Sunday, December 15, 2013

Blind Items Almost Revealed

August 1, 2013

This actress would love for you to all believe that she is without fault. Her sudden rise to A listedness has made all her dreams come true but she spends half her time trying to juggle all the skeletons in her closet. Nobody really ever paid attention to her until recently so she has been trying to cover all the really controversial things she has done and now pretends they don't exist. The threesomes she used to have very weekend? Those women have been paid off. Swapping? Our actress has done it and those people have been hired by her as consultants. All that coke she used to snort like candy with her boyfriend at their parties? Now they do it quietly at home. The drug deals she used to make? Oh yeah. One of the world's A list actresses is a big time drug dealer. That is one thing that has not changed. She has just passed off some of the work to those who worked under her before. She is no stranger to the drug business. It makes sense if you think about it. She is still there, behind the scenes and making the decisions.

I actually thought this might come out this week because of something that happened. She is on a hit network comedy that is probably going to be the end of her acting career.


Sherry said...

Sofia? Can I get in on one of her parties? She's hot even if her Charo routine can bug you.

Kelly said...

Sofia Vergara?

Count Jerkula said...


Anonymous said...

Yes. it s her. Enty said it makes sense if you think about. hola caliente.. colombia

Blondie! said...

And here I was thinking it was Betty White FTW.

Anonymous said...

Loool :)

jane3113 said...

What happened this week that would spill the beans with Sofia?

amused bush said...

I think Enty is racist against Colombians! ;)

That said Sofia V, drug supplier to is so 2010.

Unknown said...

So the house of cards ready to crumble, aaah, too bad if this is her, I like SV.

babo said...

@jane: she broke off her engagement

b-fabulous said...

the betty white comment is so unfunny and played out just stop already.

Freya said...

No, not Sofia Vergara. I refuse to believe it...even if her curves are slowly disappearing and she sometimes looks shaky during red carpet appearances.

Surprised she and Charlie Sheen haven't hooked up. At least for the drug connection.

Freya said...

Sofia should star in the Scarface remake.

marie-ski said...

You couldn't make me watch Modern Family if my life depended on it, thought she was so annoying. Then one day I was sick and couldn't find the remote to change it, said fuck it and watched it. Now it's like one of my faves. Gloria and Cam are the shit!

jane3113 said...

Thanks Babo!

MontanaMarriott said...

As a Latina I am truly resenting the whole Columbia connection making SV a coke dealer, Enty.

Barton Fink said...

marriot, ahora imaginando una latina bella con grandes montañas.

Olive said...

The recent Christmas episode directed by Bryan Cranston was so good I watched it 3x.

sandybrook said...

I think the only Latin guy she never screwed was El Gordo. I'm pretty certain she did Don Francisco to get herself on Tv in the first place.

amused bush said...

@Montana, which country? Yo soy panameña, by way of the west indies.

it took forever said...

wonder what happened that threatened a leak?

Sprink said...

And here I was, like a numpty, thinking Jessica Chastain for the first part if the blind...

TalksTooMuch said...

I watched Modern Family until they crumpled up a perfectly good NBA rookie card, couldn't stomach the wanton destruction.

I kind of like the idea of her selling the jiggle then calling all the shots, I'm picturing some large automatic weapon and a beret

Barton Fink said...

V, "My god she's beautiful" said my panameño when I said "Look at the post from the Panamanian."

amused bush said...

Thanks @Barton! Good photo day ;)

Holla at my fellow panameño!

Runswithscissors said...

Pues pasó increíblemente rapidísimo por Televisa México a Univisión, más rápido de lo imaginable.

Runswithscissors said...

Pues pasó increíblemente rapidísimo por Televisa México a Univisión, más rápido de lo imaginable.

Anonymous said...

I thought the 'it makes sense if you think about it' referred to the fact that her boyfriend (now ex) is a world-class sleaze and known drug user, and a lot of posts seemed to totally portray Sofia as the innocent victim. 'It makes sense' that she'd be involved too, when you consider what we know about her boyfriend.

auntliddy said...

V-if he is, he shldnt be. I had a Columbian neeighbor where i used to live and she was a kind, generous, lovely person. Still miss her!

S said...

@sprink I thought it was Jessica Chastain, too. Something I can't put my finger on about her...

sandybrook said...

Absolutamente @Runs she moved up that ladder really fast.

amused bush said...

Auntliddy, that seemed to be the implication. Glad you have fond memories of your neighbor :)

Also, I think dealer is a misnomer, more like drug distributor.

Seven of Eleven said...

I thought Chastain, too, until the part about TV. @S, she gives me a strange vibe, too. Something's just off.

I keep seeing advertisements for "Killer Women" on ABC and they very loudly proclaim, "from executive producer Sofia Vergara". If it is SV, is the blind implying Modern Family killed her acting career so now she's turning to producing? Doesn't sound quite right - a mid-season show on a network in a prime slot isn't a career on the skids.

ecua said...

Completely agree!! It was funny maybe the first 3 times and that was it.

ecua said...

Completely agree!! It was funny maybe the first 3 times and that was it.

Unknown said...

Same with saying RDJ

Serena said...

Sofia had a brother that was shot and killed in Columbia, was it drug related or was he in the wrong place at the wrong time, who knows? Sofia's other brother was deported out of the US because of 30+ drug arrests. Then there's this:

Dorothy said...

+1 x 1000 to both

0_0 said...

@Serena- Sofia has a nude poster from way back (15 yr?) that doesn't show the goodies.

I don't get the CDaN hate on her. She has been a funny, photogenic actress since at least 1993. She had a few spots on other Univision shows, then moved to Hollywood with a few movies and crappy TV shows until MF. She didn't rise suddenly from nowhere.

di butler said...

Yeah, I remember this blind from back in the Summer and it was nearly everyone saying Vergara due to her bro being big in drugs, and her POS BF. What happened to make this come out, besides breaking up w that BF? That's what I want to know. Only rumor I heard that was kinda inside-ish, is that several ppl on MF hate her. Is this why?

Persiaa said...

Mayim Bialik


MissInfo said...

V....we are neighbors...Colombian here! Yay! The rumor has been that her and her sister started off as escorts (a much nicer term) down in Miami and hung out with the heavy hitters. She started dealing when she was dating Chris Paciello and running with his crew. If she's smart, she will make every attempt to lay low and fade in the wind when her 15 minutes expire because many people want money from her now. She's a smart cookie though...she knows how to play people and get what she wants.

Lola said...

I thought of her too!

PotPourri said...

sadly, I thought of her, but I LOVE HER!

Aoife said...

Sofia is from Colombia the country in South America not Columbia University.

I remember reading this and the part about her pic showing up in some raid was in the blind or someone posted it like they did here.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks there's something off about Jessica Chastain. She kinda creeps me out.

rajahcat said...

something is off about Jess-something is being hidden

but methinks this is Sofia

Unknown said...

Jennifer Lawrence


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