Monday, June 22, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 28, 2015

He might hate his A list reality step-sister but he was forced to name drop her this past weekend to get into a club and then again to get into the VIP section. He only lasted there a few minutes because someone told him he would have to pay $5000 to join in the fun. Apparently that is a bit of a stretch for him and the A listers there waved bye as he left.

Kim Kardashian/Brody Jenner


BigBlue said...

Poor Brody. Perhaps a cock transplant after Caitlyn gets rid of hers might help...

TheCousinEddy said...

Brody and sister Kylie were noticeably absent from Bruce/Caitlyn's "Father's" Day get together, yesterday.

I don't think all of his children are having as easy of a time with the "transition" as the Hollywood media and Bruce/Caitlyn's PR team would like for you to believe.

Riven said...

I appreciate the fact that even if they are struggling with Caitlyn's transition, they are being pretty classy about it. No public mudslinging, no leaked "source" info criticizing her, and made an effort to at least try and support her during her announcement. Now the news is out and they've pulled out of her spotlight to deal with it privately. Critiquing who shows up where and analyzing what that might mean is only going to add to their stress about it. (Except Scott can go fuck himself, on GP alone).

It's not easy to tell anyone that you're transgender, but it's also not easy to hear it from someone you love. It's a complicated situation but I think most of the family seems to be handling it well. Much better than my BIL at least.

Maria said...

I don't believe it. He has always looked younger. And beautiful.


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