Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Blind Item #5

I'm not sure how this A+ list mostly movie actress takes it. Her director boyfriend is always criticizing her to the point where it feels verbally abusive. He has never complimented her.


Tricia13 said...

Jennifer Lawrence/Aronofsky

Random101 said...

This Aronofsky guy is a real creepozoid!!! I hope Jennifer Lawrence manages to get away from him - BEFORE- he knocks her up as well!!! :(

mariaj said...

J lawrence e D Aronofsky ...he isn't even all that ..sometime we women are the worst enemies of ourself

david said...

Why would any woman stay with a guy who disrespects them so much?
The Academy Award potential or not, it's disheartening to learn that jerks like him would even attract a woman like JLaw.

hunter said...

Newsflash: women can control whether or not they get knocked up. It's called birth control and it is available to everyone with financial resources.

cebii said...

She has low self esteem. She doesn't really think that she's one of the most beautiful women in the world. She's gotten criticized and beaten down in the media for being her goofy, outspoken, tomboyish self. She knows she drinks too much. Lots of her "friends" were really using her for publicity. If she goes out looking anything but stunning, it might end up as front page news. And she really just wants to act. Probably, he's echoing her opinion of herself. In the past, those who praised her took advantage of her. She's a smart woman, but uneducated. For whatever reason, she hsan't been able to mature emotionally under the glare of the spotlight. Hence, aronofsky.

Patreeki said...

Because women love a bastard.

kitkat4 said...

I don't think that she is still with him. There have been no pap strolls with him for three months. I don't know why news articles, tabloids and blinds are still saying they are together.

Jim Summers said...

These issues likely originate from her relationship with her father and the relationship she saw as "normal" between her father and her mother.

Random101 said...

Apparently he has ninja sperm that manages to dodge any birth control method. Coz i very much doubt Natalie Portman wanted a child with him.


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