Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

The Cleveland Three get honored by the Governor of Ohio. This is the first time the three have appeared together in public.

Alison Brie looks amazing in Milan.
Britney Spears on some kind of food run in her Minnie Mouse top.
Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood hang out.
Ashley Greene at a party which also saw the likes of
Kelly Osbourne and
Adrian Grenier.
Lil Jon and
Shaun White were also there.


crila16 said...

OK Kelly. Enough with the purple hair. It's so 2012.

Violet said...

Ellen and Evan hanging out - now there's a rumour just waiting to be spread.

NomNom83 said...

ALL of the hugs to the Cleveland Three. All of them.

Cleodacat said...

@Crila, I'll go one step more ...Kelly you host a fashion show and would skewer someone that wore that (esp if her name was Xtina).

sandybrook said...

What ever that party wad I'm glad my invitation got lost in the mail.
Britneys a mess. So is Kelly.
Happy for the Cleveland 3.

Jessi said...

Evan will be eating that shit up if the rumors begin. RME with that trick. She bugs the hell out of me. Such a fame whore!

Count Jerkula said...


Wood Page


I bet the Hucklepig's panties are saturated wirh thoughts of plying WoodPage with drugs and borderline raping them.

Michael H said...

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes to Alison Brie.

As for Kelly Osborne, kill it with fire. To think someone has the nerve to pay her to pick on people for how they look...

Sherry said...

WAIT, there's a Little Wayne AND Little John?

Ooh looks like Kelly is starting to put the pounds back on. Not that I am fat shaming but she's the first one to point out someone else being heavy. And yes that hair has got to go!

Alison does look amazing.

Unknown said...

Good for Britney for getting out of bed everyday and getting through it. She is a highly successful women battling a mental illness. Yes, she has a team in place but she is a participating member. Otherwise she would not be where she is today.

Unknown said...

Love those pink pumps on Alison Brie where can I get them?!

Harry Knuckles said...

A few years back Kelly Osborne asked to be in Playboy and was declined. Hef said "I can't see it happening somehow; we don't airbrush to that extent."

Randarenee said...

BritBrit is looking rough again....

Penelope said...

LOL @ Harry. I love it. Can't stand that obnoxious, never-done-a-fucking-thing-in-her-life, purple haired monstrosity.

Oh, and that party sounds real fun. As in, not at all. What a bunch of meh "celebrities."

Now, for the nice stuff: Alison Brie is so fucking awesome and beautiful.

Snootches said...

Why is it that sometimes I can leave a comment and others I have to practically reboot my IPhone to get it to work?
Anyhoo, I enjoy Adrian Grenier!

megan00m said...

She is contractually bound by E! To keep it purple until I think... next year.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Alison is perfection in Ferragamo 2014. Most comfortable shoes on the planet. Salvatore even went to USC to study anatomy so he could make more comfy heels. He was Monroe's favorite

parissucksliterally said...

JFC, Britney......her neck is so damn wide, and she can't dress for shit. What a total mess... :(

Pambelina said...

Shaun White looks. . .kind of handsome. Huh.

Krissie said...

@Dizzel I wouldn't be surprised. I think it's disgusting though, charging people to see Britney Spears if it's not Britney Spears onstage. What a bunch of frauds she and her people are, if it's true.

And I see today Brit looks like she got dressed in the dark and in a 5-year-old's clothes, as per usual. How can you have that much $$$ and dress SO badly!

Kelly O is getting chunky again. She had better start watching what she says about other people' weight...

Kelly said...

Alison is gorgeous even if I don't know who that it.
Kelly looks awful!

Count Jerkula said...

Same problem here zsnootches

auntliddy said...

Agree randar.

auntliddy said...

+1 nomnom

BeckyMae said...

Alison Brie might be my new girl crush! Move over Maggie G!
+1 million @crila 16 on the purple hair...lose it, Kel!

nurysp said...

not a fan of kelly either
obnoxious silver spoon brat

they really came up from that reality show

sheit_ur_duinit_wrawng! said...

When you look at Ashely Greene,(who is probably a 0) above Kelly, there is no planet in the universe where Kelly is even a size 4. Lies.

urban chaos said...

Love Allison's shoes!! And Kelly is a size 4like kpig is a size 2!

As for Brit, she really personifies hot mess- wish she'd go retire and just be able to live her life instead of being a sideshow- oh yes, her circus song is apropos, no?

Brenda L said...

Maybe Evan is famewhoring....but I kind of admire her for stepping up and hanging with Ellen after her "announcement"....I am sure there are those trying to distance themselves.

Susan said...

Alison Brie: FABULOUS!!

Those girls in Cleveland are such survivors. God bless.

Claudea said...

Wasn't there a reveal about them a while back?

Claudea said...

And have to say, i like the purple hair...

Claudea said...

From reading all the comments, everyone agrees she managed to be very pretty and hot at the same time!
I would love to try on some Salvatore Ferragamo...

Anonymous said...

Brit # thyroid problem? Her neck screams issues

SugarTitz said...

Evr. Used to do Alexander Skarsgsrd and Ellen just bearded. Evr. Is desperate to sex anyone to get ahead. The reveal was she wouldn't stop throwing herself @ Anna paquin, and Anna said bugger off, then Alex dumped her and she got fired from tb.

Count Jerkula said...

Her character on True Blood got killed off as Bill Compton ascended to power. I think it was more storyline rather than who she was or wasnt banging.

Lila said...

Kudos to Ellen Page for coming out, but she looks like Wayne... Of Wayne and Garth. And that shirt on Britney...wow, there are no words.

Scallywag said...

ERW is talented, too bad she's a starfucker.

That pic of Adrian Grenier looks like one of those videos where you stick your family's heads on the characters.

Fiona said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm not sure about the O fam, but yay for using odious! Great word.

Aoife said...

I noticed on last weeks FP that Kelly was putting on weight again. I'm not surprised after her broken engagement. I can understand a little binge eating and self doubt after that.

Adrian whats his name from Entourage looks dirty.

YE-AH!!! Those who know who Lil Jon is know what that's about.

The only people beating out Alison Brie in this post are the Cleveland Three. Hugs to them all.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

And of course, as soon as someone comes out as gay, ERW declares her as bff to take the fameho train to the next station -.-
*We have been friends for years, but never seen in public together till now*

fontlover said...


Leekalicious said...

Another yay for 'odious'! If teenage girls found out what it meant (despicable, as in behaviour toward women) it would make a comeback.

Shocky said...

I dislike Kelly but I think she looks good. Love the hair and I'm a sucker for leopard print.

(R)ed said...

EVR & Ellen Page are filming a movie together called Into the Forest.

Mari (from her other mail acct.) said...

The Cleveland 3 are awesome, and they look pretty and healthy!
I think Britney looks really pretty, and I like Kelly's hair.


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