Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Pete Wentz Story

"Hi, I am Pete Wentz. You may remember me for being in the group Fall Out Boy. Of course I have also managed to have nude pictures of me show up mysteriously on the internet and I love being with men from the waist up. Those pics are out there on the internet for all my future hookups because I don't want there to be any surprises or disappointments when all is revealed. This way you know what I am coming to the table with. Everyone thinks Ashlee Simpson and I are dating, but really I just use her to score other guys and girls. She thought she was my girlfriend, but she is just not quite freaky enough. She is freaky enough to let me make out with guys, but not freaky enough to keep me satisfied or to understand why I would date Rumer Willis. OK, no one in America understands why I would date Rumer Willis. Maybe it was a bet I lost or maybe she is the only one who understands a man sometimes needs to play both sides of the street. Ashlee and I started fading when Nick was no longer her brother-in-law. While they were related, I always held out hope that some kind of sick love between he and Ashlee and myself could be worked out."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If he was mine he wouldn't be making out with other boys! Unless I got to watch!

Anonymous said...

Try again....Rumour is dating his brother.

Anonymous said...

The fact that this douche-bag has the #1 record in the US is proof positive that the American Idol-influenced downgrading of music is complete.

I have had no interest in, nor ever will of this 'male Paris'.

Anonymous said...

Rumer Willis is so fug. Who in their right mind would touch that?

Anonymous said...

Looks like he is back with Michelle Trachtenburg.

Mrs Mo

Anonymous said...

[obligatory Pete Wentz defense, since he's probably only dating his right hand]

Anonymous said...

Okay Assica, do we have to go over this again?

Rule #1 (aka The Navarro Rule)

NEVER date a boy wearing more makeup than you.

He's on the bi-now, gay-later plan for sure...

dreadpiratecuervo said...

He's on the bi-now, gay-later plan for sure...

Hez, I can't believe I've never heard that saying before, but it's awesome. Permission to use it daily requested.

Anonymous said...

I heard it somewhere myself, so I don't know if I can take credit, but you can use it like crazy with my permission. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ummmmm omg! this is sooo werid. and pete wentz is fine! i wish he was mine even if he is bi! i whould let that fine peice of man slip out of my fngers! but this is weird! rumor willis? he has kinda a bad taste of women.

Anonymous said...

and i have seen the naked pics too! he has a BIG one! hahaha

Anonymous said...

AHEM...seen em too. Was intending to scoff and sneer but.... Maybe its coz he's short?
Yeah that must be it;)

Anonymous said...

ya'll suck, pete wentz is awesome and alot of this shit is a load of hooey.

Anonymous said...

dude--i saw the nude pics--they're not that bad! ;)


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