Thursday, August 06, 2009

Ashton Kutcher Is An Ass

If it wasn't bad enough that Ashton Kutcher and Chris Brown are BFF, now Ashton has gone out and made fun of fat people. In an interview he gave while doing press for his new movie he claims to have solved the problem of world hunger. How so? "If the fat people just gave the skinny people more food, we could all just eat... We could solve obesity and hunger at the same time."

While I admit that I am the poster child for obesity, I also recognize there is a problem in this world where people do not get enough food to eat. I know what I could do to lower my weight problem, but I don't do so by choice. Many overweight people though have emotional issues which lead to their weight gain and so it isn't as simple as just taking away food from them and giving it to the less fortunate in the world. I think his attitude makes light of a serious problem facing the world and blaming it all on people who are overweight doesn't do anything to actually solve the problem on how to feed all the people who go to bed hungry every night in this country and in others.

I know Ashton makes a living on being an idiot, but sometimes the idiocy becomes too much to take.


RocketQueen said...

What an ass. Your age is showing, Kutcher.

RocketQueen said...
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whole lotto luv said...

He's a total ass. Dude, where's your brain?

Ariel said...

I'm sorry, I don't normally like Kutcher, but that was funny

Jingle Belle said...

I'm sorry you found it funny Ariel. I'm very overweight but I'm also disabled and my problem isn't too much food, it's too little mobility.

ItsJustMe said...

Ent. you are a stand up guy, I really hope you know that.

As for Ashton ... to much bong time, too little brain stimulation.

Karmen said...

Ashton Kutcher is an insensitive ass.

Why the hell were people asking him his opinion on world hunger anyway? Last time I checked, the only thing he's been famous for was for tweeting inane bullshit we don't need to know. He's not an expert on anything except for Twitter. He's an idiot. Shame on the journalist who thought they should ask him for his opinion on world hunger.

GoddessNow said...

This is the same guy that twittered his wifes ass?
Nough said

Anonymous said...

How is he still relevant, anyhow? And are there actually people out there who give a crap what he says/thinks?

The only reason he still gets work and is around to annoy people is because he's married to Demi. It's not as if he's a versatile actor or anything; he plays the same idiot character in everything he's ever been in.

Can we just ban him?

GladysKravitz said...

What a moron. I guess he thinks he can afford to piss off the overweight-- his demographic is 12 year old boys.

I guess in his little world, if there's a physical "imperfection," one either starves or scalpels it away.

whole lotto luv said...

Gladys, this is so true. The money his wife spends on plastic surgery would probably feed an entire village for a century. I think that's as valid an argument as Asston's is.

nicola said...

Didn't someone give that exact same response a few weeks ago? Either the quote is a fake or Ashton is a copycat. Either way, a guy with webbed feet shouldn't be making fun of anyone.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

What an absolute fucking douchewad.

That's all.

Maja With a J said...

God I wish someone would bitchslap him.

lutefisk said...

So, maybe if we can get a smart person to donate some of their brains to him, it may solve his stupidity issue.

Unknown said...

What would one expect from a guy wo married a woman who is terrified of showing any age or imperfections. Just be thankful we have that one little snippet and are not living with him daily.

Sinjin said...

Skinny Hollywood people wouldn't know what to do with food anyway. They would just form it into lines and snort it!

sunnyside1213 said...

Lisa, that is so funny.

merrick said...

ROFL @ Lisa. Sad, but true!

Katy said...

Fat people ( I am a bit fluffy too!) are the last bastion of acceptable societal prejudice/cruelties. But you know how life is, that will come back to haunt him. Now that I know about Chris Brown being his buddy, I excommunicate Ashton from my entertainment catalog. Double Whammy. Anyway isn't he married to a Fembot? Death becomes her, wonder what her secret is????

Anonymous said...

LOL@Lisa. Bad Lisa lol

This is why I can't stand that idiot Ashton.

Somebody should asked him why he is such a mama's boy, see if he likes that LOL.

feraltart said...

I am overweight and have been my whole life. I walked the Inca Trail in May and lost no weight, my naturally slim husband lost 5 kgs. No-one acknowledges that since the start of the human race there have been fat people. Obviously some people are meant to be heavier than others. Oh and Ashton, spend 4 days hiking the Inca Trail like I did, then have a go at my weight.

warmislandsun said...

I have never liked this guy, and now I can see that my instincts were right on target. He is the epitome of douche.

I could never live in LA, all the people like Ashton and Demi would drive me to murder.

karen said...

Ignorance really must be bliss. What a stupid guy.

braverwoman said...

Word Feraltart.

Ror said...

So...then why don't rich folks give us poor fuckers money, and we'll all be happy and the recession will be over!!

And good looking people fuck all the ugly people so everyone is happy and stop the psycho's shooting up aerobic classes and malls.

I've NEVER liked this fuck faced no talent jizz pile....I'm even ashamed he comes from my home state!

Wil said...

Oh my god .. how do I even explain the pathological loathing I have for this overgrown frat boy and his vapid wife?!

I think someone should lock them up -or as a fatty I volunteer to sit on them - and see how long it takes for these two to dehydrate and shrivel like dried fruit at a lack of twittering and getting their faces all over celeb mags and websites. I figure about 15 minutes should do the trick.

; )

Wil said...

I will totally sign off on that plan, Ror!

; )

Amy said...

So...then why don't rich folks give us poor fuckers money, and we'll all be happy and the recession will be over!!

Can't beat that logic.

fairylights said...

Has he been hanging with Gwyneth?


ardleighstreet said...

When asshats spout/twitter off dumb statements like this one it sends people to do danerous things to their health to look "PERFECT".

Well I'd rather eat a HOHO and be "overweight" then be a dumbass frat boy with too much time on his hands and not enough functioning brain cells.

Unknown said...

I'm sure the millions of children who went to sleep hungry tonight would find his solution hilarious. He's not an idiot, he's someone who has made a lot of money from us - maybe he should be added to that boycott list.

It's only by supporting this tools projects to they have careers. People can speak with their wallets.

Judi said...

Ashton is an uneducated, uncultured fool. He's one of the village idiots and is how he makes his living. Not that he gets any of my money.

Binky Melnik said...

Beg pardon, but this "idiot" has already raised $10 million for Feed America, and has other charity projects in the works. He's not merely a tool; he's DOING something and using his name to benefit others. Laugh all you want:

Ashton recently admitted he's an "idiot." He said, "The truth is that I'm an idiot. I am. I don't do things by the rules sometimes. I say things that I probably shouldn't say. I push buttons. I deserve to be made fun of."

At least he's not just wasting his time and yours.

Anotheramy said...

For world malaria day he twittered about and donated a huge quantity of nets. (read: a lot of cash)He isnt all bad but, obesity and smoking are the only remaining bias left in politically correct America. It was a low blow.

No1uNo said...

I'm glad to hear he's raised money for hunger, I just hope he's not in charge of how it's spent, since he'd probably buy 10 million things off the dollar menu at Burger King and then tell his assistant to find a way to get them to Africa before they go bad.

bionic bunny! said...

@cheri- me, too. it really sucks to be in that vicious cycle- i need to lose weight so my joints will be healthier, but i can't exercise because my joints don't work. and even in CA (especially this year) pool weather has been short AND overly expensive. keep up the hope, girl. that's all we've got!

@ warmislandsun: unfortunately, the living here tends to drive one more to suicide, not murder. even in florida, you have the winter influx that isn't so body perfect. personally, having to attend a hollywood function about every 18 months keeps my xanax scrip filled!


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