Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Alec Baldwin Is Pretty Damn Funny

I don't know if Alec Baldwin wrote this himself or had someone from SNL or 30 Rock write it for him, but it is really good. Alec was the host of the Elle Women In Hollywood Tribute. I had read some excerpts from his speech which were good, but video is so much better. A little shaky, but much better than reading.


MontanaMarriott said...

lololol he was hilarious, but I think someone else wrote it.

Babs said...

Sometimes the actions and behavior of funny people cause their audience to no longer find them funny. Alec Baldwin's treatment of his daughter, his political rants, his overall smarminess have left me quite un-amused by his material.

And before the political debates start - I don't care WHAT his politics are, but I quickly tire of celebs who think I want to know their opinions because they must be so much more enlightened than I am, simply because they made a movie or two.

GladysKravitz said...

Uh, Enty, are you a member of Grown Men Who Still Live in Their Parents' Basement? Baldwin mentioned the group and I thought that you ought to join if you haven't already. Bring some Chik'n in a Biscuit and bacon, and they'll welcome you with open arms, I'm sure.

Majik said...

I love Alec Baldwin. LOVE HIM. I wouldn't be surprised if he wrote it himself, he's quite witty--but it's the delivery. Classic.

Did I mention I love Alec Baldwin?


nunaurbiz said...

HEE-larious! Thanks, Enty! I needed a laugh today.

I don't think Alec wrote all that, but it's obvious it was written for him and he delivered it very well.

Babs, lighten up, babe! If you're so offended by Alec Baldwin, why bother to watch the vids and comment? There are celebs I detest (for many reasons), so I avoid stuff about them (unless I feel like snarking, hee hee hee)

Babs said...

I didn't watch, nun, but thanksforaskin'.

Guess I thought the comment section of this forum was for ALL comments, not just the happy shiny ones. And it's OK for you to snark but not me?

RocketQueen said...

Not a fan of Alec's personality, but I think he's hilarious in everything he does for work. I'll just leave it there.

Cheryl said...

I'm with you Babs and I don't think your comments were out of line.

Babs said...

:) @ Cheryl.

Wil said...

Hum .. to comment or no??

Well .. I did watch the videos .. very damn funny. I especially loved the part and letting the guys know he would inform them about the progress of the Chargers-Broncos game. Not sure if Alec wrote it .. seemed to sound like him .. so I will believe he did .. or hired someone who knows him well enough to have written it for him in his voice.

As for the rest .. not getting into it - which for someone as opinionated as I am .. wow! Mark this day down in history ya'll!!

Anonymous said...

Musta been a slow day at the office for ol' Babs.


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