Monday, June 22, 2015

Today's Blind Item - The Idea- Part Two

Three days later, I met JC at the airport where she told me she would be sitting in first class for the transatlantic flight. The good news for me was that before I tried to cram my overweight body into the back of the plane somewhere is the first class lounge she got me into where I managed to pound down enough free drinks and appetizers that it probably cost the airline as much as my ticket. I did some more damage to a dozen more miniature liquor bottles on the plane but sleep was elusive. I can never sleep on a plane. I wandered up front once to check on JC and she was deep in conversation with some guy who seemed to be spending a great deal of energy trying not to look down her top. He was failing.

This trip had to be quick. JC had commitments and there was a very brief window when all the people would be gathered in one place. London. I love your town London. As soon as I land I feel classier. Oh, and a lot more poor. JC had managed to sleep. I had not. We were not meeting anyone until the next day. I was hopeful that when we arrived at the hotel that somehow by a stroke of genius there would be a room available for me. There was not. JC laughed as she got a room key. She had booked an extra night and had paid for her room in advance. To the hotel it was like she was checking in 15 hours late. She told me she would see me later. I went to the restaurant and ordered a lot of food and then found an unused portion of the lobby where I tried to sleep. i didn't think there was any possible way I could sleep, but I was wrong and two hours later JC was waking me up with her foot. I'm sure she was doing that to see if I was dead. i was not exactly looking Bacon Monthly good at the moment.

She said we were having lunch with her ex. Apparently the two had a lovely phone conversation and the nasty feelings they once had for each other vanished in the air. She was as surprised as I was at how well they got along. Their split was now a couple of years in the rear view mirror after a decade of marriage. The ex was someone who could work behind the scenes calling people. The ex is probably a B- list celebrity in his own right. A little higher if you are older and a little lower if you are younger. He was a man of many talents. JC must be a good decade or more older than me but doesn't look it. Her ex (TP) is a good two decades older than me but doesn't look like it. Obviously not living up to the old adage of partying like a rock star. He agreed to help me if I failed. While I met with the other possible helpers he would call a guy who was the perfect middleman between the two camps. Yes, two camps. One was the impossible and one was the unlikely. My only hope was to get the impossible to say yes. At that point, the unlikely would probably also say yes. Probably. The ex and his contact would be able to convince the unlikely.

I needed a room. Badly. Nothing quite like the feeling of that up for two days straight with only some hotel lobby floor nap time while wearing the same clothes and reeking of old booze to really make you appreciate the life Lindsay Lohan leads. I got my room. I was hoping for sleep. JC was going out with friends. I crashed on the bed and was wide awake. That kind of wide awake that you know won't ever let sleep in the door.

Food and five pints later courtesy of a pub down the street, I finally crashed.

The next day was sunny. I remember looking out the window at a park and seeing the sun. I took that as a good sign in the quest. It really was a quest. It had been a quest for almost a decade. Prior to that time, I don't think anyone had really tried. I was trying. I wanted it to happen. I could see it happening. I was Secreting before The Secret existed.

JC and I made our way to our meeting. One place. All of the players would be there. We got to our destination and shuffled downstairs. Yeah, strange place for it to happen. When I walk past the building now there is really no trace of what it used to be. That is a sign of the times. At that point in time though it was all happening there. This was an unusual thing for the music industry. A daytime event. A morning event at that. RO was there all sunshine and love and had no problems with the early morning requirement. GR showed up a few minutes later and looked as bad as I had the day before but this was his life almost everyday. They had work to do so I tried to talk and walk and get a minute or two with them to explain my idea. My plan. GR said it would never work. He was kind of in a similar situation but money would do the trick with him. Not for the impossible or unlikely. It would help, but there had to be something more. RO agreed and then tapped my arm and pointed towards the door. JC turned at the exact same time. I didn't recognize the woman RO was pointing to. JC did though and her London accent she acquired through marriage suddenly returned and said, "That's f**king brilliant." When I found out who it was, I agreed it was brilliant. Just because I didn't recognize SH didn't mean I didn't know who she was or why she would be so perfect for this. She was the connection. She could make it about something other than money. The impossible would listen.

Tomorrow the impossible listens.


Tricia13 said...

When part 1 posted I immediately that Live Aid-London.....Bob Geldof was with Paula Yates 10 years--but I do not believe sha had a hit song.

sandybrook said...

Paula Yates wasnt a musician

Tricia13 said...

i know....thats what i hit song...Geldof feels like he is in there somehow thou

JayJay said...

JC is Madonna right? The line about the accent she got through marriage sounds like her. Married Guy Ritchie, magically had a British accent. I didn't read part 1, sort of skimmed it, but could this be the Live Aid anniversary show they did in 2005-ish? Enty had to get Bob Geldof to agree to it maybe? I don't know, these long 1s can be interesting, but they can also be hard to keep track of since Enty's writing isn't always the best.

TheDude78 said...

No, he said JC was a one hit wonder. Not Madonna.

Tricia13 said...

Event Live 8 London I think

And-so-on.. said...

Lovely live aid tax free money in the performers and managers pockets.. all of the greedy pigs of that so called charity got a tidy sum and more publicity.. plus the blundering or trickster NGO administrators did what they do best...

Tricia13 said...

is GR =Slash(GnR)/Velvet Revolver played Live 8
or Scott Weiland

back again said...

SH= Madonna---- SH= Shanghai Surprise Movie;
Live 8 London Concert Held July 2 2005 (nice @ Tricia);
GR=Slash(heheh-i was close w/axl on Friday);
--Now i gotta keep going back & forth to fill in the rest but it should all start falling into place-I'm coming back to this-too long right now!

TheDude78 said...

But Enty said GR was two decades older than he is. Slash is in is 40's. Enty is not in his 20's. As can be ascertained by previous big blinds by the actual Enty, he's gotta be 45-55ish himself. I agree this could be about Live 8 London. How bout the impossible and unlikely being David Gilmour and Roger Waters of Pink Floyd reuniting, which they did, once, for that show.

back again said...

I assumed the Impossible WAS Pink Floyd Reuniting(except for Syd Barrett) !!

back again said...

was GR the impossible--i gotta write this stuff down on a flowchart before guessing!!

back again said...

Ooops @Dude 78-that sounded sooo snotty of me -ECELLENT call on your part re: Pink Floyd!! I GLARINGLY forgot to write AFTER READING ALL ABOUT LIVE 8 LONDON ON WIKIPEDIA, i assumed the impossible was pink Floyd..BigDifference! Also, that's also what I meant by where I thought alot of the other stuff may fall into place!! apologies for that lapse! Credit is all yours DUDE! I hope it's right!


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