Monday, July 03, 2017

Blind Item #8

This A/A- list mostly movie actor who has an equally famous sibling had a favorite strip club where he had hooked up with every single stripper who worked there. Must have been 20 women. This was over the course of about six weeks.


French girl said...

Casey Affleck ?

Green Carmen Ghia said...

Ugh. I hope he understood how to use a condom.

Tricia13 said...

Owen Wilson

Debbie said...


Heather Duke said...

Luke Wilson

StarJones said...

Those Afflecks love them some stripper pussy.

Andy said...

Definitely the Affleck brothers well known Ben Affleck loves strippers and prostitutes I think that is the reason Jennifer Garner divorced him. As for Casey Affleck he also loves strippers and prostitutes as well.Casey might be bisexual according to the law suit a few years ago he and fellow actor Joquain Phoenix had sex with trannies.

Hortensia said...

Most strippers and prostitutes are lesbian. They don't get off on men. Men are DUMB!!!

Jodi said...

I don't know if JG has the patience of a saint or if she is just dumb and desperate. Can't believe it took this long!

Guest said...

I don't believe this for a second. I was a stripper for years. What kind of janky club only has twenty girls. Also more than a few are lesbians, or prostitutes. Also at every club there is at least one tranny and yes the girls know who it is and no they won't tell. And the girls brag to each other.

BeenHereBefore said...

Agreed. It wasn't a hookup- it was a paid tran$action because you know the stripper charged!! Lol. Whatever they need to tell themselves to get by....


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