Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 15, 2016

The B+ list actress offspring of a permanent A list singer has started wearing gloves on her hands all the time because she thinks they make her look old. Can you botox hands? She botoxes the heck out of her face.

Liv Tyler


Barbara RiceHand said...

That's a weird thing to do. I think Roseanne Barr does that too. But Hollywood types do anything to keep their cheating husbands. It never works tho. Not saying her hub does this.

Guessing said...

I don't know about botox, but you can get fat injections. It's a procedure that is more popular in Asia and Europe than here. But, you can get it done. I need it. I have the hands of a 90 year old.

Megley said...

I have earned my old lady hands and I'm proud to have them. Not everyone gets to be old.

Simon said...

Yup, you can use fillers in the hands to make them look fuller. Expensive but does work.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Fascinating. Not sure that's safe for someone with joint/tingly/prickly hand pains.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Maybe she can just go work at the sake factory in SK-II FTE's origin story...

Melissa said...

L.O.L noudidnt

Melissa said...

Wow. She isn't even OLD. Some people can have it all yet have no perspective.
Some people don't have hands.
Imagine that life.
Or being paralyzed where you can see your fucking hands but can't use them?
Makes you think a bit more before you complain.

texasrose said...

I kinda think wearing gloves all the time makes you look old.

Southern Smartass said...

HA! Too funny!

Southern Smartass said...

Old AND affected. Like she's trying way too hard to be a capital-S Star.

Zilla1 said...

"started wearing gloves on her hands "

As opposed to where else?

Scandi Sanskrit said...

You make a crybaby out of me. This whole thing isso upsetting.

Methuselah said...

You can always tell a woman's age by her hands and neck. No matter how much botox or how many facelifts they've had, the hands and neck do not lie.

But who cares? Just age gracefully. I'll never understand the desperation these people feel to plasticize their faces. It's pathetic. You can't outwit Mother Nature... she always wins in the end. If you don't smoke like a chimney, drink like a Kennedy, or sun yourself like a seal during your youth, odds are you'll look fine in your 40's/50's/60's. After that, who cares anyway.

back again said...

Look at Madonna's before & after pics--she had it done-i don't know if it's worn off by now but the fat injection/botox thing REALLY worked...huge difference.

Whatzmyname said...

Neck,Hands and Knees...they never lie. Sunscreen is your best longterm friend never mind botox.


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