Friday, January 26, 2007

Hints next Friday to help you out with some of the tough blind items from this past week.

Four For Friday

This former A-list actress has been in two of my favorite movies. Because of this I would normally be sympathetic to her but she has gone just a bit too far. Having literally been on her own since her teenage years, this actress has battled through drug problems and high profile relationships to at least have a solid career. It is not the career that was expected of her, and if her current behavior continues, it might be the end of any career at all. She has always been able to play on her name and her work in her older films. That is all about to change. In her latest film, she attempted to seduce at least two of the married actors on the film and as many non-actors as well. She did it because she claimed she was bored and thinks it is fun to f*** with other people's lives. What she is doing is ensuring that her now sporadic work will be no work in the future.

This lower B list actress has been in a long term Goldie Hawn/Kurt Russell type relationship and is in another of my all-time favorite movies. Some say the relationship is a throwback to the summer of love. They have always done it all. Whether it be exploring their respective sexualities or experimenting with mood altering substances, they have always shared it together. It is because of this lifestyle that she did not work as much as she could have or was asked to. Also, despite what her boyfriend says, her success and his lack of it has finally started to cause a fracture. She is growing out of the hippie phase and wants something more substantial including marriage and children. On her latest film, she thinks she found it. The problem is she found it with an actor who is married to a gorgeous actress and they have a very young child. Everyone thought it would end when the filming did, but it did not. Our actress is not taking on any new projects so she will be available to her new man whenever he decides to leave his wife.

This long married, character actor that everyone knows and always plays the jerk has been acting like a jerk in real life as well. Maybe it was karma, and maybe he just found the wrong woman to swoon over. Having a mid-life crisis is one thing, but this actor has definitely gone overboard. He recently co-starred in a film with one of the most beautiful women on television. She is single and an absolute knockout. She also loves to flirt, which our actor took totally the wrong way. While filming he spent almost his entire salary for the film on gifts, jewelery and anything else he could to keep that flirtation alive. He was in love, and she played him like the fool. When filming ended he even told her he would leave his wife. She told him that if he did not leave her alone, SHE would tell his wife.

An easy one to end the day--

This singer's wife loves hosting parties and dinner events. Her husband abhors them and will do anything to get out of them. When he cannot think of an excuse and is stuck there, he refuses to make conversation unless he is forced to, and often just sits by himself in a corner. When the dinner is at a restaurant and he cannot find a corner, he just plugs in his i-pod and ignores everyone. What does he listen to? His own music.


Anonymous said...

Drew Barrymore for #1. Steve Martin for #3. Thats all I have.

Anonymous said...

#1 Is Drew Barrymore. But if I was in a movie with Eric Bana, I'd try too. Dayyum!

Anonymous said...

Hah! Hez already guessed the easy one, before it was posted!

Pope-rah said...

Could number one be Drew Barrymore?

Pope-rah said...


Anonymous said...

steve martin is not married is he?

mooshki said...

Steve Martin seems likely, but who is the woman? Jaime King?

Anonymous said...

#4 - Sting / Trudi Styler?

mooshki said...

Never mind, Steve doesn't always play the jerk, he just was in The Jerk. And he's not married.

Anonymous said...

Steve Martin's last movie was The Pink Panther and I don't think there were any beautiful television actresses in it...

Anonymous said...

I was thinking maybe Winona Ryder for #1. Drew is still an A-list actress. Drew is also consistnetly working, whereas EL says she is now only getting "sporadic work". Also, Drew's most recent film was with Hugh Grant who is NOT married.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

The first: Juliette Lewis?
The last: Ozzie?

Anonymous said...

Winona Ryder is a good guess for #1 but her only new movie is "The Ten" which is premiering at sundance and doesnt really feature any married male actors

Anonymous said...

maybe Kevin Bacon for #3

Anonymous said...

BI 2: parker posey?

Stacy said...

1. Demi Moore
3. Steve Buscemi
4. Ozzy Osborne

Anonymous said...

I thought Drew Barrymore as well for the first one, but I don't want it to be, so I am going to propose Lindsay Lohan. She is 20, so no longer in her teens and we know that her mother and father have been absent and she has run wild and is destructive. The only two movies that I can see him as loving is Mean Girls and the Parent Trap...or Bobby.

Two, could it be Goldies daughter? Kate Hudson, was it a legally binding ceremony?

Three I can only come up with Steve Martin and Kurt Russell via the clues.

Anonymous said...

Charlize Theron for the second one?

Anonymous said...

Steve martin isnt married

Angela said...

Winona Ryder is quite notorious for trying to seduce married men or men engaged in long term relationships, especially musicians. A few years ago, she was known as "Wanna Rider Her" in many bands.

Anonymous said...

Steve Buscemi or Paul Giamatti for # 3? Paul was recently in the illusionist with Jessica Biel- not sure about her and Jeter though.

Anonymous said...

1. Juliette Lewis
2. Charlize Theron
3. Kurt Russell

Betty said...

#2 Charlize Theron
#3 Steve Buscemi
#4 Marc Anthony- he's kind of a dick so I could see him pulling this at a dinner party.

Anonymous said...

good guess for Charlize. i was also thinking Susan Sarandon, since she and Tim Robbins have been together for years and never married but i think she is A list. Also, jessica lange and sam shepherd have never married but been together for years but i dont think anyone would care bout any of these couples

Anonymous said...

1/ lindsey lohan
2/ susan sarandon

Anonymous said...

If number 2 is Charlize, then who is the actor married to a gorgeous actress and has a young child?

Susan Sarandan and Tim Robbins have kids, don't they? I don't think it's her either.

mooshki said...

#2 can't be Susan Sarandon or Jessica Lange, because even if you could consider them lower B-list, they have kids.

Betty said...

So being somewhat freudian here- I was thinking that maybe Jason Bateman if it's Charlize Theron, they are filming a movie together. He's only been married since 2001, they have a kid, and he looks like stuart townsend which is somewhat her type.

Anonymous said...

sporadic?? hello!!!! CLUELESS alicia silverstone #1... in the movie Stormbreaker w/ ewan mcgregor

Anonymous said...

What about Michael Douglas and Eva Longoria for #3? Weren't they in a movie together awhile ago?

Anonymous said...

no way Charlize is a "lower B list actress" for #2. its gotta be someone else

Anonymous said...

Come on! No 1 MUST be Juliette Lewis, "It is not the career that was expected of her" refering to her now mostly being a rockstar.

Anonymous said...

My guesses:

1. Demi Moore... she had a big period of no films after her 'breakout' role in Charlie's Angels... she has a few films coming out this year but the last 3 have pretty much bombed.

2. Charlize Theron... she notoriously stated that she didn't want to get married until everyone in the US could... she's really been out of the spotlight and not seen with Townsend... hooking up with Bateman sounds plausible.

3. Eva Longoria/Michael Douglas... Longoria seems like a flirt and is considered one of the most gorgeous women on television (just ask Maxim)... in any case, Douglas seems to have a thing for 30-something dark haired women... and he's played a jerk a million times in an number of films as recently as You, Me, and Dupree.

4. No idea... how is this one easy?

Eireman said...

I think JeeexeLouise hit it with Hez previewing #4 in the previous post. I know that I read that in a UK paper. How about Kelsey Grammer for #3 w/ Famke Jansen?

Anonymous said...

that was me at 11:59...funny that ewan's wife says she's going to accomany him on "at least a portion" of his next motorcycle trip.....

Anonymous said...

I think Alicia Silverstone is married...

Unknown said...

#4 is Sting and Trudie Styler. It was in Holy Moly's mailout today

Anonymous said...

Eva has been with Tony for a long time and Michael Douglas hasn't been married that long to CZJ (only six years). I also wouldn't describe him as a character actor.

Anonymous said...

The last one is Sting. Really, ENT, that was TOOOO easy. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

#3 - Kurt Russell?? I'm guessing him because of the overboard reference...


Anonymous said...

What about Mike Myers for #3???

Ice Angel said...

#1 I think I'd have to go with Drew because ET is probably a lot of people's favorite movies as well as the Wedding Singers. I'd hate for it to be her. Alicia Silverstone has only been in one movie lately. Also, not sure about Drew, but she's really quite the powerhouse and a box office queen.

#2- I really have no clue

#3 I think is Danny DeVito. He just starred in Deck the Halls with Kristen Davis from Sex and the City and has been married for years to Rhea Perlman from Cheers (where everybody knows your name.)

Plus, he's been on the View still drunk from the night before...sounds like he could have gotten silly and done something stupid like that!

#4 Sting and Trydye Styler (pic is below-too obvious) plus he's always so moody and she loves to entertain.

Anonymous said...

Kurt Russell isnt married... cant be #3

Anonymous said...

Re: 3, Ent has said several times that he doesn't like Eva Longoria, so would he consider her one of the best looking women on tv? Plus she's not single.

Anonymous said...

when i think of character actor, i think of guys that are in every other movie you see, playing the best friend, or the boss, or the annoying neighbor. Never stars, per se, but are always dependable and always recognizable...think J.T Walsh or M. Emmet Walsh (if you don't recognize the names, google them or look on IMDB and i GUARANTEE you will recognize them...also think of the principal in Bfast Club or the A-hole TV newsguy on Die Hard...) Anyway, unless my definition of a character actor is wrong, Steve Martin and Kurt Russel are definitely not character actors. May not be A list these days, but they ain't character actors...then again, not sure why anyone would care enough about such a bloke to warrand a BI, so maybe i'm way off...?

Anonymous said...

I think #1 is Juliette Lewis. She had a high profile relationship with none other than Brad Pitt.

#3 sounds like Michael/Eva. Just because Ent doesn't like her doesn't mean he can't find her very attractive.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:46, can't htink of Mike Myers having played a jerk, and i also think he's now divorced (with RUMORS that he's not exactly into the women-folk...)

Anonymous said...

1. Winona Ryder
2. ?
3. Steve Buscemi
4. Sting

Anonymous said...

#1 is def. Juliette Lewis. Her latest film is "Catch & Release" with the VERY married Timothy Olyphant and Kevin Smith.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:52, interesting M. Emmett Walsh reference. He was in "The Jerk" by the way. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

I thought of Ben Stiller for number 3. He's what I consider a character actor. But I don't think it's him. I couldn't find a movie with a beautiful woman from TV.
Will Ferrel is another thought.

Anonymous said...

Michael Douglas is *not* a character actor. Think Edward Herrmann...

Anonymous said...

I also thought of Ben Stiller for #3. He's recently in "Night of the Museum", co-starring Carla Gugino. She was in both TV and film.

And if being married for 5+ years is considered "long-married" by Hollywood standards, this has to be him. Carla Gugino is not married, not that I can tell.

Anonymous said...

#4 is sting. Check out and their latest mailout

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:35 PM, Ben Stiller is a character, and he's an actor, but he is not a Character Actor... :) I'd say he's def A list.

check out this link to wikipedia's definition of a CHARACTER ACTOR:


"A character actor is an actor who predominantly performs in similar roles throughout the course of a career. While some actors aspire to leading man or leading woman status, many notable actors have had enduring careers in less prominent, but important and memorable character parts. Character roles run the gamut from bit parts to secondary leads...a hallmark of many great character actors is that their names are not widely known yet their faces or voices are instantly recognizable; Paul Henreid, Sydney Greenstreet, or Barry Fitzgerald are some examples."

What do you know, it even references J.T. Walsh like i mentioned (anonymously) above! :)

Anonymous said...

Further to the wikipedia comment I made above, here's a link to their list of character actors:

someone above mentioned Steve Buscemi...he's on the list...

may be a little dated, however, as they also list Thomas Hayden Church, who i would submit, after Sideways and his upcoming role in Spiderman 3, has elevated himself out of the ranks of character actors and up to around B list...anyone agree?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Enty--Just making conversation...what are your favorite movies of all time? Hmm? Not biting, eh? Ah, well, it was worth a try. Keep guessing brainstormers!!!

Anonymous said...

1. drew barrymore

2 calista flockhart?

3. steve martin - maybe the movie with claire daines?

4. sting/trudie?


Anonymous said...

# 3 - for some reason, morgan freeman came to mind. the beautiful actress currently on TV is that woman who is on the Knights of Prosperity. they just released a movie together.

Anonymous said...

1. Sharon Stone
2. Diane Lane (Ben Affleck)

Anonymous said...

I doubt #3 is Charlize Theron because she has a packed schedule on imdb.

Kathy K said...

C'mon, folks ... we've gotta read the BIs for details, not just skim for highlights.

#1 is so not Drew Barrymore. Please. She's totally A-list, not formerly.

Steve Martin isn't married,and that's a big part of the clue in #3. Plus, he doesn't have a single movie in production.

I think the jerk is Danny DeVito, too -- he was a jerk on Taxi, he's recently been a jerk on the View in real life, and he's just finished a movie with Penelope Cruz and she does do television work on Spanish TV occasionally ... I think it was a fair clue but enough of one to throw us off.

Anonymous said...

I also like Danny DeVito for #3. Pene Cruz is a good guess for the stunning TV actress, also could be Kristin David (Deck the Halls). She is beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, Kristin *Davis


Anonymous said...

OK, I'm trying to be all Veronica Mars on this--for #3--Hector Elizondo, long married character actor (was in 'Overboard'-possible clue word in BI)and just made 'Love in the Time of Cholera' with Laura Harring, noted beauty, (single)has done a lot of TV.Except--is he known for playing jerks? DUNNO. Hey! I worked hard on that!

Anonymous said...

#2 is Chloe Sevigny. She's been with her boyfriend, writer/director Harmony Korine since they were both in their teens. The married actor is Dermot Mulroney (met while filming Zodiac), which is why he separated from his wife, actress Catherine Keener, although they are trying to patch things up.

Anonymous said...

wasn't Chloe Sevigny dating vincent gallo her costar in Brown Bunny you no the guy she gave a real blow job to in the movie

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae So palese dnot copmilan aoubt my tpynig you know you can raed it

Anonymous said...

Chloe is one of the stars of the HBO series "Big Love" so I don't think that line about the actress not taking on any new projects until her married boyfriend makes up his mind really applies to her.

Anonymous said...

#3Kevin Bacon?

Anonymous said...

For #1...Tatum O'Neal?

Anonymous said...

these are so hard, they are no longer fun.

Anonymous said...

Morgan Freeman for #3??
You must be kidding. He "always plays the jerk"?
Someone's off their meds.

Anonymous said...

#3 could be adam sandler. was in a movie called going overboard, is in a new movie with jessica biel

Anonymous said...

I forgot Four, I say Jlo and Skeletor

who knows what's up said...

I think #3 is Michael Douglas/Eva Longoria.

Eva's currently considered one of the most beautiful women in TV.

The reference to "midlife crisis" and "going overboard" refers to his movie "Falling Down"


Anonymous said...

#1 is Brittany Murphy: She's former A list (has she been in a hit movie lately?), a druggo, has been in many high profile relationships (Eminem, Ashton Kutcher) and the sporadic reference is for her part in Clueless.

Anonymous said...

In what universe was Brittany Murphy an A-list actor?

Anonymous said...

B is definatly Dame Judi Dench and she was having an affair with Britney Murphy

Anonymous said...

What about the Osbournes for the last item?

Anonymous said...

People, please for the love of all that is good, read the previous posts before posting a guess.

#4 is barely a blind item. It was cracked by Jeeeze in the comments section of Ent's previous post.

Also, if you keep guessing the same actors who have already been debunked by a previous poster, please offer new info or a rebuttle as to why the guess remains viable.

Please and thanks.

Anonymous said...

#1 Melanie Griffith

Anonymous said...

Dame Judi Dench is A list. All the way.

According to IMDB's bio of Brittany Murphy, she was hardly "on her own since her teenage years".

Adam Sandler, while a good guess, is not middle aged (mid life crisis bit).

Kurt Russell is not married.

Charlize Theron has a billion movies in pre/post production. Also, I think she is A list.

Steve Martin is not married.

Diane Lane is married.

We need to figure out what actor, married to a gorgeous actress, has a young child. That might be a better way to go for #3.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if No.3 can be William H. Macy? I have no idea what films he might have been in recently with a TV actress, but I always think of him when I think of character actors. And he usually does play a loser/jerk. He's married to Felicity Huffman too?

Anonymous said...

how about kirsten dunst for #1? she's noted on tmz as hooking up with several newly-single dudes recently but no public mention of married guys. she's been in some movies that could be "favorites".

Anonymous said...

When was Britney Murphy A-list?? or B-list??

Anonymous said...

i agree with wm. h. macy for #3. he just filmed a movie with elisha cuthbert, purdy actress on 24, according to imdb. he played a jerk in fargo.

Anonymous said...

you have got to be f***ing kidding me....Ent L is such a looooser. He rewrote Hez's story as a BI. what a joke!!!

Anonymous said...

1. Not Juliette Lewis, IMHO. She wasn't a child actor, wasn't on her own (though she might have been legally emancipated as a teen.) Drew is still going strong without any blips in her career. Dunst? She never had a public drug problem, though she fits a lot of clues - and it fits her nature.

2. No earthly idea. Lower B-list hippie chick with a boyfriend of even lower status? Should we know or care?

3. Sadly, this has to be William H. Macy and that Cuthbert girl. I really wish it was Michael Douglas because he deserves a mountain of comeuppance. In Macy's junket for The Cooler, all he talked about (with obvious relish) was the sexiness of his co-star, and how he loved sex. He screwed around on his first wife with Felicity. I wouldn't be surprised if he and FH have a somewhat open relationship.

4. Trudie and Sting - self important wanker.

Anonymous said...

my propositions

#1: Tatum O'Neill
#2: Alyssa Milano
#3: Gary Oldman

easy: Imam and David Bowie! that one I very shure about...

Anonymous said...

for an actor w/ a young child married to gorgeous actress- ben affleck works, Saarsgard and Gyllenaal are engaged, but that can be slightly fudged, tom cruise seems unlikely but fits description, miro sorvino had a kid w/ an actor, but he's not popular, and Mariska Hargitay's husband also acts.
this site might help:

Anonymous said...

1. Drew B. Angelina Jolie?
4. Sting.

bg said...

Definitely Winona for #1!!! Come peeps, I know you can see it!

Anonymous said...

BGI Wino's good but wiki has nothing about being on her own since teen years...the rest of it would fit though!
I think Tatum Oneal is #1...just look at her family history, and Paper Moon, Intl Velvet, Basquiat could be Ent's fave flicks

Anonymous said...

#3...Neal Mcdonough and Sophia Bush in The Hitcher- it all fits...the only line that's throwin me is "maybe is was karma"

Anonymous said...

Couldn't Goldie Hawn and Kurt R. be considered a common law marriage? I think that they live in different states, so even though CA might not recognize it, others might?

Anonymous said...

karma could point to the tv-show "my name is earl" so maybe it's jason lee... but did he co-star with a knockout woman?

agcblinditems said...

What about Danny DeVito and Eliza Dushku for #3. They just finished "Nobel Son" and Danny and Rhea just put their home of 20 years up for sale.

Anonymous said...

Perez Hilton is too bought and sold by Parasite “Herpes” Hilton to report that her herpes infection is confirmed. Fuck Perez the sold out fuckup! Parasite’s script for Valtrex (herpes medication )can be found on the Paris Hilton Exposed website where it was found in an unpaid LA storage facility along with the bill for her 2003 miscarriage.

NOW LET’S PLAY THE TYPHOID PARIS GAME! Guess who Parasite Hilton infected with herpes? Guess who infected Parasite Hilton with herpes? POST YOUR GUESSES HERE OR ON THE LOS ANGELES CRAIGSLIST SITE UNDER THE "RANTS AND RAVES" COLUMN!

Men who are known to have fucked Parasite's Valtrex vagina are:

Paul Allen
Brandon “Bluto” Davis
Nick Carter
Simon Rex
Leonardo D’Caprio
Robert Evans
Colin Farrell
Jamie Kennedy
Jared Leto
Jake Sumner
Stavros Squid
Tom Sizemore
Shittany Spears
Rick Salomon
Scott Storch
Jason Shaw
Matt Leinhart
Fred Durst
Chad Muska
Vincent Gallo
Edward Furlong
Oscar de la Hoya
Brian Urlacher
Deryck Whibley
Joe Buckton
Mark Philippoussis
Robert ‘Millsy’ Mills
Lucas Bain
Eli Manning
Jose Theodore
Paris Latsis
Assorted johns who could cough up $200 when she worked as a prostitute
Perez Hilton (he just sucks her crusty cunt)

PS: Three generations of Hiltons with their heads up their ass:

Rick and Kathy Hilton
Daughter: Parasite Hilton
Her baby: Trash Can Hilton!

Anonymous said...

I think Fred durst gave Parasite the herpes and she's infected everyone who's come in contact with her Valtrex vagina since!

Anonymous said...

The last one is Sting and Trudi Styler. It was in a Holy Moly mailout recently, because apparently the best bit is the fact that when he's listening to his i-pod he's actually listening to his own music!!!

As for the Paris Hilton list, didn't Chad Michael Murray sleep with her whilst filming House of Wax? Apparently that's the reason his marriage to Sophia Bush ended.

Anonymous said...

prostitute? why would she charge? maybe you meant just slut?

Anonymous said...

What about Kevin Bacon for #3? Everyone knows him (6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, anyone?) and he usually plays a jerk/character actor, right?

Anonymous said...

Let's play the Typhoid Paris Game! Post your guess as to (i) who infected Paris Hilton with herpes, and (ii) who Paris Hilton infected with herpes!

Men who are known to have fucked Paris Hilton's Valtrex vagina are:

Vincent Gallo
Edward Furlong
Oscar de la Hoya
Brian Urlacher
Deryck Whibley
Joe Buckton
Mark Philippoussis
Robert ‘Millsy’ Mills
Lucas Bain
Joe Francis
Paul Allen
Brandon “Bluto” Davis
Nick Carter
Simon Rex
Leonardo D’Caprio
Robert Evans
Colin Farrell
Jamie Kennedy
Jared Leto
Jake Sumner
Stavros Squid
Tom Sizemore
Shittany Spears
Rick Salomon
Scott Storch
Jason Shaw
Matt Leinhart
Fred Durst
Chad Muska

Anonymous said...

Let's play the Typhoid Paris Game! Post your guess as to (i) who infected Paris Hilton with herpes, and (ii) who Paris Hilton infected with herpes!

Men who are known to have fucked Paris Hilton's Valtrex vagina are:

Vincent Gallo
Edward Furlong
Oscar de la Hoya
Brian Urlacher
Deryck Whibley
Joe Buckton
Mark Philippoussis
Robert ‘Millsy’ Mills
Lucas Bain
Joe Francis
Paul Allen
Brandon “Bluto” Davis
Nick Carter
Simon Rex
Leonardo D’Caprio
Robert Evans
Colin Farrell
Jamie Kennedy
Jared Leto
Jake Sumner
Stavros Squid
Tom Sizemore
Shittany Spears
Rick Salomon
Scott Storch
Jason Shaw
Matt Leinhart
Fred Durst
Chad Muska

Anonymous said...

Joe Francis infected both Parasite Hilton and Lindsay Lohan with herpes

Anonymous said...

Could number 3 be Christopher McDonald?

Anonymous said...

My memory is gone as I am an old woman by Hollywood's standards, but did I not see this blind item here first?


Anonymous said...

I was just about to post that! They copy the whole thing from Ent's blog, word for word! What the hell NYPost?

Anonymous said...

EL this is becoming tragic... would you please edit the hateful vulgar irrelevant repeated comments of anonymous 8:55 am, 8:58 am, 4:15 pm, 4:15 pm, 4:17 pm so this blog doesnt become the harsh vulgar visual pollution that perez's has become. Do we really want that kind of disgusting input that has nothing to do with these blind items? I for one won't be back if i have to sift through repeated psychopathic ravings of a very hateful person.

Anonymous said...

I agree that once the trolls attack the comments, a blog looses a lot of appeal.

Anonymous said...

I also agree about the idiot who is going to EVERY blog and posting this stupid "game" regarding Paris irregardless of the actual topic.

I also agree that it's a pain in the *** to have to scroll through multiple postings of the same post which are indeed visual pollution.

Please, please delete as I enjoy this blog.

Eireman said...

I agree that things have changed as there are many more anonymous posts with at best no bearing on the subject. Is it me or are there for more anon comments from people who don't read previous posts and apparently don't care to or can't use logic let alone google or imdb?

Anonymous said...

WTF0- took the words right out of my mouth...thank you....

Anonymous said...

what about Misha and Cisco for #2

Anonymous said...

#1 is Heather Graham.

She has been on her own since she was a teen. been in high profile films and in high profile relationships and her career is tanking.

Anonymous said...

#2 - amy smart

Anonymous said...

amy smart has been with her boyfriend, an actor, for 10 years. Her new movie costars Patrick Wilson, who is married to this actress, and they had a baby in 06 (very young child). She doesn't have any other films listed on IMDB. And she is def. lower B list.


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