Friday, January 29, 2010

Jimmy Kimmel Goes Off On Jay Leno

Calling Jay Leno a tattle-tale, Jimmy Kimmel went off on Jay Leno after Jay whined to Oprah about how nobody likes him anymore for stealing Conan O' Brien's job. I know many of you can't see the video, so let me summarize. A few weeks ago Jimmy Kimmel did his entire show as Jay Leno. Chevy Chase even did a bit dressed like Conan. Jay's people called Jimmy and invited him on the show. Jay's people wanted to talk about Jimmy's favorite junk food and Jimmy wanted to talk about the late night drama. Conflict ensued and then Jay went running to Oprah for salvation and to send Jimmy to Sarah Silverman hell. OK, so maybe he didn't say the last part, but he sure did whine a lot.


Anonymous said...

So over all of this. A bunch of MILLIONAIRES fussing and fighting. Get over it already!

Ms Cool said...

LOL Melody. I do want to say I'm surprised that Leno didn't see it coming.

captivagrl said...

LENO ISN'T FUNNY. He should have left television gracefully. I watched part of the Oprah interview and he's very unlikeable(kinda squirrely). He's still making excuses for the failed prime time show. I won't watch him.

RocketQueen said...

Kimmel rules. Jay is coming off worse and worse to me. He was a petulant, unsympathetic and whiny brat on Oprah.

Suzi3 said...

That was a funny clip from Kimmel, but I do like Jay the best. He's FUNNY to me. I agree with Melody -they are a bunch of millionaires, I don't feel sorry for any of them.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I think they might have made a big mistake with this one. I wonder what the numbers are on how many people watch late night television v.age demographic. That would be interesting.

Sonia in MO said...

I'm just looking forward to the whole thing dying down... it's been rehashed so many times and now it's last week's news. Move on with their shows and let the ratings fall where they may. Conan has been on TV for years - he will rebound just fine and if he's as good as everyone says he his, then his ratings should fly through the roof with a new show. I'm surprised though - with literally everyone around saying how great he was and that they watched him every night - why were his ratings so bad??? I skip a lot of shows on from 8-10 in order to watch the shows I want at 10. If Conan really was not-miss TV, I'd just skip over Jay and watch Conan when he came on. And his ratings were fine for years when he followed the Tonight show with Jay there... why the drop?? It's not making sense to me, when you see shows get canceled all the time.

But... I'm just a consumer - not a big Network executive. What do I know? LOL...

lmnop123 said...

I also think Jay is funny and while sometimes I like Jimmy when I saw the clip on Oprah it seemed like Jimmy was hitting below the belt. Just like Oprah called out Jay for joking about Letterman's wife and infidelity it should be said that it would be beneath Jay to have responded to Jimmy's nasty "so called joke".

califblondy said...

Time to move on.

nancer said...

i can't stand leno. kimmel's much, much funnier than jay ever was.

MnGddess said...

I love how Jay wanted Jimmy on to talk about anything OTHER than the elephant in the room. Jimmy's right. Jay wanted to make Jimmy look silly. Jay has also struck me as a weasel. He wants things he way without getting his hands dirty. Don't watch him anyway. Craig Ferguson is hilarious.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I love Kimmel. He's a straight shooter. Leno is full of shit.

Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

I don't watch a lot of TV, but my late night has always gone: Craig Ferguson -> Conan -> Jimmy. For those thrice yearly nights when I feel like saying hello to late night programming.

jax said...

Leno is so fucking self involved it's not even funny. it's sad that he can't see bowing out and fucking off would have been the 'right thing to do'even though oprah tried about 5 times to get him to save himself.


Patty said...

I'm in the minority, but I always preferred Jay (when I used to watch those shows). Now, I prefer to be in bed reading (or other stuff) by 11:00. Actually, I rarely the big 3 networks anymore (except for Idol or Hell's Kitchen). If it isn't on HGTV, Food Network, Bravo or any of the adjacent cable channels to those mentioned, I'm not watching.

B said...

Wanda Sykes, kids....Wanda Sykes is FUNNY!!!!! I wish she was on every night.

Melody the First said...

Melody, I keep asking you to change your name and you don't so I'm going to change mine. I've been on CDAN for a long time and I post all the time. I disagree with your post so I'm going to state that I do.

Leno is a mindless jerk. Conan's humor was too intelligent -- in fact, the show's producers tried to get him to dumb it down. To his great credit, he refused.

I like Kimmel standing up for Conan. There's a difference between the working rich and titans. Leno is a titan.

ChasingHeaven said...

Jay Leno is a douche lord. He's finally been exposed for the pompous ass that he is and I'm loving every minute of it.

What I don't like is everyone's focus on the money. Yes, it's a large amount of money. I get that. But, it's not about the money. This was Conan's dream. He moved his entire family across the country. His staff did the same. Does anyone stop to think about the non-financial impact this has had on everyone? Conan gets to feel like a failure. Families and children had to leave friends and schools to be the new kid in a new town and new school and now have to readjust again. Staff thought they had a job only now they're suddenly unemployed... Yes, these are all things we've all gone through and have come ok in the end but it could have been prevented by one person had he not been a snake again looking out for #1 at any cost. I can go on and on, I'm just trying to point out it's not about handing over a check and everything is magically fine because it's simply not.

mooshki said...

Melody, be sure to let us know your new username - I like reading your comments and want to know which one's you. Maybe 'Melody (original)' like we have 'Lisa (original)?' :)

The reason Conan's ratings fell is because no one was watching their local NBC news show right before it. The reason no one was watching their local NBC news is because no one was watching Jay. I don't usually watch local news anyway, but when I do it's almost always because of teasers during the last hour of prime-time. And ditto for late-night shows.

mooshki said...

Also, I did an online survey, and from the questions they asked I think they might be considering having Conan take over either Chelsea Lately's or Stephen Colbert's time slot.

Melody the First said...

Hey, Mooshki, I like your posts, too.

The new one is Melody the First (I didn't want to swipe the "original" idea from Lisa lol).

RocketQueen said...

I like "Melody the First" - very royal! ;)

Mooshki - would they move Chelsea (or fingers crossed, ditch her!) or Colbert? Those are two different networks too? I don't get what they're contemplating.

Genesis said...

As someone who is the key demo for kimmel, fallon, ferguson and obrien, I'd much rather be on cafe world....

just sayin

mooshki said...

RQ, I dunno, I think the survey was just gathering info for the networks who are considering hiring him. They asked questions about a lot of late-night shows, but more detailed questions about those two, which made me think they are top contenders. I don't want to move Colbert - they have to have the interaction between him and Jon between the shows. :) I think Chelsea could easily be bumped later.

Do You Come with the Car? said...

I've never understood what people found so appealing about Leno. I've never found him funny and he has always rubbed me the wrong way. His behavior in this entire debacle has been hideous, and blaming Conan's ratings is disgusting and ungentlemanly. Conan's ratings were a direct result of Leno's crappy ratings. I won't be watching Jay's return to Late Night.

Anonymous said...

Before cable (like the Daily Show, etc.) and other more adult late night interests, I watched some late night talk shows. Really, who watches any of these talk shows? What's the demographic?

MCH said...

I don't know if I can see Conan on E! ? And then if Conan moved to Colbert's time slot wouldn't that kind of be the same thing that happened to him? And Colbert would have the right to be pissed also? I can't Conan doing that. He is friends with Colbert and Stewart isn't he?


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