Friday, July 27, 2007

So I Need Your Help

I have found someone who I think will be great for the next actress revealed mystery. Unlike with Dominique I'm planning on doing something a little different this time around. This new actress is extremely well known to all of you even if you don't know it.

The plan is to let all the readers ask her questions although I don't know if that's going to be to help determine her identity or if they will be for after.

However, none of that will be be relevant or even matter if she turns me down. I had to remain anonymous because you know that's what I do. Even though I know her, I approached her anonymously and so she wants to know who I am first. I hesitate to do that and so I'm hoping that through your MANY comments today you will convince her to participate. Once you figure out who it is, you will LOVE asking her questions.

So please comment away today and convince her to participate or I will have to let her know who I am and then there will be another person who knows and I would really rather avoid that. I know I can trust her but what if I get drunk one night and make a move on her and then she gets pissed and comes on here and just reveals all. You just never know.
I won't give her any initials yet. I'm still thinking of what would work the best. You either are going to get her quickly, or not without many questions. I haven't figured how you will do yet.


merrick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReluctantBride said...

YAY!! Come play with us! This site is loads of fun & we would love whoever you are even more & become better fans!

Jim said...

Yeah, it is cool as hell when regular people get to chat with the stars. And who doesn't love a good mystery?

Come play with us!!

Chicky said...

New girl, come out to playyyyy...

merrick said...

Like the bi's arent enuf to keep me from working .. hell ya ..bring on the "mystery" date ...

mandjo said...

Hey Mystery Actress, you simply MUST do this. You will be the talk of the Blog for weeks-months even!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure it would be fun listening to the, perhaps, way off guesses we will come up with.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna agree with mandjo. Not only would it be fun for us trying to guess who it is and reading the stories, but It will be fun for her as well! I'm sure all our totally wrong guesses and out of left field speculations and dissections of everything would have to be humorous!

Unknown said...

U know, I didn't know DS at all until she came on here as ZX. But I did like getting some insight on her daily happenings, and it was cool to get that inside view from a celebrity's perspective, as opposed to how the paps/gossip mags twist it.

So yeah, come play with us.

mandjo said...

Look how many comments have been left already! Imagine if you feed our hungry little minds with clues to who you are.

dreadpiratecuervo said...

Are we guessing yet? Chloe Sevigny? LOVE in caps = Big Love?

mandjo said...

I'm not crazy, but I'm already studying her legs, feet, shoes,etc. I know I'm not alone in this!haha

judyfutterman said...

I'm guessing Jennifer Love Hewitt. She uses her middle name as a nickname - LOVE

Unknown said...

What? No Lou's? :)

Unknown said...

Whoooee, this type of action elicited soooooo much excitement/controversy/attention the last time I'm not sure I'm up to another. We get to ask the questions huh? This is a tough crowd. Could be way entertiaining though. Try it you'll like it.+

__-__=__ said...

Oh yes! Please come tell us tales!! We all know here that truth is stranger than fiction!!

kimmypie1 said...

I agree. With Dominique, I didn't really know who she was, but once she was here as ZX, I started to follow her career and will definitely be more inclined to see something that she is in now that I have had some insight into her personal life.

So does this mean DS is not going to be gracing us with her presence anymore? :(

parisss said...

Miss Actress- It truly will be an experience if you'd come out and play. Besides all the butt-kissing we all will do once we figure out who you are, and the renting of anything you've appeared in, and all the loyal fans who would now go to see anything you appear in (along with all the people we told about you).... You will have a million and a half laughs with our detective/guesswork. We'll think you are every person under the sun. We'll read something in CAPS, and KNOW that it is for sure a clue. We'll make it into a god blessed Agatha Christie novel. We will fight over who you are, if you exsist, and why we KNOW we are right.

You are Lindsey Lohan aren't you? I don't know, something about the way Enty described you... :)

mandjo said...

Erika Christensen!

Unknown said...

Join the fun!

Mother Campfire said...

Those do look like they'd be Erika's feet. Oddly.

Tracee said...

Join our blog! Some of us, (myself included) can get a bit raunchy, and for the most part the folks here are funny and effin clever. For the most part we do what we do best — gossip.

We might dissect every single thing in a post and photo, but please remember that when we do this it's just showing our interest. Can't wait to meet you!

Now, let's get to business. How was your day? Do you have a boyfriend? And most importantly, what's your shoe size? (Inside joke, sorry) :)

Unknown said...

Please come join us, Mystery Actress! It'll be tons of fun, I promise!
Have you received any awards yet? Have you been in any blockbuster movies?
Please join us! We'll be really kind to you!

mandjo said...

TV? Movies? Both?

kellygirl said...

Chloe S would not wear those shoes or that dress. Her wardrobe is far more eclectic.
And it's not JLoveH's body.
Maybe erika.
See, looks like we already decided to initiate her in. She might as well just join in the fun.

clueless said...

please come and join our fun. it is fun to guess the BI's or at least try to guess the BI's.I like reading about other people's lives especially actors.

Sparkwee said...

Ginnifer Goodwin maybe? I like the Big Love guess from the "LOVE" clue.

Come on! Let's be friends :)

merrick said...

hey mandjo .. i was totally looking at the shoes and was sure it was molly sims ...

Hez said...

Atta boy, Enty. Always thinkin about how to make it more interesting for us kids.

I can guarantee Mystery Actress will have MUCH more fun here with us now that the trolls have been made to hit the dusty trail. (Poor DS had to put up with some very bitchy people! Good riddance to all of that!)

A simple request for next time though, Enty - can you start hooking us up with hot, mysterious MALE actors that we can then fawn over? (I mean, fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, Hez gotta flirt with more dudes before they die...)

jlb said...

Allo MA (mystery actress) will find no better celebrity blog out there to play with. The regulars here are smart & very funny and refrain from spewing the crap you generally find from commentors on other sites (especially since we're all named now). Ent is very protective of all his 'girls' and would never do anything to purposly harm your career so you can feel safe revealing tidbits about your life. everyone else said come on out and play! :)

anon said...

j- You just made Ent sound like a pimp! HA!!! Ent and his ho's!

Tracee said...

LOL! Hez, you're on to something! So no one feels left out, maybe Ent could wrangle in a mysterious guy actor. Twice the work, -cracking knuckles, stretching legs-, twice the fun...yeah I'm up for it.

Guys I can't guess off a some feet! Of course until I know the SIZE. Heeeheee.

Unknown said...

Hello Ms. Actress,

I would really like you to know that no one else would appreciate you as much as we do here at Ent's blog. Whatever you would like to say, we are always here to listen. So please don't hold back your feelings and just let it all out because we are here for you!


mandjo said...

Hey Donna! I think this girl seems a little shorter than Molly! I dunno though?!

Ice Angel said...

OK! Count me in! Mystery Actress, please come join us. This is such a great bunch and I simply can't get through the day without my dose of Ent! I know you'll find the bunch of people on here (now that anons are unable to post) smart, funny and just enjoy the site without being vulgar or attacking one another like some other sites (that we can leave nameless at this point because we all know who they are!)

Please join in the fun. We'll all promise to play nice in the sandbox!

BTW...I really miss Dominique. What's the latest on her? Is she still in Mexico?

jlb said...

LOL I didn't mean it that way - I was actually thinking of all the girls he likes and drives around....OOOHHH wait..Hmmmm...Ent, do you have a sideline business? **Kidding**

Hez said...

^5 @ j!

Anonymous said...

I'll join the parade here: We had a lot of fun with hearing the ZX/DS stories, and now with the mandatory sign-in, I think we'll get less of the ragging (probably the reason DS stopped.) Those of us in the cold midwest (ok, cold in the winter apparently 90something out there today) need someone else's glamorous life to live.

tigereye said...

I would love another mystery gal! I had fun reading about DS and her life, vicarious stuff, you know =) Also, I'm guessing the photo is of her legs? cause they're nice legs. just sayin'.

jax said...

Red Rover Red rover we call Mystery Actress over!

Come play,we don't bite..welll Enty might.

jax said...

I hope its Erika..I heard she's ballsy.

syd said...

It would be great to read a post from a Mystery Actress without all the trolls. Even the regulars haven't been attacked in a while, it would be the perfect time for another Mystery Actress.

syd said...

I left out something,sorry.:Because we could enjoy it without fights.

Tracee said...

Have you decided yet? Huh?! huh?! Look at this way, you'll make about 100 new friends who'll eat up every word you say. And then you have the option of not listening to us back (by not reading the comments). It's like a relationship with no strings attached!

I loved DS' posts. I miss them! They were mucho entertaining. It was like a having a pen pal you share with 60 people. Plus it's been raining a lot in Texas, almost the whole month of July so haven't enjoyed the summer fun. And I bet you're having summer fun...drool...tell us about sun and surf!

adore said...

Uhh this sounds like fun... C'mon mystery actress it will be uberly fun if you participate :]

ladorabelle said...

Oh, yes. Please come out and play. We promise to play nice. (looks down at shoes sheepishly.)

Unknown said...

You should definitely participate! At the very least, you will be able to strengthen your writing skills, and prove to people that actresses have strong heads on their shoulders. It will definitely be fun!

mandjo said...

Can you swim Mystery Actress? :)

So Jinxed said...

Come on mystery actress, play with us. It'll be fun, especially since there are no more anons, you won't have to worry about all the mean comments that ZX had to put up with.

mandjo said...

This is the best Friday(Blogwise) in a while!!

Anonymous said...

I'm down with it, a new Mystery Actress would be mucho fun

Anonymous said...

however you want to do it ent is cool with me but when it comes time for the reveal that our guesses were right or wrong can we get a video reveal? you know a ten second video post on youtube of our new friends saying "hello everyone at CDAN"

Production Girl said...

Hey Mystery Actress,

Come join us here......I am new too.

Unknown said...

Are you a model? Are your legs insured?

wineaux said...

this is about the only drug we can do without having to go to jail...bring me my gossip! i'm in need of a fix!!

Myself said...

another great idea ent. i am interested in how you are going to approach it. i hope the mystery black dress lady with join in on the fun and you don't have to risk "outing" yourself.

fo real said...

cheers to dat Hez !!!

Thanks EL for thinking this shiat up and I do hope you MA post here it's a really cool thing fo us to have a Q & A

Caroline said...

Oh pleasepleaseplease come forward mystery actress! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease???

schneefloeckli said...

I'm still not over ZX abandoning us and you're already on the lookout for a replacement?

But yeah, another girl for this girly site, yay! I hope she'll decide to join us soon. :-)

Unknown said...

I'll pack something extra in my sack lunch for you like chocolate cupcakes? Please hurry and join our big playground 'cause I gotta head back to the kitchen in time for dinner!

Bryn said...

Please participate. This is the best celebrity blog on the net, and Ent doesn't allow nastiness or vulgar people to ruin the fun - unlike most of the other blogs out there. We'll be nice and it will be fun! Please say yes!


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