Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Today's Blind Items

Do you remember the blind item about the pap who was staking out a house looking for one special photo? Well there have been some developments. First, the boyfriend and girlfriend have married. I ran into the pap's assistant the other day and he said that about 5 or 6 weeks ago, the now wife left for a few days and the pap got the shot he wanted. It took him months of waiting but he got the money shot. He tried to sell it to a US magazine and they did not want to touch it. He then went to a UK magazine and they offered him a tremendous amount of money, but not the kind of money that makes up for months of waiting. So, using the UK offer as leverage he decided to offer the photo for sale to the husband. They have discussed a price but nothing finalized yet. If the sale does not go final, then UK it is.

Do you remember this blind item from a few months ago?

One of my favorite actresses is finding that the road to seriousness is tough when you are not serious yourself. This actress who has been in A-List movies and has had an A list career without the payoff has begun to try her hand at producing. The only problem is that during her latest film she spent more time in the bathroom doing lines of coke then remembering the lines in her part. In the last few months she had assured everyone that she was clean and sober and an angel all over again. Two years ago her career almost came crashing to a halt because no one would hire her. She cleaned up and has been working and had more in the works. But just like her last few relationships, the projects are disappearing fast. She has always been gorgeous and talented, but because of the drugs and booze always one step away from becoming an acting footnote.

***Update***She has basically sold herself out to the highest bidder now. Found a rich guy and let him be the financial backer for her producing and all of her living expenses and in return she will be his actress girlfriend that can still make the pap follow her sometimes.

**New Today**

In a similar vein these two actresses are competing to be the new trophy girlfriend of this aging tycoon. He is always seen in the company of beautiful women because it is a part of his job. Always willing to provide favors for those women who are nice to him, he provides special favors to the actress who pleases him most. He had a long-term "situation" recently end. He has two women competing for the role of trophy. One is an 80's teen actress who shared the screen with some pretty women. The other is an exotic actress we have come to love; at least in the gossip world.


Anonymous said...

EL, how isn't #1 blackmail?

I was very interested in this BI....wondering what in the world the money shot should could be that warranted such a lengthy stakeout...I will be so disappointed if the picture never sees the light of day.

Thanks a lot for the update.

Anonymous said...

is #2 brittney murphy?

Anonymous said...

I really think the first one is Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes=gf/wife. The money shot is him with another man. The only thing that doesn't fit right is that the original BI was posted two days after their wedding, and it said that they weren't married in that BI....Could just be EL hiding some information, though.

Anonymous said...

Is it too obvious for # 2 to be Elizabeth Hurley? Doesn't she do producing w/Hugh...?

Anonymous said...

AS IF Tom Thumb could knock that bitch out! he wishes! She's like 10ft tall!

Although that would be awesome if the money shot was Tom squealing like a pig with Sumner Redstone givin it to him...LOL.

Ew i think i threw up a lil.

Anonymous said...

Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that the exotic actress is Bai Ling, but I haven't heard of her being linked to any aging tycoons.

Anonymous said...

Is number #2 Courtney? I would say so except for the gorgeous part.

Anonymous said...

Im guessing for the exotic actress its Carmen Electra- she has those videos out for exotic dancing

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that the new Blind Item is Robert Evans and the exotic actress is Bai Ling, but I haven't researched this yet.


Anonymous said...

No wait! I saw some pics of Brittany Murphy with some older may well be her.

Anonymous said...

If the money shot is Tom Cruise with another man, I would imagine he would immediately buy the photo at any price. I think it would have to be someone less financially "unlimited".

Anonymous said...

# 2 is Britney Murphy. Def an A- list career/movies without the real payoff. She is just starting to produce movies (The Ramen Girl is in post production according to IMDB), and has long been rumored to like the drugs. I just saw pictures of her on Perez Hilton with some really rich guy, new new boyfriend, who was buying her jewelry at David Yurman. That's sad, I always really liked her.


Anonymous said...

the first one is not Tom Cruise because of this line in the original BI:

"She is not really in the public eye and so sometimes that can be problematic as well."

It's someone dating a non-famous person.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to be off topic, but does anyone know who these blind items might be about? :

Which golden, unmarried couple is known for coke-fueled fights behind the scenes? The bicoastal beauties do a snoutful in the limo before events so they arrive beaming.


Which glittering bicoastal couple had to pretend to break up for two months because the glamazon actress broke his nose during a cocaine-fueled fight? "He needed reconstructive surgery and dropped out of sight," says a snitch. "The cover story was they broke up while she did her movie thing. Then when he was ready to be seen in public again, they got back together."

Anonymous said...

#1 is Elizabeth Hurley
#2 Drew Barrymore

Anonymous said...

The golden couple BI's are Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson. She's filming Fool's Gold and remember how they dropped out of site and are back on. The question is: how could you tell if Owen Wilson's nose was broken and I don't think that Kate has the strength to bend a paperclip.

That's my guess...


Anonymous said...

" The first time it happened he was not prepared to take pics because he knew the object of his pics was not at the house "

I was thinking Heath & Michelle but then another line said that she is out of the public eye.

If he offered the picture to a USA mag and they didn't want it but a UK might doesn't that indicate that the guy is a bigger star there than here??

Still no idea

Anonymous said...

The Golden reference made me think of Goldie Hawn. But bi-coastal makes me think that one lives on the east coast, the other on the west. Nick and Vanessa live on separate coasts, and she is always wearing metallic gowns to events...

Anonymous said...

You are assuming Kate punched Owen. That "head snap, hair toss" move she inherited from Goldie is fierce enough to break a nose and being in a limo might explain the odd placement required to connect.

Anonymous said...

#2 is Drew, the hint was in the "angel" comment in the BI. She produces.

Anonymous said...

I think that the two blind items from The Daily News are about two different couples, even thought they sounds similiar. The first one made me think of Brad and Angelina, even though that would be sad. And the second one made me think of Kate and Owen Wilson.


fo real said...

Which glittering bicoastal couple had to pretend to break up for two months because the glamazon actress broke his nose during a cocaine-fueled fight? "He needed reconstructive surgery and dropped out of sight," says a snitch. "The cover story was they broke up while she did her movie thing. Then when he was ready to be seen in public again, they got back together.

Uma Thurman & her man?

Anonymous said...

Great! Thanks to Anon 12:30, I can't get that darn image out of my head. I swear, I had hillbilly nightmares for MONTHS after I watched that movie! LOL!

Could BI #1 be Heath and Michelle? They weren't married when Ent initially wrote the BI, and aren't there rumors they've gotten hitched? Hmmm, maybe the pap got a pic of Heath with his girlfriend's lookalike? (which would answer another BI about an actor's GF being a dead ringer for his SISTER???)

Ooh, Brittany Murphy for #2. She really looked strung out for a while.... I've got nothing for #3...

Anonymous said...

i'd say the second one is most definately tara reid.

Anonymous said...

#1. I have no idea (abusive couple)
#2. Brittany Murphy (serious actress)
#3. A.J. Discala ( aging tycoon)

Anonymous said...

I just reread the original item for #1, and it says that the pap witnessed the beatings while waiting for the money shot. Thus the beatings weren't what the pap was after, they were a side item. He still was looking for the money shot and wanted the reclusive gf (now wife) gone because whatever "it" is would happen then. The wife left about 5 - 6 weeks ago (give or take for purposes of EL's sometime habit of altering dates).

The pap has been waiting months for the money shot, and it's too hot for a US magazine to touch, though not for a UK magazine.

I don't think a pap would stake out someone for months on end unless it was someone really big with something really big to hide that a magazine would be willing to pay big money for, and the object of the photo willing to pay even more.

Recent marriage? reclusive gf/now wife? Wife went away 5 weeks ago or so?

It all adds up to Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes to me, and the money shot is Tom doing the nasty with some guy, or a Travolta-type kiss photo. And doesn't she act like an abused wife with the robo behavior?

Anonymous said...

abusive couple is owen and kate

Anonymous said...

owen and kate aren't married.

Anonymous said...

For the couple, what about Brad and Angelina and the money shot was him with Jennifer Aniston? ... just trying to think out of the box...

Anonymous said...

Maybe BigRed came to visit Tommy Mapother for some wrestlin' ;)

hi ent :o)

Anonymous said...

C'mon even his self imposed surname Cruise. Is Gay vernacular for trollin'.

Anonymous said...

jem - I'm with you - and if you look at the original blind item, it even says "last week I promised to fill you all in on a story a pap related to me . . ." which would mean that the initial information did come before they got married.

It totally adds up for me.

Anonymous said...

b :) - pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

No clue on first two...I'm thinking Hugh Hefner or Ted Turner for #3 for the aging tycoon...Didn't Hugh and his (1 of 4) ladies Kendra part ways recently?
As far as women- I think the 80s actress starring with PRETTY WOMEN...that's a big clue. Sure it's not Julia but someone who's starred with her?
Exotic actress no clue-

Anonymous said...

for 3 whats her face from just shoot me, was in pretty woman with julia and was in sex lies and videotape witch was very big in the 80s

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I thought pretty women was a clue as well. Amy Yasbeck was in Pretty Woman and would have been a teen in the early 80s.

Anonymous said...

the blind item can't be tom cruise if some pap got a money shot then the tabs would certainly come up with the money look how much they are willing to spend for exclusive wedding photos of so and so.

Anonymous said...

"80's teen actress who shared the screen with some pretty women."

Winona Ryder? She was in the film "Little Women" with Claire Danes, Kirsten Dunst, and Susan Sarandon.

Anonymous said...

Sits and waits for someone to figure out if Rob Thomas was in California 5-6 weeks ago...

Anonymous said...

Ah. Got it.

Today's BI:
Uma Thurman (movie: 'Beautiful Girls'), Andre Balazs, and Madonna (song: 'Exotic')

Anonymous said...

For the aging tycoon w/trophy girlfriends, I'm thinking...

1. Bai Ling
2. Justine Bateman (Satisfaction w/JRo) or Daryl Hannah (Steel Magnolia's w/JRo).

"pretty women is the clue"

Kathy K said...

Oh my oh my! I do think BI #1 is Tomkat. Recheck the dates -- I think it's doable. Clearly, she's being controlled ... she may not have been the sharpest tool in the shed in the first place, but now he's just dumbed her down to robot status.

Not sure where I just read a really disturbing blurb that Tom's already announced he'll be on set with her every day when she shoots her new movie WHICH was chosen because her character has no love scenes. Sick stuff; if you've ever wondered what selling your soul would be like, just keep watching this.

#2 def sounds like Britanny Murphy; go back and check Perez's pix and story. Looks like a match to me.

The tycoon one really intrigues me but I'll probably never figure it out.

Interesting stuff today!

Anonymous said...

For the aging tycoon w/trophy girlfriends, I forgot...

Annabeth Gish... (Mystic Pizza w/JRo)


Anonymous said...

I looked back at the original post and I still think that the violent A-List actor is Sean Penn. I've read that Robin Wright is on her way out the door.

The money shot? Drugs?

b said...

Hey all

#1 - the most interesting CANNOT BE TOMKAT

2 main reasons -
1) says girlfriend is "NOT IN THE PUBLIC EYE" - KH is photographed more than her husband.... she has been in the public eye since she was a teenager
2) TC would most certainly cough up the money and would not be deliberating the matter

another note - the "money shot" obviously involves another person - male or female - the actor is doing something with another person when GF is not there - something

how long ago did the pap first come to ENT... was it really in nov or was he relating a conversation that happenned years ago? (and therefore the timespan in which the marriage could have occured is much broader)

i was thinking nic cage or someone similar - his wife is definitely not in the public eye, matt damon would be another - someone already suggested these, i believe

Anonymous said...

#1 I gotta go w/ 3:04, anything really that good, if true, would have a buyer. That's the game and reality now, there are no limits because "US magazines wouldn't touch it." Not believable.
#2 If ever revealed: Whomever garners the most "guesses" here will be the winner, true or not.
#3 Aging tycoon: is there any other type? Trophy girlfriends: same.

b said...

wanted to add that the BI is worded as if the "object" of the money shot is also another well-known person

Anonymous said...

Tobey Maguire and GF for #1...there's a rumor floating around they're hitched now...can't really see him beating up a girl tho?
Matt Damon would break my fuc&in' heart.

Anonymous said...

I really like the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes angle for BI#1. I'm guessing the reason a US magazines wouldn't touch it is not for lack of money, but perhaps fear. He's sue-happy with a legion of attorneys and he's still quite powerful. A creep yes, but powerful too. I can see that maybe a magazine might not want to touch it with a 10ft pole, esp if there might be issues/concerns with how the pix were taken?

Anonymous said...

#1 is NOT Sean Penn and Robin Wright. They've been married for many years, including before they moved to Main County, which btw their house is VERY visible from the road directly across from the Police and Fire station, which is the way she wanted it for their kids' safety... though I don't doubt that Sean Penn is violent, and they may divorce soon since she may have finally had enough. Doubt it though.

Anonymous said...

Amy Yasbeck cannot be one of the answers to "aging tycoon" because she was not a teen actress at the time of either Wings or Pretty Woman. She was born in 1962.

b said...

tobey is a great guess - altho BI implies that we should know he's married

her father is wealthy too which could be why they don't want to touch the pics

ENT what is going to happen to the abuse pics - sounds like the pap has not told the actor about them

out of curiousity what responsibility does/did the pap have to report the incidents

Anonymous said...

I must re-iterate that #1 is not Tom and Kate because Kate is famous. I know that some of my guesses are way off, and I like when people point out why they are wrong, but I know that we all know who Katie Holmes is and that makes her FAMOUS. Yes she looks like a Stepford Wife, but it can't be her.

Tobey Maquire? He married Jennifer Meyer, her father is part of MGM. I can't see her having to be quiet about something like that with all her money.

Here's some things from Tobey's IMDB profile:

Is a vegetarian.

Enjoys yoga and cooking.

Enjoys playing chess.

Not much of an abuser :)


BTW: Doesn't Matt Damon live in Florida now?

Anonymous said...

"One is an 80's teen actress who shared the screen with some pretty women."

Darryl Hannah who was in Steel Magnolias with Julia Roberts, Olympia Dukakis, Dolly Parton, Shirley McClaine and Sally Field.

"The other is an exotic actress we have come to love."

Bai Ling.

"She has basically sold herself out to the highest bidder now. Found a rich guy and let him be the financial backer for her producing and all of her living expenses and in return she will be his actress girlfriend that can still make the pap follow her sometimes."

Brittany Murphy

Which glittering bicoastal couple had to pretend to break up for two months because the glamazon actress broke his nose during a cocaine-fueled fight? "He needed reconstructive surgery and dropped out of sight," says a snitch. "The cover story was they broke up while she did her movie thing. Then when he was ready to be seen in public again, they got back together."

Uma Thurman

From Wikipedia:

n 2004, she began dating New York hotelier Andre Balazs. At one point, they lived in a loft apartment in New York City's SoHo neighborhood, down the street from Balazs’s Mercer Hotel. Thurman also owns a townhouse in the New York neighborhood of Greenwich Village.[2] In March 2006, Thurman’s publicist announced that the couple had split.However, they continued dating on-and-off afterwards and are reunited as of October 2006.

Anonymous said...

Which golden, unmarried couple is known for coke-fueled fights behind the scenes? The bicoastal beauties do a snoutful in the limo before events so they arrive beaming. Nick Lachey and Vanessa Manillo, I think.

Anonymous said...

#1 Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams?

Anonymous said...

GGA - don't forget that if the item came from before Nov '06, Katie was nowhere to be seen for months - an occasional jaunt to Starbucks in Telluride and everyone was talking about how she was never showing her face. Not so lately, certainly. But from the time Suri was born until just before the wedding, she (Katie) was out of sight. The item doesn't say that hte gf (wife) is unknown, just that she wasn't in the public eye. That fits for that period.

Plus I think the reason the US tabs backed away has nothing to do with cash and everything to do with the litigious nature of Mr. Cruise, as someone pointed out earlier.

Finally, the BI's use over and over again of the word "money" also leads me to Cruise - Color of Money, Show me the Money . . .

Loads of good thoughts and discussion on this BI, but I still think it is Tom Cruise.

Anonymous said...

1. Heath and Michelle
2. Brittney Murphy
3. Daryl Hannah and Bai Ling

don't have a clue who the men for 2 and 3 could be

Anonymous said...

possible Nichole Richie and Joel Madsen for 1. He seems to have a violent streak (twice caught on tape) and the couple has recently been wearing rings. Nichole also had a trip to the hospital this weekend...

Anonymous said...

I'm Anon 3:46 & I can't believe people are still trying to guess FAKE blind items. They are FAKE, if there ever was an entertainment lawyer, it is no longer. "Hez" aka "bullshitter from the boonies", is doing the writing now (if you call it that) using old BI's and news articles and spinning them. Page Six, NYDN and Ted C. use real people and sources but for legal reasons, (didn't see the blow going up the nose or other orifices) don't name names. Not this site, total made up what if BS. Always and the bullshit reveals here show it IS A FAKE, total BS and counting on you being too stupid to know better.

Anonymous said...

LMAO 3:07!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG I wish someone would come out with a freakin' book already with all of the right answers in them.....ENT. Lawyer we NEED to have more hints about the 1st blind item:( I know it's a long shot but it's driving me up the wall! Pretty pretty please.......:)

Anonymous said...

PS I forgot to tell you that your the juiciest blog I read! Keep it up.....


Anonymous said...

6:25, spoil-sport. It was fun on the playground until you got here.

Anonymous said...

There is a book coming out soon about Blind Items, but these won't be in it. They're FAKE and part of the book deals with how people get swept up and lose perspective even when it's blatantly obvious it's not true. Page Six, Ted C., Mirror and NYDN ARE RELIABLE. The only thing you'll read about this site is what a scam it was and how easily fooled people were.

Anonymous said...

wait a minute, you are calling ted-kiss-ass c. reliable? F'ing Puhlease you idiot.

b said...

there is a movie called "the public eye"

references to "money" could mean casino

also he was in "home alone"

Joe Pesci is an a-list actor - famous
divorced (3x), was he dating someone recently and quietly got married?

Anonymous said...

In a journalistic sense, yes Ted C. is reliable. Which to me is the only thing that counts because he can back it up w/ facts and sources. You may dislike his style (I'm assuming you don't know him or you wouldn't be so loud) but he's right often enough that homophobes don't matter. Might as well go the whole hog and put Perez in the group too. Proven sources ( more than one) and consistent accuracy outweigh BS every time. Please show me when Ted C has been specifically unreliable. Facts, name sand dates: you know the truth thing.

Kathy K said...

6:25 AKA 7:06 .... I never understand why people like you post to blogs that you don't like. Nor do I understand why you still even go to them.

You're not going to get the blog shut down, you don't have any proof about what you're saying, and we just don't believe you.

Your posts are like the internet equivilent of holding your breath until you turn blue.

Anonymous said...

7:24 Spell check? It's not a matter of not liking, trying to shut down or anything personal. You don't know me and actually the proof is and has been here all along. I speak up if I see someone being taken advantage of and I'm being honest.

Anonymous said...

In regards to #1, I still think it's TomKat, and I think SB makes a good point about the fact that Katie, while still famous, was out of the public eye for a bit. She was rarely, if ever, seen out by herself until just recently. Also, for a pap to be stalking a house, it would have to be someone HUGE. The papparazzi don't wait outside all celebrities houses, only those that will get them the big bucks.

Farm Girl Pink... said...

BI # 1:

I am also curious who would be worthy enough for someone to stake out their home for months for a picture. It would have to be someone really newsworthy. Topline A list actor. Who recently married in the last 6 months. (I am assuming we are getting a legit time line.)

Then what kind of picture would it be?

I can't believe no US magazine would touch the picture.

The National Enquirer never has had an issue with printing anything. So I find it hard to believe that the photographer can't find a buyer in the US and only a publication in the UK wants it.

US Weekly is desperate for exclusive photo's... so either the person in the picture is not of interest to the magazine buying public... or he was having sex with a goat. Something is totally off with this item.

Anonymous said...

6:25 If what you're saying is true, that this site is fake, what proof do YOU have?

Oh- and I don't know where you studied journalism, (I went to one of the best around); I guess Ted is reliable in a "journalistic sense" if all you read is Natl Enquirer and gossip rags.
Take your pseudo-intellectual spoilsport attitude and waddle over to Perez, please!

Anonymous said...

ahaaaa ha.

I concur.

Is that you TC?

Anonymous said...

TomKat - now looking for a new home. Possibly because they now know they're under surveillance by the pap?

Anonymous said...

In a similar vein these two actresses are competing to be the new trophy girlfriend of this aging tycoon. He is always seen in the company of beautiful women because it is a part of his job. Always willing to provide favors for those women who are nice to him, he provides special favors to the actress who pleases him most. He had a long-term "situation" recently end. He has two women competing for the role of trophy. One is an 80's teen actress who shared the screen with some pretty women. The other is an exotic actress we have come to love; at least in the gossip world.

He is always seen in the company of beautiful women because it is a part of his job. = Fawaz Gruosi

One is an 80's teen actress who shared the screen with some pretty women. = Darryl Hannah

The other is an exotic actress we have come to love = Bai Ling

Darryl Hannah with Fawaz Gruosi

Bai Ling with Fawaz Gruosi

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:24
I immediatly thought of Annabeth Gish too! (although I just remembered her name in the xfiles -monica reyes)
=the teen actress in mystic pizza with julia "pretty woman" roberts...

Anonymous said...

I thought Shannen Doherty for the last one. She was a tenn star and in Mystic Pizza with Julia

Anonymous said...

Darryl Hannah with Fawaz Gruosi

Bai Ling with Fawaz Gruosi

Anonymous said...

Doh! Shannen not in Mystic, my mistake...... but she was a teen star

Anonymous said...

i am the last person to comment on a tom cruise item since i want y'all to be dead wrong about him and katie and scientology. I want to believe they are a nice down home 'square' couple with a lot of fame and fortune...
for a pap to stake out that long for a money shot it has to be someone like cruise or jolie pitt...
i even think ledger-williams are too small for this item...
i could totally believe that no US mag would touch a tom cruise exposure photo with a 10 foot pole because of litigation and moreso that is not their gig...

if it is HUGE like tom and another guy or katie being hit... IT WILL NEVER get published... really
when was the last time someone at the top of the totem pole like pitt or cruise was ever exposed on the front of a US mag?????

small fry sure... trashy people and drugs and partiers lohans/spears/paris yes... but not huge stars about deviant stuff and/or wife beating until after they are dead...

and the reason he may not have given the $$ at first is maybe he had last right of refusal... maybe he knew the pap would try to get big money and try to double it by coming back for one last kick at the cat???
maybe not... then the mags would know his secret... i dunno...
set me straight will ya if i am way wrong about those US mags

Anonymous said...

Not getting into what I think the answers are, but as far as reasons for US magazines being unwilling to publish anything huge and devastating regarding Tom Cruise, apart from the litigation angle, remember that he's a Scientologist. A quick Google on "Scientology death" or "Scientology fair game" and the like will give you plenty of reasons why people might be reluctant to put their necks out where Scientology is concerned.

Anonymous said...

1- heath and michelle.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:19 - an alien mafia??? Yipes. You maybe on to something there . . .

Anonymous said...

oops - may be, not maybe. Stupid typing "skills."

Anonymous said...

7:21 - you really have a lot of time on your hands to waste it here don't you?

Go use your energy to campaign for something useful like world hunger, or the war, or anything other than some stupid BI entertainment blog.


Anonymous said...

As respects Anon 6:25 (from yesterday), on more than one occassion, I've wondered if Hez hadn't taken over for ent. The writing style does seem to be different that what it was back in November.

As far as the blind items being fake, I don't really care. I enjoy this site and take it for what it is. Entertainment. It's also a great way to break up the day while I'm "working".

Anonymous said...

Kacie - I had the same thought and actually asked Hez if she was posting for EL. She said it was not her and I have no reason not to believe her. That said, I do think the daily posting is written by someone helping out - the style is different from the BI style.

And I agree - I don't really care all that much whether these things are real - they're just fun.

Anonymous said...

Amen - SB!

I just wish I could come up with some intelligent guesses for the BIs. While I never post my guesses, I am always curious to see what everyone else thinks and to see if I'm on the same track. More often than not, I'm not. Someone usually posts a really plausible reason why my guess isn't possibly the right answer.

I'm gonna keep trying though :)

Anonymous said...

#1 Bran and Angelina...maybe?

Anonymous said...

If #1 is TomKat, maybe the money-shot refers to Baby Suri?

Anonymous said...

money shot not likely to be Suri, because there wouldn't be any trouble selling it, and no tab would back away from it. Plus, if it were Suri, the pap wouldn't have to wait until the gf was gone for the money shot moment. If it is Cruise, the money shot is more likely naughty boy-on-boy action - my guess.

Anonymous said...

As a sidenote, during Katie Holmes' time of seclusion out of the public eye, she got a nose jobe and potentially some other facial surgery. If you're photographed post-surgery, you can have black eyes, swellings, and so forth. Any chance that the US mags aren't jumping on the Tom/Katie photo because they know the bruises, etc. could also be explained away as post-surgery injuries?

Anonymous said...

This is what is printed at the bottom of every page here and I think DEFINES not a lawyer but a fictional character:

" Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights."

This is fiction folks, NOT real, but FAKE. Hez denying by saying she only "writes" for her own blog? Then I guess this is her blog or has become hers since a couple of months ago.

Anonymous said...

And thus speaketh the Cruise/Scientology reps. Note how the "IT'S FAKE" screams increase as the posters zero in on Cruise. Hmmmm.

Me thinketh the 8:14 poster doth protest too much!

Who cares if it's real? It's for fun.

Anonymous said...

A Scientology conspiracy Hez and some misquoted Shakespeare? You think too highly of this fiction and apparently yourself. At least we're all agreed these are FAKE as per the "author" at the bottom of every page.

Anonymous said...

No, I'm just having fun.

Anonymous said...

8:14 - we're all big girls and boys. We can take care of ourselves. We don't need you monitoring the content for us. But thanks anyway!

Anonymous said...

I do agree that the writing has changed especially with respect to Britney Spears, when she had her breakdown/shaved head incident, EL seemed to be reluctant to comment and appeared to be pro-Britney, the lastest comments regarding Britney have been rather snarky. Has EL changed his opinion on Britney in the past month or perhaps there is a new blogger with his/her own opinions....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He has totally changed about Britney, at first he let us know that he had an "inside" connection to her, now it just regular blog posts about her with info you can get from US magazine. Remember when he used to check with his sources first about her before he let us know stuff. This makes me think there is a new author writing this blog. It's still fun though, just different. I like the old style of writing way better.

Anonymous said...

My mommy taught me to play nice on the playground and I love my playground time. If you don't want to run and jump with us then go play in the sandbox! Simple. The rest of us are going to continue running and jumping and laughing.

bmini said...

I have *heard* that there are pictures that no magazine will buy, such as ones with female stars leaving abortion clincs and such. IT's funny, I was researching Scientolgy for a paper and came across a website about a women who was a part of that church for over 20 years and had a very high position within it. Part of her job was to join chat rooms that are against Scientology to try to change their minds. She always posted anonymously and was quite rude in her posts. After about a year of this she actually ended up leaving the church and revealed her true name in her last post, along with why she finally realized how crazy Scientology is. Do you suppose her replacement has found this blog?? :)

Anonymous said...

bmimi - good one!

Anonymous said...

Who knows - that scientology is some scary stuff. I wouldn't put anything past "them".

Amber said...

I'm confused about #1. In the original post you said that this was a couple (bf, gf) and that he beat her right? So now they are married. But you said in this post that the now wife left the house and the pap got the shot he wanted.. with the wife not there? So, was the guy beating another girl he was also seeing?? Could someone explain this to me please, I'd appreciate it!

Amber said...

Wait.. am I mixed up? #1 is about the guy who beats his girlfriend right? Wouldn't the money shot be a picture of him hitting her? Not about cheating. Correct?

Anonymous said...

ambersumiko - my take (longer post earlier yesterday on this issue that I won't repeat), but - I think that the pap was looking for a money shot, and the beatings were something he witnessed while waiting. If you reread the first item and then the second, that becomes clear (at least to me, anyway). So, as I read it, the money shot has to be something and someone worth perching someplace for months.

Anonymous said...

Tom Cruise is a Butt Fucker.

Anonymous said...

"Tom Cruise is a Butt Fucker"

hee hee

Anonymous said...

Hey a couple of months ago there were shots of Katie really over dressed, like in a big coat or something...right? They were at Conner's soccer game, I think. Does anyone one else recall?

Also, who wouldn't be scared of the crazy Scientologists. I could totally see TC being a woman beater and KH totally taking it. She's like a zombie.

Anonymous said...

'Wait.. am I mixed up? #1 is about the guy who beats his girlfriend right? Wouldn't the money shot be a picture of him hitting her? Not about cheating. Correct?"

The BI talked of two money shots. I think the second money shot was of the wife with clear injuries; so the pap would have had to wait for the wife to leave the house so the pap's assistant could get a good shot of her.

I'm still thinking it's Tom and Katie.

He's such a little twerp.

Anonymous said...

I can see TC would be a bully. Just look at his actions, over the top and jumping about, definately has SMS (Small/Short Mans Syndrome) and screwed up from religon. I've always got a "something ain't quite right vibe' from him. I talk with my money, I've never paid to see any of his movies - I feel he always plays the same characters in all his movies.

Seriously I've never understood the attraction of him. But I don't doubt that he is probably a nice person to work with. Just wouldn't want to be in a relationship with him or have his religon shoved down my throat.

Given that he was going to be a priest, then came scientology, just reeks of 'has issues', probably gay ones.

Good luck Katie, all that money and fame and your miserable - stupid b***h.

Anonymous said...

yea,i agree, i think we are all being spun a line here. i think the only real blind items on this site are about lindsey lohan. the mv story and this one is bullshit. they are total nonsense. and whoever is now writing this is getting themselves out of every story each time with crap excuses. Ent has got really basic facts about britney wrong, this means that his blind items are probably wrong too. also that there is no way that anyone would be able to produce THIS much gossip daily, for one, it probably doesnt happen and for 2 he says he works in law, i dont even have time to read it all daily never mind if i was producing it. anyway. make up your own minds, this blog is just seeming to have gone so far downhill and detatched from what it started off as, and the new bitchy style of writing is not funny or good. Ent, if thats what you are and you know anything, get rid of the crap and start writing again. less is definately more in this case.

Anonymous said...

in regards to the blog's author changing, I remember reading an item where EL specifically said he was changing his writing style do to complaints (about things like repeating periods '...').

Maybe this was a cover story for the changing of hands?

Anonymous said...

"5 or 6 weeks ago, the now wife left for a few days "

This would be around the end of January, right? Katie Holmes was in Paris attending some fashion shows without Tom.

Anonymous said...

Either the mags won't touch it because they know they'd be sued for years, or maybe it's just really, really wrong, like child molestation wrong. But if it's that wrong (actually, I would include beating his wife as that wrong, too) then WHY THE HELL IS THIS PHOTOGRAPHER NOT GOING TO THE POLICE? That is the sickest, most depressing thing about this whole story.

Anonymous said...

Shot in the dark

#1- Heath and Michelle

I always thought the relationship had a huge secret for some reason. She always looked sad and very submissive.

There was also a page Six entry that i could never get out of my head....

Sightings":. HEATH Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, who star as gay cowboys in "Brokeback Mountain," leaving the Hotel Gansevoort

i believe they were already done with the press for brokeback mountain at this point.

Maybe they had chemistry off screen too?

Anonymous said...

The drugs & booze one sounds like Salma Hayek. She had accolades for Frida but hasn't done much since, and is producing Ugly Betty. She's now engaged to some rich old guy...

Anonymous said...

I just saw on Perez that Salma Hayek is now pregnant and engaged to a rich guy, who no one even knew she was dating!

Please go back to the old style of writing? I don't care about extra ..... 's! Just bring it back!!!!

Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

he cleared this up and said that drugs and booze are not selma. However, I wonder if drugs and booze were Winona?

Anonymous said...

Jlo and marc anthony. no doubt.


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