Thursday, April 28, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 11, 2016

At this point even the tabloids know something is up with this former A list singer in a group and solo. She tries way to hard to convince people she was the victim in her divorce. She loved the initial wave of publicity and support headed her way so keeps trying o play the same record. By now, she has been busted on her timeline and no one wants to hear about it any more.

Gwen Stefani


Derek Harvey said...

Nailed it

snitty said...

The implication being that she and Blake were together before her marriage split? Cuz I thought that Enty said the Blake thing is all for publicity. I don't think I'm believing this. I think it's pretty clear that Gavin cheated and was caught.

Derek's Rapidly Dwindling Fan Base said...

Bully for you, Snookums. Maybe if you keep up the incessant and unnecessary horn tooting, someone might actually give an "f" about you someday, like your desperate cries for attention seem to indicate you desire.

Derek Harvey said...

The more it bothers you Cali/Sugar the MORE I will do it...

Derek's Rapidly Dwindling Fan Base said...

Doesn't bother me at all, Snookums. After all, you're the one who can't help but respond. Your desperation to be loved is both comical and pathetic.

Derek Harvey said...

Well, clearly it DOES
you spend your life obsessed over it
Bye Felicia

Derek's Rapidly Dwindling Fan Base said...

You're the kumquat spending his entire day responding to trolls, Snookums. Do you realize how idiotic that makes you look?

david said...

Why is everyone picking on Derek Harvey?
I like the fact that he is correct on the Blinds!
I think it's fun that at least one of you (Derek) is paying attention to what is going on in Hollywood land; OR, that Derek Harvey is actually connected to the industry in an undisclosed manner.

Bravo! Derek Harvey! Keep up the good work!
The rest of you (anonymous) internet trolls can go suck rotten eggs!

Fanne Foxe said...

Good reply, Dere...I mean David

Me said...

What is with your obsession with Derek? You just keep on blabbing about him like there is no tomorrow. Do you like like him or something? You need a room alone with him?

Kibble said...

Gwen is self-obsessed. The only real relationship she is in is with herself.

There were rumors, including an old Enty post(!), that over the years, they both cheated.

Without the "Gavin" background narrative, there is no marketing push for Gwen's album because she's not that talented as a singer, performer or song writer.

Kim said...

I'm sick of Blake and Gwen and Gavin! Soooo time to move on from these stories! She got a dicorce big freakin' whoop!

H2O said...

I'd say this blind is from Gavin's team trying to get the loser some press and sympathy. She put up with him for too long. Whether or not her relationship with Blake is real or not, she needed something to help move on.

Song writers are always desperate for something to write about. She had drama handed to her on a silver plate with parsley. Getting back to work was some salvation for her.

Kim said...

How can Dereck do such a horrible thing as to comment on a website asking him for his comment! Poor dude gets trolled every other day! I like reading his guesses!

Derek's OCD Stan said...

Oh no, no no no NO, it took me 22 minutes to respond to Derek's first comment in this thread. TWENTY TWO. I spend all day tracking him, how could this have happened? Even my Algonquin-esque "Snookums" and "Kumquat" can't make up for it.

According to the rules of Internet Stans/Stalkers, I must now commit ritual suicide with a wooden spoon. Would a "Toots" or a "Pookie" have saved me? I'll never know.

Goodbye cruel world and goodbye Derek, my one true love.

Homermademedoit said...

I love Derek's guesses! Couldn't agree more David. As for the rest of ya; leave DH alone ffs

oh. no. said...


marlo said...

Gwen Stefani used to be cool.
Now she's pathetic, with her fake ass pr relationship and her pity party, when she knew exactly whom she married.
Now she looks like an insecure, needy, attention whorish z-lister.
Gavin's dignified silence (because we know she's no saint) makes him appear more mature and classy, considering they have 3 children together.

Cindy said...

Homophobic slurs are really not necessary, so stop.

Cindy said...

Hang on she is awesome in concert. Saw her with No Doubt and solo and had a great time.

Claire said...

I agree. I can almost never figure these things out myself, so I rely on the comments and people like Derek to give me some insight and help me figure out the subjects of the blinds. I enjoy his guesses and I could not care less if he says, "Nailed it" or is the first to reply. It's bizarre how some people are so offended by him.

SgH said...

I'm late to the party here because sometimes it takes a few days for me to get my CDAN fix and I have to catch up on the posts.
1st- Gwen was awesome in concert the 2 times I saw her and music is an individual taste for everyone so don't knock it and I won't give you shit about your music. I got high 5s from her at both shows since I was serious about getting up to the barricades at shows, back when I could walk/run/dance..those memories, and others like them, make me smile.
Her divorce is shitty so if she can have fun while also taking care of her kids then she's handling her business. Gavin and the nanny are/were said to have extracurricular activities going on and I'd be pissed too if some ho was getting paid to be in my house, with my kids, while screwing my dude. Gavin hasn't denied it. He's a wanker.

2nd- WTF is this obvious obsession with Derek and the trolling that has nothing to do with the posts? As for the homophobic slurs, that indicates a lot of anger & hate that was driven into your tiny mind so it has to burst out through a computer screen.
Hopefully, you'll get some help before you die of self-loathing after realizing your disgust & hatred make it so that nobody wants to hear you, see you, know you...or before you actually say something so stupid & hateful to a person's face and discover what's known as Consequences.

**see, I made up for being out all week..this is likely my only post for tonight, and longest ever. (And I like reading Derek's comments)


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