Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jessica Simpson's Boyfriend Is Free To Try And Marry Her

The guy who does nothing all day and night but follow Jessica Simpson around is now free to try and marry her. The divorce of Eric Johnson was finalized last week giving him the chance to do it all over again with Jessica. I know this guy is going to marry her. All of her other boyfriends were not the marrying kind. This guy is and does not want to walk away from this treasure trove. Even if he signs a pre-nup, so what? He is not paying for anything now and at least if he gets married to her and they divorce he will get something. A whole lot more than the $0 a year he earns right now in a job.

You know Jessica wants to get married and probably wants babies. Do you think John Mayer was going to give them to her? Tony Romo? Maybe, but Joe Simpson trying to pull a Kris Jenner and manging him probably hurt that a bit. Oh, and Jessica wanting Tony to dress up like Ken. This Eric guy will give her all of that. Then he will start talking about reality shows and how he is going to have a career and work with Joe and we will all laugh.


MontanaMarriott said...

Uhm last time I checked, Jessica Simpson had no record deal, so what money does she have coming in?!?! He is going to marry her thinking he is "in the money" and end up with one broke busted chick, lol

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Sounds about right.

MISCH said...

I think her licenses bring in a nice amount....and she has a bunch of them.

__-__=__ said...

Run Jessica, Run! Yes, her licensing brings in much money.

MontanaMarriott said...

OOps I always forget about her clothing, perfume and other licenses, I guess Papa Joe isn't such a dumb ass.

Paisley said...

So because he's a guy, it's not all right for him to follow his more successful partner around. But it's okay for male celebs to drag their unemployed girlfriends around?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


For me it's more about her changing the bloody record, than who is dranging who where.

Lady J said...

Who cares? I don't understand why its such a big deal that she is paying for things. If she wants to use HER money and spend it on some guy that she has been with for a few months then let her. Its not hurting anyone. I say take her for whatever she is giving up, he would be a fool not to.
Honestly I hope he does marry her so we don't have to see her anymore. She is BEYOND IRRELEVANT.

RocketQueen said...

I think people care because she genuinely seems to be a naive soul who gets taken advantage of (and degraded, if we want to talk about John Mayer) by the men in her life. This guy's just the latest example.

lanasyogamama said...

I like that she isn't needing to be with a famous guy. If he is nice to her and they get along, leave them alone! She probably just wants to get married and have kids, and they can easily do that on the money she makes. Works that way for men making a lot of money ALL THE TIME.

CDAN Mod said...

Jess Simp is loaded. Papa Simp knew how to get those deals to keep her in the dough. Her handbags and shoes are very popular.

If he wants to be a kept man, he needs to stay low and not try to seek the limelight. If he stays faithful to her, then so be it.

Ariel said...

Ok Enty, this guy went to Yale and had a 6 year NFL career. He is not a total dead beat.

Karmen said...

And he got into UPenn Business school. Ugh!!

sunnyside1213 said...

Does this woman shop in the dark? That dress is horrible. And Ken wouldn't be caught dead in those shorts.

califblondy said...

The boobage looks really weird in that dress.

I still like her. I can't help it. I wish she and Nick would get back together. Dumb. I know.

Funny Girl said...

I know Eric from college and he is still friends with my fiance and his friends (they played football together). He is a hard working and nice guy-- in I think he got almost a 4.0 which is not an easy task at Yale.

After working immediately after school in the NFL, I can't understand why people are giving him such a hard time for taking a break. Let's keep in mind that this guy made over $1 Million a year in salary during his later years at the NFL. In comparison to me and everyone I know, that is considered a pretty successful living.

Where are we in society that women are free to make money and be successful but we are not free to spend our money however we wish or date whomever we want without being judged by others?

Sorry for the diatribe. The constant snarking on their relationship is starting to bother me.

Funny Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nancer said...

i don't like gold diggers of either sex. only time will tell if he is one.

mooshki said...

Her shoe line is really good. I bet she pulls in 7 figures on that alone each year.

jax said...

that's some pretty cynical shit my dear!

who says he doesn't love her? so because she's successful she automatically has to date above her to balance it out? you know what kind of pressure that would be? a good man is hard to find as it is!

Basil said...

I always hate it when female celebrities date non celebrity males, then all of a sudden, the guy is a gold digger. Male celebs go out with non famous woman all the time and no thinks anything bad of them.

Give this guy a break. From what it sounds like he isn't exactly hurting for money. As far as we know, he is paying his own way. And even if he isn't, so what? If she wants to treat him to a few vacations, why should he say no? And besides, it looks like they are pretty happy together. Besides, I am sure Poppa Joe isn't going to let her get too carried away with the gift giving.

Lulu said...

I think all the snark about this relationship is way less about his supposed gold digging and way more about the dripping wet ink on his divorce papers.

rebound much?

he looks like an opportunist for that reason--not the money

Meg said...

Well, I like her & I'm holding out hope that it works out & she is happy.

BTW, I love the term "treasure trove." Makes me giggle. :)

Paisley said...


He's was legally separated from his wife October 2009. He didn't start dating Jessica until May (?) 2010. That doesn't strike me as a rebound.


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