Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 18, 2008

What Academy Award winning actress/supporting actress recently cut open her husband's face when she threw her statue at him? It's a shocker.

Melanie Griffith


sandybrook said...

Not really, we know she is jealous and extremely possessive of him.

Topper Madison said...

Melanie has never won an Oscar.

Sillygurl said...

Actually not shocked. That marriage would make a great movie. Who would play Melanie? The aging movie star trying desperately to have a career and hold on to her marriage at any price.

Oscar bait, I'm starting a script outline!
I'll thank the CDAN commentors in my speech but first and foremost will be the Bruce Jenner troll for inspiring me with positivity. *tear*

Violet said...

How times change. What passed as a shocker six years ago barely registers as an inaudible 'oh' in 2014.

MontanaMarriott said...

UHM HOLD UP in what universe has she won an Oscar? Golden Globe maybe?
Uhm some Entern is going to get fiiiiiired lol

sandybrook said...

Golden Globe Topper.

FrenchGirl said...

Melanie Griffith never won an Oscar

Leekalicious said...

Um .. that's abuse, Melanie.

Unknown said...

She was nominated for Working Girl, but didn't win Oscar. She did win a Golden Globe though, also for Working Girl.

Unknown said...

Bet she threw 1 of her Razzies at him.

Its just U said...
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Its just U said...

@Sillygurl Tori Spelling

Kno Won said...

Should have added this scene to La Piel Que Habito.

Kno Won said...

EntWhoEver - did you for get to add "/nominee"? 'Cause Our Miss Mellie was nominated, but did not win Ye Olde Oscar.

Count Jerkula said...

Disgusting that these women keep getting away with domestic violence that goes unreported. Go on and cry about slut shaming and patriarchy BS, but how many men in this country suffer because they don't want the shame of being abused by a woman to be public knowledge.

Kno Won said...

Yes, "forget" should be one word. FML.

Seven of Eleven said...

Nope, no Oscar win for Melanie. But Happy Tuesday!

Sillygurl said...

Oooo! Yes, she has that emaciated look already!

Unknown said...

Probably a mixture of drugs and jealousy. I like her weapon of choice though. Classy. There was also a blind recently about him trying to get her chucked off set so he could see a woman there. Nice couple.

Unknown said...

How is this a shocker? She's been a drugged out mess for years. I never understood why he has stayed married to her for so long. I don't understand why he divorced Ana Leza to marry her. I hope he eventually divorces her.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Joining the chorus to point out that Melanie's never won (IIRC, she was nominated for Working Girl), so while it's possible she did throw an awards statuette at Antonio, it sure as hell wasn't an Oscar (he doesn't have one she can throw, either).

And yes, Count, domestic violence is not OK, no matter who's doing it. Considering that the whole premise of this BI (Oscar-winning actress nails husband w/Oscar) is BS, though, I won't put her in the "asshole" column quiteyet, although I do reserve the right to side-eye her in general for some of her other behavior, starting w/going after Antonio while he was still married. (Yes, of course it's his fault, more so than hers, but she knew and did it anyway.)

PS said...

The only thing shocking about this is that there is a person on this planet that would find this the least bit surprising. Then again, Engern gave her a non existent oscar while he tried to make this juicy.

Iknowpeople said...

A friend went through rehab with her years ago. Said she was unassuming and shared her cigs.

califblondy said...

Years ago didn't Enty post that Mel chased Antonio with a knife?

Unknown said...

Revealed over five years later? Lame. Let's get Antonio out of this relationship! #savethebanderas

M. Brown said...

If Tori isn't available (ha!) then Blake Lively.

OKay said...

Huh. Pretty big screw-up on the whole what-she-threw-at-him issue there, Enty. And I'd like to point out that this blind is from back in 2008, so this is apparently the Original Enty #1 that everybody loves and misses so much for his...accuracy?

Henriette said...

I'm more shocked about her winning an Oscar because I missed that performance and Oscar telecast.

di butler said...

TWO Emmy noms for Melanie, Working Girl, and RKO 281 and one Golden Globe.

I don't condone dom violence, regardless of sex


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