Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Blind Item #4

This permanent A list model/host/host did not win any new fans this past weekend. She was supposed to sign autographs and take photos for a couple of hours and did it for about 15 minutes.


Tricia13 said...

Tyra Banks?
Heidi maybe but doesn't say FB

NoseyNeighbor said...

I'm not even mad at that. Asking a permanent A lister to sit for several hours and engage with the public and sign autographs is unrealistic. It's kind if they choose to but it shouldn't be expected. I think they are at the level where it is asking a lot.

sandybrook said...

Except she was being paid by the promotersponsor to be there and do that. So she should have given back the money if she wasn't going to fulfill an obligation.

Phyllis Whitweed said...

If you commit to do something you should do it, especially if you've made a massive fortune from the folks you're running out on.

just sayin\' said...

tyra at beautycon.

Guesser said...

You would be if you were waiting for the person for hours, and told there was plenty of time to get an autograph. Not the same as expecting one after a show or while they are in a public place.

texasrose said...

Is she a double host??


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