Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sandra Bullock Does Not Talk To Sunny Anymore

According to US Weekly, Sandra Bullock has cut off all communication with Sunny James, the 7 year old daughter of Jesse James who Sandra has known since Sunny was a toddler. Now, of course this all comes from Janine, so who knows if she is just blowing smoke out her crack pipe or if this is actually true. It really sucks when this kind of thing happens but it happens all the time. If they are not your child and you split with the parent of the child, you probably are not going to see them. Remember when Halle Berry said she would still see Eric Benet's daughter all the time. When is the last time you saw them together? The magazine speculates it is because Sandra wanted to move on with her life. That is great and all but Sandra was the mother figure in this girl's life and was gone in an instant. That cannot be good for Sunny and it is repeated everywhere else throughout the world on a daily basis.


Ms Cool said...

I don't know if I can judge this one. I'd want to be away from Jesse James and everything that belonged to him, too. Of course I feel for the little girl, too.

Patty said...

I think Halle adopted Eric's daughter.

Just because we don't see someone papped with someone else doesn't mean they don't see each other.

Voice O' Reason said...

Who knows really what is going on with that. I don't think I'd believe anyone from Jesse James's camp personally. If there is any truth to it, they may have made it so difficult for Sandra to be in contact that she may have decided it was best to not go there.

New Life and Attitude said...

It's very hard to judge her on this one. I'm sure Jesse didn't make things easy and at some point she had to move on with her life and she has that adorable new baby to focus on. The constant drama isn't good for Sunny either.

farmgirl said...

Sandra has no responsibility to see Janine and Jesse's daughter. When Sunny is an adult and can make her own decisions, she may want to try to have a relationship with Sandra, but until then, there is no good that can come of it. Can you imagine the questions? What happens when Sandra disagrees with Jesse, Janine or either of their significant others. Having had multiple stepmothers, I know what it is like for Sunny. Trust me - the less confusion for her the better.

MISCH said...

This is complicated, I'm staying out of it.

Priscila said...

I agree with farmgirl.

Probably Sandra and Sunny miss each other, but she was her stepmother, legally she has no rights and why should she actually seek them? Sunny is already center of a nasty divorce and custody battle, Sandra demanding visitations right would just add more problems to this child life.

Halle Berry case is different. I think she is a good actress and stunning, but she is complicated. The girl was in her pre teens when they separeted and they could have some sort of friendship.Who knows, maybe they still keep in touch by phone, but it seems to me Halle would have liked to just move on with her life and said that for PR only. The hit an run thing makes me think this, as she is always trying to make herself look like a victim to gather simpaty. She is never gulty, she has always the best intentions etc...

penelope said...

I am a stepmother. My husband and I are no longer together (due to his death, not divorce). My youngest stepdaughter is under 15 years old and has been hospitalized for depression, etc. For a few months after her father's death three years ago, I was allowed contact, but then I was told I was not welcome to call her anymore. Since then, she has been alienated from me and 95% of her father's side of the family (stepbrothers and sisters). And as a stepmother, I have little or no rights to see or talk to her, or to find out anything about her mental heath condition-- and this has been confirmed to me by mental health agencies, social workers, etc.

I will not lay judgement on Sandra Bullock because I have been there. Neither Enty, the mass media, nor any of us know what is truly going on... but we do know that Sunny is the one who will undoubtedly suffer. :o(

califblondy said...

I don't think Halle adopted her ex-husband's child and I believe she cut contact when the marriage ended. In an interview Eric Benet was asked about Halle's involvement, or lack of, with his daughter and he would not comment. If I remember right, the biological mother died so it's a different situation. Sunny has two parents in a constant battle over her, I can't blame Sandra for staying away from the drama.

ms snarky said...

Hard for Sunny, but it's quite likely Jesse and Janine who are behind the lack of contact. Also, it's very difficult to stay in a child's life when you have no legal right to a relationship.

califblondy said...

Penelope, I'm sorry for your situation. I had to kiss the ass of someone I didn't particularly care for so that I could keep in touch with my step-children after I split with their Father. I tried very hard to maintain that relationship, but in the end it didn't work out.

penelope said...

@ califblondy... thank you. I could have done a better job of sucking up to my husband's ex-wife, but I had endured too much from her during my marriage and had been verbally and emotionally abused by her at the funeral. (I believe she may have borderline personality disorder -- she fits it to a T). My stepdaughter has been accepted into a residential treatment facility for teenage girls and I am hopeful that she will find the help she needs. Thanks again.

lanasyogamama said...

If it's true, I don't blame her. He is too toxic and has publicly humiliated her. She needs to cut ties. I feel bad for Sunny, she has crappy parents.

Danielle said...

Halle did adopt Eric Benet's daughter.

__-__=__ said...

Too bad Sunny drew the short straw in the gene pool but that's not Sandra's problem. Her job now is to take care of Louis. And that means keeping him away from low life whore hopping drug doing scum like Jesse. There, I said it. You go Sandra!

Doc Girl said...

It's a tough situation for all, I'm sure. As a divorced mom myself, I feel very badly when my ex husband breaks up with a girlfriend (there have been 2 significant ones since he and I split up), because my kids are so damned sad about it. And as a result of all the comings and goings of significant others (I had 2 significant relationships too, but married the second one after many ups and downs), my kids are very jaded about long term relationships.

All I can do is comfort my kids on their loss, and offer to be available whenever they want to talk it over. I know it's very hard on the ex partners too, to know they will probably never see those kids again.

Dianne said...

It is sad but I am not going to judge. Maybe it's better for Sandra to absent herself from the situation so that Sunny won't be used as a pawn in her relationship with Jesse, if you know what I mean.

Given what an asshole he seems to be, who knows what he says to his kids about her.

Also when she and Jesse split they both seemed to want to make it as amicable as possible, and in the last several months he seems to have said and done whatever he could to make it impossible.

Maybe it's ultimately better and less confusing for Sunny this way. Both her dumb-ass parents need act like adults and parent her.

old ;ady said...

Being a stepparent is the hardest job in the world. My stepson's were 12 & 14 when I married their father. We were together for 30 yrs. when he died they stole his things and tried to physically assault their pregnant half sister at his funeral. I have no contact and want no contact. Nothing I ever did was right according to their mother and stepfather. Sandra is in a good place now without all Jessie's bullshit.

Jessica said...

Apparently everyone forgot Jesse James' interview on 20/20 or one of those news shows 6 months ago when he said Sandra does not see his kids anymore, and hasn't since shortly after they split up. Every few weeks a new story comes out about how Sandra does not see the kids. He already admitted it. Old news.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

But Sunny has Kat as a loving mother and role model now! Oh, wait...

RocketQueen said...

No one should be blasting Sandra for any of this. The only person that fucked this up is Jesse James himself. That child HAS a mother, and instead of flinging stones, she should just step up and try to stay off of porn sites and out of jail.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I totally agree with RQ.

bluebonnetmom said...

As a former Step Child, and a Stepmother, there are so many variables her. I think Sandra is a very good person and I think poor Sunny's Mom and Dad are lowlife scum. Sandra has to protect herself and Louis from them, she is damned no matter what she does. As far as Halle, we don't really know what is going on there. Eric could have kept Halle away.

Lady J said...

Won't pass judgement on Sandra because the reason they are in this predicament is because of Sunny's dumb ass father.

Lioness70 said...

I'm a stepparent, and even though this didn't happen in my situation, I can tell you that it happens far more often than you think.

All at the kids' expense.

As is often the case, sick and unstable people resent "together" stepparents and relatives, and they're the first to be cut off from the kids.

No judging here either.

PotPourri said...

This happens everywhere, everyday. Sunny was the only 'mother figure' this little girl had, then she runs away. It's not the child's fault, but it happens. I do think that there is some accountability someplace.

Jasmine said...

I 100% agree with Enty. Aside from all of your individual stories that are countering his claim, the truth is that Enty is right, everyday people divorce and kids are often the causalities that happen as the grown ups try to mend on their own and mentally/emotionally/and psychically move on.

How can anybody deny this happens?

My mother has been married 3 times and every single time I never see my stepfathers or (more importantly to me) my step-siblings again.
I know exactly what it must have felt like for Sunny (and probably the other kids too) to have that family unit and then have it gone away. Im not saying Sandra Bullock is a horrible person but yeah, I DO see some selfishness here. Grown ups can be selfish and after a break up, more selfish tendencies can come up than ever.

Please dont give me that putting the child first bullshit, cause more often than not people break up and kids are left wondering what the hell happened.

selenakyle said...

If my husband dies before me, the animosity from his offspring towards me will 99% ensure that I will no longer have any communication with his grandchildren.

For that reason, I don't let myself love them any more than I currently do. It will be heartbreaking.

Don't be too quick to blame Sandra, IF this even true at all. Remember there are at LEAST two sides to every story.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Agree with RocketQueen

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Jesus LORD, PLEASE don't blame Sandy for this one.

My parents split when I was three, and the woman my dad dated for a few years after that became perhaps one of the closest maternal figures I've ever had. She's said more than once that the breakup with ME was harder than the breakup with my dad, and we've remained close for over two decades, but it's taken effort on both our parts -- AAAAAAND, she didn't suffer a totally humiliating and emotionally debilitating breakup. She was also able to remain on good terms with her ex -- unlike Sandra, for instance.

I'm SURE that if Jesse would let Sandra see Sunny, Sandra would send a chartered jet to pick up that child immediately. I can only *imagine* how hard it is to essentially divorce a stepchild -- it's not as if they're to blame for a marriage's dissolution.

Not A Ninny said...

You people are bozos. I have literally been in that situation, both as a kid and as a father. My dad's most serious post-divorce girlfriend stayed friends with us and she would take me out to do stuff for years after they broke up. Biggest sweetheart in the world. Much later my dad told me that that was intentional (although she would have done it anyway), he would not let any girlfriend of his get close to me unless they promised to stay in contact if the relationship went south.

Jump ahead three decades and I'm in my dad's shoes. OK, I go by the same rule. And the one woman who my girls adore the most, when she dumps me she cuts off all contact with my kids. Promise? What promise? Sure, I'll drop by for a post-breakup bang now and then but only if your kids aren't there. Six years later they still speak longingly of her.

America's sweetheart can go suck ass.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Oh, and P.S. The mention of Halle's ex-stepdaughter made me wonder when Nicole last saw Connor or Isabella. She's a prime example of ditching the children who are associated with a bad relationship.

Not A Ninny said...

I really loathed Kidman for doing that. Not just ditching the kids but abandoning them to Scieno brainwashing...ugh. I did read somewhere the other day that she's trying to reestablish contact with them.

To be fair, even though she had an obligation to try to stay in their lives as a mom, Kidman has seemed quite intimidated by Cruise and the might of Scieno wrath. I can sort of understand.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@B. -- "To be fair, even though she had an obligation to try to stay in their lives as a mom, Kidman has seemed quite intimidated by Cruise and the might of Scieno wrath. I can sort of understand."

I disagree, dude. If you go to the considerable (for most people, anyway) effort to adopt a child, you're essentially making a pledge to that little person that you'll be a loving, supportive custodian forever. It's every bit as serious as getting knocked up and carrying one for nine months. And a religion (cult) -- no matter how clandestine and ominous it is -- should NEVER trump that obligation.

Her newest daughters have fancy outfits, and that's all she probably cares about.

Shitty mothers suck. The end.

And I STILL don't believe that Sandra has "cut off" all contact with a SEVEN-year old -- particularly when you consider Us Weekly's source. I'll bet the editors just have it in for Sandy, just like they've got a vendetta against Angie for justifiably hating them.

Not A Ninny said...

Or Jesse James could be playing a nasty double-game against her, blackmailing her away from his kids with the leverage of those rumored porn videos and yet claiming she's cut off contact so that he can win sympathy. I will believe anything shitty about that guy.

But he does build some sweet bikes....

RocketQueen said...

Just because people here have had different experiences with their exes than your father had with his doesn't make them bozos, B. Profane. The point is, we don't know WHAT'S going on behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

@B. Profane, learn to play with the adults. Your post would've been interesting without you calling everyone a name. I didn't bother reading the rest of your post because I'm pretty sure you're a troll and I'm going to stop feeding you now.

Not A Ninny said...

I don't care what you think, some of us are doing real-world parenting in difficult situations. I have had so many women try to swoop in and establish a relationship with my kids before I was ready to trust them. I had to call the police to get one chica off my doorstep.

I have been on the other side too. I can't tell you how many times I've been the maybe-new-Daddy? in the house. Waking up with her kids in bed with you after the third date? BTDT. And if they wanted me to keep a relationship with their kids, I always followed through.

My kids know there's been a lot of girlfriends they never met, but they've only been burned by the one because I've been careful.

Henriette said...

I think it would be hard for Sandra Bullock to keep in contact with Sunny since she has no legal relationship with her. I think Sandra should have kept all that out of the spotlight like she did with Louis, so this type of speculation would not go on.

I wonder about Halle Berry too, since her ex-husband just got married a few weeks ago and his daughter sang at the wedding. I think Berry should have kept her trap shut about that situation because now she looks like a cruel deserter.

Hold the Door Open said...

I truly believe that Sandra had every intention of staying in Sunny's life at first. Jesse moving to Austin seemed to be an indication that they would attempt to keep her in Sandra's life (and ostensibly he would be in Louis' life) despite the issues between them. But within the first year of the split, he was with Kat von D and they were both were badmouthing Sandra in the press. And then they were "engaged" and obviously Kat was going to be the new mother-figure in Sunny's life. The PR spin on their break up was that the long distance relationship took its toil. If Sandra was no longer participating in Sunny's life, why didn't Jesse just move back to LA? The stability of his children's lives has never been a priority as his multiple marriages & relationships have shown. And it can't be because of him wanting to be near Louis. It may not appear as if Halle is still in her step/adopted daughter's life, but there has NEVER been a photo of Jesse spending time with his "son." With Kat joining the equation, who could blame Sandra for making a tough decision like distancing herself from continued involvement in Sunny's life and choosing not to expose herself to the additional pain being around Jesse and Kat would cause?

And that's IF this story is even true. Sunny's biological mom's statements in the past have been proven time and again to be false. I'm not putting a lot of faith in the source.

Lori said...

Hey B. - I was also a stepparent and was completely cut off from my stepkids by my ex because he was being vindictive (although he was the one cheating). There is only so much a person can do to maintain relationships when the stepkids are minor children, so please stop judging based on your situation.

P.S. Maybe you should lay off the girlfriends for awhile and take some time to raise your kids. That would alleviate all of the problems you mention in your posts.

kit said...

Jesse knows Janine and was likely happy for Sandra to see Sunny.

Sorry guys. If Sandra wanted to see Sunny, Jesse wouldn't have likely stood in the way of that one. He knows the child needs other women.

Can't say the same for Janine, but if Jesse has shared custody and Sandra wanted to visit, I'm sure that could have been arranged.


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