Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Courteney Cox Interview - Meh

Courteney Cox is the cover of Harper's and the interview this month. I started reading with hopes there would be some inside info about the split, but all I got was that Courteney really has strong feelings for David Arquette and they may or may not stay together. Umm, I think we could have discerned that for ourselves. I was not asking for front page tabloid stuff, but you would think that if you are a reporter for a monthly magazine and this is your big interview you could get more from someone in a two hour conversation over dinner and wine. You give me someone for two hours with booze and food and I will have them talking about the time they learned making out by slipping their tongue down their rubber ducky.

Courteney is just really guarded in this interview which is probably ok, but if you are Harper's you must have been thinking to yourself, people are going to buy this and then be bored out of their minds. Plus, the interview is really short. Almost embarrassingly short.


awesome balla. said...

i havent read the interview so i don't know, but i had when the person being interviewed is blamed for giving a boring interview. you gotta work with what you're given...or not given...by the interviewer.

RocketQueen said...

Fair enough, really. If it's true that she's just fed up with his alcoholism and is hoping he can get his shit together, you don't want to talk shit about your relationship. Not to mention they have a kid. I love gossip, but it's not *really* our business ;)

Linnea said...

Has she ever given an interesting interview? It is a smart media tactic if you want the papps to stay away

timebob said...

Courtney is the last of the old Hollywood ways. No pouring your heart out under any circumstances.

parissucksliterally said...

hey, she LOOKS fantastic in that pic!

The Black Cat said...

RocketQueen, I disagree, being a gossip whore I feel it is not only my business but my God given right :) Seriously though, celebrity comes with the good and the bad.

MISCH said...

I think once you put yourself out there, and are successful there is a price...and loss of privacy tops the list.

RocketQueen said...

lol Black Cat - I ain't gonna argue. I want to know :)

Red said...

Speaking of interviews and the media...

For you who aren't nerds like me, TechCrunch was just acquired by AOL (but before the HuffingtonPost merged with AOL)...really interesting to see how the two industries (entertainment vs. tech) are seen within marketing departments...

EatMyDirtyAsshole said...

Courtney fucked up her face with plastic surgery. Were I David Arquette having to stare at that butched face while getting laid, I'd drink heavily too.

Tempestuous Grape said...

Troll city lately, eh.

awesome balla. said...

tempestuous, if you are speaking of the ingrate above you, then yes.

dude, what's with the porno?

Cheryl said...

hey what's up with Enty not posting pics and BI's???

Anonymous said...

"You give me someone for two hours with booze and food and I will have them talking about the time they learned making out by slipping their tongue down their rubber ducky."

Well, Enty, now you have to prove it. Mix up a few Bloody Mary's and toss out some bagels and get busy on that two hour radio show of yours. We will be waiting for all the dirt you dig up. *crosses arms and looks at Enty expectantly*

Courtney Cox has always seemed as warm as an ice cube to me. (I gave up saying FRIGID BITCH for Lent.) Maybe Harper's did the best they could given the source.

parissucksliterally said...

I hate the Radio show, Enty has been completely slacking on this site.

I don't listen to the radio, but I do read gossip sites.


weezy said...

Is this the pic from the magazine? Courtney really does look like one of the Real Housewives. No wonder Jen Aniston cut her hair. She probably saw the contact sheets for this shoot and thought the same thing.

Anonymous said...

it's carli on the radio show i can't get into, parissucksliterally. she's just not funny or entertaining.

EatMyDirtyAsshole said...

Courtney's interview was short because she's a completely insipid dumbass with nothing to say. And Go did she fuck up her face. She looks like Jack Nicholson in full makeup to play THE JOKER.

mooshki said...

Enty, it's Harper's Bazaar. Harper's is an entirely different (and awesome) magazine. If Harper's had interviewed her, it would not have been boring.

mooshki said...

p.s. It's spring break. 'Nuff said.

Tempestuous Grape said...

THIS IS IT! Make no mistake where you are. THIS IS IT!

Sorry, that song just popped in my head out of nowhere. I need more entries, please.

sunnyside1213 said...

If she is thinking of going back to him, what is with all the hand holding with her co star?

MISCH said...

SOOOOOOOO the last post of the day...I don't like this one bit.

Robert said...

As Victor Mature put it, "If you're so worried about your fucking privacy, don't become a fucking actor!"

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Mooshki's right, Enty. Harper's Bazaar has articles that are about as interesting as the ones in T.V. Guide. But Harper's is AWEsome -- and waaaaaaaay too good to ever include an article about someone like Courtney Cox, probably.

Tweaking her face has turned her into a full-on Monet, as Cher Horowitz would say: great from far away, but once you get up close, it's just a big ol' mess. She really does look good in that photo, though.

WednesdayFriday said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Momster said...

Thanks T. Grape, for that earworm. Now Kenny Loggins won't get out of my head! *LOL*

Did anyone see David's interview on Oprah? I only got to see a couple of minutes, when his sisters Roseanna and Patricia were on.

Missjenny619 said...

Well, I can tell you guys a great BI that I just read in this book I have. It is called "The Secret Lives of Great Filmmakers" and has all sorts of sordid details about A-list directors.

Here goes:

"This A-List (negotiable at this point) actress flew into a jealous rage at a bar one night when she discovered this A+ director flirting with other woman in a bar. The actress jumped on the directors' back and began beating his head with her fists as she yelled "I'm not one of your groupies!", to which he wailed "Get this crazy bitch off of me!!". The film he directed, which our actress starred in came out in the late 90's (very late) and starred a few other A-list male actors and one hip-hop star.

I will post the answer at 5pm =)

Missjenny619 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Radio killed the blogging star....

Lioness70 said...

Ah, spring break. Kinda figured that.

Loss of privacy is the number one reason I'd never want to be famous. I'm very private IRL.

RocketQueen said...

Good one, Missjenny! I'm going to say Halle Berry for the woman....off to research her roles!

empyrios said...


Any Given Sunday?
Cameron Diaz=crazy bitch
Oliver Stone=director
LL Cool J=hip hop star
Al Pacino, Sam Jackson, James Woods, Dennis Quaid= other A listers


Nosey Parker said...

Thanks MissJenny!

Movie- Any Given Sunday
Year - 1999
Director - Oliver Stone
Actress - Cameron Diaz
Hip-Hop - LL Cool J
Actors - Al Pacino, Dennis Quad, James Woods, Mathew Modine, Jamie Foxx (not known for music in '99)

Nosey Parker said...

IA empyrios =D

Missjenny619 said...

Gosh you guys are good! Haha!

I'll dig another one out of my book =) There is some good stuff in here

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

MissJenny, thank you for being our Substitute Enty!

Missjenny619 said...

Okay, this one is not from my book, but I heard it first-hand. This is a "Kindness" BI as Enty would say:

Wanting to cheer up his A-list girlfriend after her favorite musician had passed away, this A+ list actor contacted the musicians mother. Our handsome actor told the mother that his very famous girlfriend was a huge fan of her sons music and offered to assist her in tracking down any recorded material that might exist anywhere in the world. He set up various bank accounts under the name of his favorite book/movie character and never wanted any publicity for his efforts. The actor even invited the musicians mother to their high-profile wedding a few years later.

It because of our actor that we are able to listen even more beautiful music from this lost soul. The musician has been an inspiration to dozens of other singers and bands to follow. Some have even written songs about him.

1) The A+ list actor
2) His A-list Girlfriend/wife at the time
3) The deceased musician
4) You can try to guess the actors' favorite book/movie character.

This is a true story. I will reveal all 4 names tomorrow morning =)

Missjenny619 said...

** This is an old BI, within the past 10-15 years

Miss X said...

I miss the old format of this site (frequent posting). I understand Enty wants to do the radio show but it doesn't really interest me. I'd rather read my gossip.

What other gossip sites do ya'll frequent? Is there anything similar to CDAN?

Kathy K said...

I'm feeling the same way you are, Miss X ... I always looked forward to checking CDAN when I got home from work, start with the blinds that I can never figure out, and then get at least 2 pages of new stuff.

I know people move on to things that interest them more, but I'm sad that Enty seems to have moved this blog down to 2nd priority.


CDAN Mod said...

I am getting away from posting on blogs and the web now. I would rather just read and not participate. It's just too much energy. With so many people having access to the web, it's just a smorgasbord of crazies or those with severe boredom.

I enjoy the Huffington Post Entertainment site. There are mods on all of their comment sections and that's so NICE.

You also don't have to deal with people ganging up on you. That tends to happen when there are "few" people postings. But when it's hundreds or thousands of people posting, the attacks are milder. Then the mods step in, if it gets too rowdy.

Anonymous said...

I'll say since he is a one-man show, it is more than likely difficult for him to work, blog and put together a radio show. Perez has a staff, and for gosh sakes that blog is available in multiple languages. I think that Enty's radio show is entertaining and a great venture. Maybe this blog can be for blind items and the twice yearly reveals with podcast links for his weekly radio show? That maybe more doable for him.

B626 said...

And Charlie's the bad boy for doing interviews without a publicist?
Bet Courtney never leaves home without one.

lanasyogamama said...

Court is just boring, I don't blame the mag.

I'm actually a little happy there are fewer posts, it was a little too time consuming for me before.

I'm happy for Enty that he got his radio show, but I can't stay away from my Adam Carola podcasts.

Anonymous said...

The deceased musician is Jeff Buckley. I just know it!

SallyTomato said...

Brenda, you beat me to it!

Aimée said...

I've heard that kindness BI somewhere else before, i know i have, buggered if i can remember the answers though. The musician is definitely Jeff Buckley though.

Mango said...

I love Jeff Buckley ♥

The A list actor and actress? Brad and Jen. Or Brad and Ang. Because all blinds are about those 3.

izz said...

I've read this blog for a long time but only commented a few times starting recently. Whilst I understand that Enty is at liberty to post at whatever frequency he desires and as little as he likes, I'm disappointed with the level of posting lately.

My issue really stems from the fact that he asked his readers to first pay for pictures and then to help him set up his radio show. Is it fair to ask a loyal readership to contribute then to lessen the content they receive in return?

I haven't had a chance to listen to the podcasts yet and maybe i'll feel differently when i do, but for now it kinda makes me sad.

Maybe this will be an unpopular opinion but it's how i feel

Jenn said...

I agree, I'm beginning to check this site less, it's not that I want to go somewhere else, it's just that there really isn't that much new content.

empyrios said...


1)Brad Pitt
2)Jen Aniston
3)Jeff Buckley
4)George Taylor/Planet of the Apes

mooshki said...

Miss X, dlisted.com/ is the best alternative, in my opinion. I think a lot of people here also like laineygossip.com/ and celebitchy.com/

If you like the blinds best, blindgossip.com/ posts them from a bunch of sites.

If it's general celeb gossip you like, just about everything gets posted at ONTD: community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/

Unknown said...

I've been a lurker from the beginning. Enjoying the posts and most of the the time the comments, each day, knowing they are only in a three hour time period, but it passes my time to see what is posted and then come back and see what is new.

I agree with those that say the blogger is not a man, and not a lawyer (what lawyer in good conscience uses the word "irregardless" or spells "judgment" with an "e" after the "g"?)

Anyway, the point is to entertain, and that I have been for four years. However, coming to this site is becoming cumbersome. I don't care about the radio show. I care about coming to the site and being entertained. That hasn't happened very often this year (2011). I don't think I'll be back.

I hope the rest of you continue to visit this site and have fun. It's not going to happen for me. It's been a good four years, but it is time to say "GOODBYE".

Thanks for the fun.

fletch_in_dubai said...

I've interviewed Courtney Cox and she's happy to talk about her work, but as soon as you get her onto family stuff she clams up.

You get the forced grin and the short, one-word answers.

So you try a different angle, and then the PR woman steps in and tell you to keep it to questions about the series (Dirt in this case).

But you know that nobody really wants to hear about Dirt, they want Courtney to just dish the dirt - which she won't.

Missjenny619 said...

Dangit! You totally guessed right! Except for the book/movie character:

1) Brad Pitt
2) Jennifer Aniston
3) Jeff Buckley <3
4) Boo Radley from 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

Glad you all love Jeff's music :)

RocketQueen said...

Thanks for that, Missjenny :)

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Yes, THANKS for the blind, MissJenny! It was honestly the best one I've read in forEVER.

Meg said...

Those were good, MissJenny!


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