Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Your Turn

What grade was your best yearbook photo?


sandybrook said...

My senior year in HS my only yearbook photo, that wasn't a class photo.

david said...

Since i absolutely hated high school -- and if Enty is making me choose (Sophie's Choice style) -- I'd choose the senior year picture. I was smiling BC I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.

(Psst: I had to delete my Facebook page BC too many old classmates wanted to be Facebook friends.
They didn't want to be my friend then; I don't want to be their friend now.)


Junior said...

Junior year

the dog ate my reply said...

First grade.

Guesser said...

I don't have a facebook page for the same reason. When I see people from high school who treated me horribly then acting like we were old friends my blood boils. Senior year was only good photo, if it wasn't you got a do over.

Brooklyn Girl said...

That's why I don't do any social media. All the cockroaches come out of the woodwork.

8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob said...

We did not have yearbook here.

WickedBee said...

Grade 12, grad photo. Got hair and makeup done and everything.

All the rest were in my weird hair, weird makeup, Fatty McChubbers phases.

AndrewBW said...

Are you kidding? Those people couldn't have taken a decent picture if you held a gun to their heads. Not that it would have mattered of course; Avedon couldn't have helped me back then. It took until I was 50 for me to see a picture of myself that I could even barely tolerate.

JustReading said...

Mine's private so only friends of friends can even see it & it doesn't show up on searches. I basically use it to follow family - no desire to feel I have to wish some random wanker a happy birthday or like a million food/pet/outfit pictures. No one I work with is my FB friend because my real life is none of their business.

hakunafrittata said...

10th. My Sun-In game was strong that year.

meagain said...


Scandi Sanskrit said...

We only do that for the last year (Grade 12) here, not every year like in America.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I used to shower with the lights turned off so I wouldn't have to look at myself in the mirror. They used to make fun of my plump lips, even some of the teachers would make snide comments about them when they were cross with me (this was way before lip injections were a thing and that was considered attractive).

Nowadays, I've decided that it's better to consider oneself "jolie laide" (LMAO—it really helps that it's a French term, everything awful sounds better in French).

Someday someone will speak of my looks like Shakespeare wrote of the the Dark Lady... ???

Wendy said...

My senior year. I had clear braces my freshman through junior years and they made my teeth look like they were yellow. I don't recommend clear braces for anyone.


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