Thursday, February 12, 2009

That's How Accidents Happen

As a guy I can certainly appreciate the attraction of a stripper pole in the house. You and your special someone can use it to spice up the sex life, get a work out or even hook up a basketball hoop to it. Whatever works for you. What will make it instantly come down is coming in one day and finding your mother trying to use it. Yeah. After that it was only used to wrap Christmas lights around during parties and at the holidays.

Anyway, enough of the past and reasons why I see a therapist. Instead lets talk about a new report in US Weekly that says Kate Hudson had a stripper pole installed in her bathroom. Kate is no stranger to stripper poles. You might think I am going to make a joke here, but she actually has had one for a very long time and even has suffered injuries from her use of them. Seriously. There was a leg muscle pull and some pole burn she suffered while using it for Chris Robinson back in the day.

Anyway, I am wondering if installing a metal pole in a bathroom is the best decision ever. Now, I understand that Kate's bathroom is probably more like the size of a bedroom to an everyday person, but it seems to me that it would still tend to get wet and slippery from steam or Vaseline or what have you and would inevitably lead to some spectacular accidents and injuries. All I'm saying is that most accidents happen in the home and this doesn't seem like a good way to prevent them. Do you really need a pole in your bedroom and bathroom? Are you sitting on the toilet and then suddenly you get a great idea for a move and you can walk the extra 15 feet into your bedroom? Is it for the other person to watch you while they are brushing their teeth or keeping them entertained while they are shaving? Tired of watching television while taking a bath and decided to hire some strippers to entertain you instead?


Goodgrief said...

I am trying to get the vaseline and stripper pole combo visual out of my mind.

juicy said...

Who'd even wanna watch her on the pole? It'd be like watching a pre-pubescent boy.

Ror said...

Well of COURSE it's in the bathroom!

That way you don't have to run anywhere when you throw up!

It's all in the planning people.

canadachick said...

well when someone gives you the golden shower on the pole, you don't want to run the bedroom flooring now do you .......k i just grossed myself out.

B626 said...

Slim pickings this week week for US Weekly!

mooshki said...

I love the picture, Enty. :)

MISCH said...


Anonymous said...

A skinny-ass pole wrapping herself around a stripper pole. Not a visual I want.

Anonymous said...

I would say that cleaning up residue (vaseline, secretions, discharge, whatever) is much easier in a bathroom than a bedroom. However, if you're going to watch someone on a stripper pole, you'd think you'd want a comfier seat than the toilet.

lmnop123 said...

It makes sense to have one in the bedroom but not in the bathroom. You're right Enty that does sound dangerous.

Molly said...

dn, bathrooms that can accomodate a pole have seats, chairs or benches in them. the poor victim wouldn't be sitting on the toilet.

mooshki said...

Molly, are you trying to tell us something? ;)

Molly said...

yea, i have a big ass bathroom w. seating...but the only pole in it is my husband. lmao!

not as juicy as you thought, eh? well, i'm uncoordinated. if i tried to do anything on a pole, i'd break a leg or something. not pretty.

Maja With a J said...

I would probably break my neck if I ever attempted to work a stripper pole. Bathroom or not. It ain't worth the risk.

bionic bunny! said...

amen, harriet! i'm barely allowed to use chopsticks, due to the klutz factor!


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