Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #10

February 13, 2017

Grammy Awards

This group was nominated for a Grammy, but lets be honest, their time to shine was over a decade ago. Their public face still thinks the band is A++ list and treats women like it. At a party last night he got rejected from woman after woman. He finally managed to hook up with a woman who remembered the band and also thought they were still relevant. She was drunk, so maybe that is why she thought they were still good.

Blink 182/Travis Barker


Blind Items Revealed #10 | Celebrity Review said...

[…] February 13, 2017 Grammy Awards This group was nominated for a Grammy, but lets be honest, their time to shine was over a decade ago. Their public face still thinks the band is A++ list and treats women like it. At a party last night he got rejected from woman after woman. He finally managed to hook up with a woman who remembered the band and also thought they were still relevant. She was drunk, so maybe that is why she thought they were still good. Blink 182/Travis Barker The post Blind Items Revealed #10 appeared first on CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS. Source: Blind Items Revealed #10 […]

sandybrook said...

Maybe she thought the tattooed POS was Tommy Lee?😣



Sunspirit said...

They're still going?!

omaxem said...

Ikr, it's like a reveal within a reveal :)

shakey said...

What's my name again
What's my name again

Anonymous said...

What does "their public face" mean?

andi said...

the lead singer, like how Gwennie is of No Doubt or Robbie of 3 doors down.

Anonymous said...

Oh. O.k. It must be just me, but I have been having problems reading some of these blinds. The wording confuses me sometimes, but I get this one now. Thanks.

JohnSmallberries said...

Doesn't necessarily mean lead singer, just means the most well known member (name recognition) of the band. As in this case, seeing as Douche Barker is the drummer. Became famous because he gave enough drugs to Miss America so she would marry him for a while.

Random101 said...

He is also famous coz he survived that plane crash with DJ Gold something..... He got a lot of burns some 3rd degree ones

longtimereader said...

He is actually a really talented drummer who play's on a lot of hip-hop records these days.

susan said...



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