Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Holding Hands With Strangers

Go ahead and give it a try. I think it works better at college then it would on the streets though.


Gtzisshe said...

I saw this video the other day. Damn skippy this works better in a college. On the streets his butt would have been, chased, threatened, smacked, punched or worse.
I would be more interested to see the reactions from an actual city street.

Cathy said...

When I took an introductory sociology class in college, we had an assignment to do something that went against the social norm (such facing toward people in an elevator) and reporting what their reaction was. I'm sure that some of those would have ended up on youtube as well, if phones had video cameras back then (and by back then, I mean 5-9 years ago).

solarpower said...

He should not try this with Will Smith.

Nellie said...

is it just me or is this kind of a dick thing to do? as a woman, that would make me feel threatened and a more than a little pissed. stay out of my personal space stranger! i dont care if you are making a video.

and i swear, i am not a hugely negative person. this just rubs me the wrong way.

iheartgoss said...

I thought this school looked familiar, it's at UVU in Orem, UT. I also took a social psych class my freshman year, where we got extra credit if we did something out of the social norm, but I never got the courage to do something. Funny thing is later in my college life my friends and I loved doing things out of the social norm to people all the time, just in random conversations even. My friend loved to yell "boobs" randomly.

RenoBlondee said...

I thought it was great when the people just went along with it. Cracked me up!
And yes, only in college, not on the street would this work.

Danielle said...

Lol I def just subscribed to this dude. He's adorable and hilarious! He has a bunch more videos like this on youtube I was LOLing to the 'no not you' one and the 'holding doors open for ppl' one.

crila16 said...

I thought this was hysterical.

Nellie said...

maybe i am just being a cranky pants today. :)

ecua said...

Is it me, or are many of the stories on CDAN lately reposts of Dlisted stories from the previous day??

car54 said...

I probably would have whomped the shit out of him.

Years ago, I was staying at the hospital with my mother who was very ill. She lived in a really small town and I would stay til about 10 pm and then go to her house to sleep.

One night I left the hospital and walked to the parking lot--I had my purse on one shoulder and a big tote bag with some hand sewing I was doing to pass the time--and as I got to my car, I felt someone grab me from behind and put his arm around my neck--he bent me back and then reached up under my dress and grabbed my ass.

Well in a flash I flung him off me and took my bag and started beating him over the head ---screaming my head off---called him everything. He took off running. I just stood there screaming for a minute.

What pissed me off was that there was a woman in her car--she saw me there in her headlights screaming and took off--didn't stop, didn't do anything.

I went back in the hospital and they called the cops--turns out he was some perv with an ass fetish who had been grabbing ladies at Kroger. He had done it at the hospital--he'd sit in the lobby watching for women to leave after dark alone.

Some guy grabbed my hand in the airport I'd probably cold-cock him, lol. Just reflex.

The said...

Very astute observation.

Sian said...

I can imagine me and my friends doing this.
Best bit - "It's okay, did you think I was someone else?"
"Uhhh no."

Lelaina Pierce said...

^That was my favorite part as well.

EggHead said...

Omg this is terrifying!! I have always had like a fear/paranoia of something like this happening to me. I'm glad you were okay!!!


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