I think he said she had a child as well? Goodness. My brain is just a mess after reading all these comments and going back over MV yesterday.

If only I were, like, cataloging Amazonian insects or something useful. Wait...

libby said...

BTW, my only guess for MV has always been Shania Twain. Her husband, Mutt Lange (sp) --the music world WOULD be rocked heavily if he were found out as a faker.

I KNOW, Enty said MV is an American...but obfuscation, and all that.

Firstly, it initially bugged me that Shania was a HORRIBLE lip-syncher is her otherwise over-slick video productions. THEN, when I saw pre-Mutt video of her singing at a pageant, before she was famous--I was like, 'Wow, THAT'S supposed to be the same person on the albums? I noticed it way before CDAN, right when she was peaking. She's the only singer who seems to really fit, other than the American part....perhaps NORTH American? That's a good fudge.

I know, I know. Something was terribly fishy about her career though. She came on fast, made HUGE cash for her & her husband, then disappeared.
Has anyone taken a critical ear to ANY recent singing she has done, someone who knows 'her voice'?

I can't remember who else noticed ST fits, earlier in this thread. I am avoiding the long scroll though, lol.

Unknown said...

Aguilera - "voice of a generation" no children not married back then. huge advertising success. now going downhill

otherwise really shocking would be Tina Turner, Diana Ross, Barbara Streisand and some other heavyweights.

White lilly said...


You know, it does make sense. But she never had a hyphenated name, had she? And she was already married, wasn't she? And as fas as being American. Although I've said I'm not American, I actually am, but South American :)

White lilly said...

@Unknown, I doubt it's Aguilera, that girl can sing. Unless she has found some replacement for S as good as her...

smash said...

I made my own cookie dough ice cream last night with tollhouse chocolate chip lovers cookie dough and vanilla bean haagan das. Man! It was good!

IDoTheRobot said...

Mmmmm @smash that sounds awesome.

I made cheesecake last night but you win for sure!

libby said...

White lilly---I thought it was the HUSBAND who had a nickname or hyphenated name.

Mutt is Robert Lange's nickname. And he was born in then-Rhodesia, which is really f'ing foreign compared to Canada.

libby said...

I mean if birthplace details were switched as part of obfuscation, that is.

White lilly said...


Oh, then it makes sense...

Amber said...

If you watch The Voice, you know Aguilera can sing. He LETS you know every chance she gets - sings during mentor sessions, sings during judging, etc.

libby said...

If I were a fan, I would have known this---But Mutt left Shania for her best friend, THEN Shania married the best friend's hubby!

Swingers? Swappers? Juicy juicy.

Btw, I can't find Shania's old pageant singing videos on the internet. If anyone else can, let me know....TIA.

Jemtastic said...

@ Libby: I have searched and searched and can't find a recent live performance for Shania. Everything but the US-born part fits her...the nicknamed husband, the haughty attitude, her singing prowess (she was one of the original VH1 Divas), the kid, the world's maddening.

Oddly enough, one of the comments in the original BI brought up Beyonce and a singer named Lyndriette. Seems like Beyonce may have followed MV's blueprint because there's no way the girl singing on her first two albums is the the same one on her last two efforts.

Amber said...

And Shania would definitely technically be (North) American as Libby said.

Nooo...Really? said...

Laura: thanks for the validation.
I should check to see if the back door is still there a messaging board still associated with this CDAN?

libby said...

Amber---at the time of the MV blind, this blog was at least half-Canadian in commenters. it was set to Pacific time back then and all. Lots of Vancouver folks 'not foreign-born' could have been a very easy fudge.

smash said...

Beyonce was ruled out.

Ido- my boyfriend loves cheesecake! I made him one for his 30th with a berry sauce, then I topped it with blueberries with 30 in strawberries and strawberries around the rim. It was huge!

The ice cream was delicious and put me in a comma at around 12am :)

libby said...

Jemtastic---YES! Interesting info about Beyonce...was this Lyndriette before or after DC?

smash said...

Holy crap! Patti Labelle was born Patricia Louise Holt-Edwards

smash said...

She only had one birthchild and has only been married once according to wiki. THIS would be shocking no?

libby said...

FYI, smashbash, Patti Labelle's looks were considered a liability when she was trying to make it.
I think she's been around too long also. JMO

smash said...

Thanks Libby. Your right, the mv singer was probably a flash in the pan big at the time now not maybe.

Unknown said...

So the four for friday:

1. The Model
2. The "Handler"
3. Entydentity
4. MV


elle said...

Is there a J and/or a T in that person's name?

Jemtastic said...

Lyndriette would be after DC around the time of Beyonce originally going solo and after (including the final bone she threw the other DC girls) but before the Sasha Fierce fiasco. I understand maturing as an artist but do voices really change that much? Of course there's a difference between a studio recording and a live performance but there has to be a semblance of the familiar between the tones/timbre/pitch/whatever (I'm not musically trained but I can recognize when something doesn't sound the same).

Can Beyonce sing? Of course but her voice within the last 4 or so years is not the same from her 'Crazy in Love' days.

Unknown said...

Some aspects can be trained, so your "voice" can change. Especially when you change the music style you train different aspects, then it depends how you use your head-voice / chest-voice ratio. Plus, after mastering the tapes you cannot say much about the original...

Agent**It said...
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Unknown said...

if the reveal of mv would shake the foundation - can it be then that the singer was induced in the all time hall of fame? Like Tammy Vynette (Wynette-Pugh) - the country music hall of fame or June Carter-Cash the christian music hall of fame? this may really shake it.

A Britney Spears would not surprise too much. Like Milli Vanilli and others, especially with so much electronic changes and lip-syncing.

Bri said...

Can someone please email me a clue or the name? I really have been reading this blog for so long, no one else I know does. Just for curiosity sakes, I must know. Also- shania sings- its not her. She sang live with Lionel Richie on a new CD- so it's not her. :)

libby said...

Yeah, Bri, I heard she had that duet---but was it the SAME voice as on her hits? She also 'sang live' at a beauty pageant way back, and the voice was TOTALLY different.

BerniniBellini said...

B. Profane, I think I know who That person may be. Your 'flowers' and 'Golden Cite' confirmed that for me. If I am right, I am letting out a great, big sigh right now. Whew! It really IS all in the family, isn't it? Is there in an L in That Person's initials? Can you confirm that I am right?

Hi to everybody here at CDaN. I've been lurking here since the early days, and usually get the blinds wrong, so hopefully I am on the right track with B. Profanes puzzle.

BerniniBellini said...
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Unknown said...

Has anyone considered that that inflated ego with a keyboard, a.k.a. B. Profane might be barking up the wrong tree and is totally wrong?

Give it a rest, B., you attention whore.

Agent**It said...
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WUWT? said...

I think B IS "giving it a rest" or has been banned.... He has not rejoined the conversation today, has he?

BerniniBellini said...

Yes, this could all be made up, and B. profane could be blwing smoke, but it's the chase that is fun! I love a good mystery. :)

libby said...

Agent, do we know that for sure? How? Just curious.

No one is saying B is stupid, just needy in a particular way.

libby said...

Perhaps you're being sarcastic? There needs to be a sarcasm font, dammit!

libby said...

If the answer is who I've been pointed to, yes, it makes sense but who really cares? It's not like Enty is Conor Cruise or something. THAT would be awesome.

Unknown said...

Agent**It: Mr Yale Graduate school makes a point of asking where enty's email address is because he thinks he's figured out who he is and wants to warn him to delete some posts so he can protect his identity, and then starts a 500 post thread about his identity. wtf? i enjoy this blog and don;t want it to end. To B. Profane, it's all about his ego and not Enty's identity. Asshole.

and do you get my point about the irony of B. being able to find out Enty's identity but not his email address which is found by clicking THE BIG FUCKING YELLOW ENVELOPE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU !!!!!

djphob said...

IIRC, Enty said EITHER MV or her husband had a hyphenated nickname.

I'll tell you why Jessica Simpson stands out to me... For one, does she ever sing anymore? Two, I can see Pimpa pulling this kind of ish. We all know how well Ashlee sings... But three...

Britney, Xtina, take your pick---you can usually find videos of them singing as kids where they sound good. MMC, fairs, whatever.

Look at young J-Simp:

Not to mention I've never seen someone work SO HARD to appear to not be lip synching live. She pretty much eats the microphone.

But I'm not sure she had a kid when Enty said she would have.

Enty's timeline, even if you don't place it starting in 2001 (assuming he fudged it) it still doesn't imply it's someone who has been around as long as Babs, etc.

Also, did J-Lo sing in Selena? That would imply she would've had to have had the same "S" from then to album time. But I don't know if she was lip synching actual Selena recordings.

Add me to the list of people who don't care what B. is up to. I had fun trying to figure it out, even if I never did. And it was fun to read a bunch of old posts. I was home sick yesterday so I needed something to do besides watch movies. (I watched Ghostbusters, Clueless, Baby's Day Out, My Girl, Shaun of the Dead and the Reds game... my brain needed stimulation!)

We really need a forum to talk in.

@libby Ahaha, Conor Cruise.

Amber said...

The only reason I'd even be interested in Enty's identity is just for confirmation that the stuff we're reading has some degree of validity/credibility. Other than that? Meh. Don't want the guy to get busted out.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Midwestsurfer...I remember you!

Libby, I never thought about the American clue being anything but a US citizen but you are right. At the time I was totally on the Shania train until the American clue. Up until then someone made a VERY compelling argument. I just don't think that many people would be at all surprised about Britney or JLo lipsynching. My only beef was would Shania rock the music world? Maybe at the time she would have rocked the country music world?

Unknown, I think what you said about estate/probate/tax lawyers could also apply to intellectual property lawyers which doesn't make the major that circles posted all that strange since it is not an uncommon major for intellectual property/patent lawyers.

Agent**it said...

Barney of course.!

OneGirlRevolution said...

djphob, I was on my way over to watch movies with you until you got to the reds game (I love ALL of those movies)...hope you feel better.

The update mv (with clues) was what? 2009? Jessica Simpson didn't have a kid then. Otherwise I'd totally believe pimpa simpson would do this

gembellina said...
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Slap-n-Tickle said...

@djphob - JLO lipsynched in Selena. Selena's father wanted Selena's voice used in the movie about her life.

On another note, who is this site's bete noire? To me, it's hard to say there's just one.

Luthien said...
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Megerz said...

I'm curious, is there anything that completely ruled out J Lo? Because I think it's her.

L said...

it's funny to see all the frenzy! i am lucky i live so far away there is no point in me even trying to look.. so that takes a lot of pressure off. what is also funny is that people go to great length to delete posts when anyone who has commented early has received an email for each of the comments made..
p.s. Botany! haha

WUWT? said...

Oh, man, you guys, I think I know who B. Profane really is! You look back to that one thread with the 600 comments (not this one, and not that other one either, but the "event" one), and look for the clues about who he knows and works with, and then compare it to his new job he mentioned this week and THERE'S ONLY ONE OBVIOUS PERSON! You won't believe it! Quick, post your email addresses!

Ok, seriously: The thing is, I think B.Profane is getting a bad rap here today (and if you look back you know I was NOT in support of the big search, so I have no reason to support him now, which makes what I'm saying somewhat impartial). He may or may not have figured That Person out, but "everyone" wanted clues. If he did figure it out, you have to admire his restraint in not making it obvious, and in demanding that certain posts be deleted; and if he didn't figure it out, I think the number of posts here over the weekend shows that many of us followed it keenly just in case. I'm not sure he was just seeking attention, because if he was, he could have gotten a lot more by not being so hard to understand.
For what it's worth, I hope he's not banned because I do think if he did figure it out he did a good job NOT spilling the beans.

Anonymous said...

He specifically stated for MV that the year 2000 was arbitrary.

News said...

Heidi and Flavio Briatore, she was lost in a world where she did not feel conformable was the weird faces she had at the Formula 1, where as many models was paid to attend. I am sorry but every bit of this blind is her life.

Not sure what is the point to find out who is enty, can't care less

Unknown said...

I've been reading this blog for years and this post for days now. I can't figure it out at all. Would anyone like to email me please?

OneGirlRevolution said...


chilonj said...

I've been reading this blog since before it was white on black text (I remember asking enty to change it back). Just wondering what the hell a 'blue meanie' is (outside of Yellow Submarine) and 'Golden Cite'. The obtuse 'clues' aren't clues at all. Can someone please SPEAK ENGLISH?

Unknown said...

I've just finished reading all the comments (I couldn't help myself, I can't resist looking at a train wreck) and think we should just give it a rest. If we like this blog and enjoy Enty, let's circle our wagons and protect him, not out him. It's not nice to out people, right?

If you've posted your email address, it might be a good idea to delete it.

Now, about the actual blind, I hope the blackmailer contracts some sort of STD and his balls rot.

chilonj said...

@Barney Rubble hear hear! Can we all just get back to normal? It really doesn't matter who Enty is. What matters is that the blog continues, people keep commenting on the posts and the world keeps spinning as normal.

And yes, the blackmailer should rot.

Anonymous said...
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AlexT said...

Re: MV being Shania Twain - I don't think so. This is super-credible, I realize, so take it with the usual grain of salt- but one of my exes' brothers-in-law opened for her when she was still mostly touring.

Fake singer? False. According to the brother-in-law, she can sing like hotcakes. Giant bitch who wouldn't talk to anybody or even touch the food that the opening bands had touched because she was so much better than them? True.

Also, you can google old Youtubes of "Eilleen Twain" from when she was performing in the 80s, before she stole that other girl's name and pretended she was part native.

Mango said...

I don't think MV is Shania, either. I remember seeing a documentary about her years ago and they showed a few moments footage of her singing at some Canadian resort (when she was singing to support the family... *sniff*) and her voice sounded basically the same.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Well poo, AlexT and Mango. I think, then, it must be someone back into the early 90s. Therefore, I have no idea...again.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Has anyone guessed Faith Hill? I don't know enough about her to argue but she was really big in the 90s.

Sue T. said...

Based on the clues, MV has got to be either Britney or J-Lo. I'm convinced both of them have lots of help in the recording studio -- two Swedish singers, Robyn and Emma Nilsdotter, are thought to appear on many of Brit's albums. You can find horrible sounding recordings of Britney's "real" voice online, and J-Lo seems to avoid singing "live" whenever possible. I think J-Lo is a better guess than Britney because even five years ago, no one would have been shocked at MV being Brit, but J-Lo was much more popular then as a recording artist. The only thing that doesn't totally fit is that J-Lo hasn't done much if any touring.

Different Guest said...

I'm on the Janet Jackson bandwagon for MV. The only thing off in the blind would be the date. That revelation would rock the music industry given her success. If Enty is an Estate/Trust/Probate lawyer he would definitely know about marriages and children - because a biological child can contest a will if they are not mentioned.

DeBarge could be a stretch of the hyphenation clue.

She released greatest hits CDs in 2010 and 2011.

Enty's dislike of Co$ could go back to Michael Jackson's marriage to Lisa Marie Presley - rumored to be an attempt by the Co$ to get ahold of the music catalog.

Staple611 said...

@Lola, you're right, it could be a patent/trademark/copyright lawyer who was a transactional attorney (everyone I know in this weird area of the law is a patent litigator) - BUT the reason I zeroed in probate law was because of the Post article, where the author stated that (a) Enty was a lawyer, and (b) was a probate lawyer.

Different Guest said...

Unknown, are you familiar with NY attorney designations? Would Probate attorney indicate someone who does Estate Planning (who would be privy to a whole lot of secrets and contracts re:royalties being paid after death) or someone just does probate?

OneGirlRevolution said...

Right, I mentioned intellectual property/patent because of the botany thing. They are also,imo, on the list of wonks who exist in their own little legal world. An intellectual property lawyer could also reasonably be labeled an entertainment lawyer under the right circumstances.

I would totally buy that he's a probate (or tax) lawyer though.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Different, I'm (obviously) not Unknown but many estate planners are also transactional probate attorneys but they do not necessarily go hand in hand. Some are also probate litigators but they are generally a separate specialization.

Kloie said...

OK, pretty sure I found the guy (yes, guy) B. Profane was getting at. Not going to post it here. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to take from it now that it's out there, but I guess I feel better now that I found someone who matched his clues.

Different Guest said...

Thanks Lola, I just wondered if in NY the estate planners are referred to as probate attorneys. In my state on the West Coast people with money want avoid probate at all costs and would go to an Estate Planning Attorney who would also handle the probate if/when they shuffle off this mortal coil.

S2 said...
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NK said...
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NK said...
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smash said...

Don't him.

astrogirl said...

Good on you NK. Slow clap for you. Feel really superior and smug now???. I hope you are wrong you fucking idiot, others here have shown a bit of restraint in posting names, obviously you don't have any love for Enty or you wouldn't be so STUPID

Why can't you all see you're going to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

dia papaya said...

We just killed the Golden Goose. Is this the end of CDaN?

astrogirl said...

dia I don't understand the witch hunt. He gives us free entertainment and good gossip and a fun place to hang out, but that's not good enough.

Enty will be scared to give us good stuff if he has to look over his shoulder all the time.

Come on guys, enough is enough

Mango said...

NK, if you don't think that is who Enty is, then take down your guess, douche nozzle.

Mango said...

Oh and I can't forget to thank B. Profane for starting this witch hunt.

Take a bow.

dia papaya said...

S2 & NK - Please take it down. I'm not ready for Enty and CDaN to go away.

This is a great community. Let's keep it going!!!

Amber said...

If you are on a mobile and don't know how to delete your comment, scroll to the bottom and click view web version. Go find your comments and click the trash can, IIRC.

For shame.

StellaCreepella said...

Every comment by B. Profane has been "removed by the author"....

Amber said...

I guess we now wait 8 hrs and 15 minutes to see what happens. SMH.

Agent**It said...

@StellaCreepella , many readers who subscribed to this post likely have documentation of all of his comments.

smash said...

Don't be fooled! That is not who he is*** my comment was autocorrected.

Calm down. B is not planning on outting him. It is other people I worry about. So let's just move along. :) nothing to see here.

StellaCreepella said...

Agent, I was just thinking aloud ;) I thought it was a little odd that they'd all been removed.

Well...shiz got real with a quickness, didn't it? :(

Agent**It said...

Yes but now unwarranted attention will be brought to Enty because assholes will be calling that guy's company and all kinds of stupid crap will now happen. Nice going BP, you created a fabricated shit storm that others have to pay for.

Agent**It said...

Hi StellaCreepella, love your name !

The above comments were directed to Smash's comments at 10:01, didn't want you to think I was.. too... creepy:)

StellaCreepella said...

Haha no, not at all :)

StellaCreepella said...

600! Yesssssss!!!

Different Guest said...

Don't know if the individual mentioned is Enty. Do think that B.Profane wants to stir up a shitstorm for the individual.

Mango said...

@ B. Profane - don't you think you owe the CDaN community an explanation as to why you deleted all of your comments?

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