Thursday, March 01, 2012

So Much For Bristol Palin Quitting Television

It was just a few months ago that Bristol Palin announced she was giving up reality television and trying to be famous and just going to Alaska and live there. Well, it turns out that while she is in Alaska she will be filming a reality show for Lifetime about living in Alaska and her life there. See, this is why you never believe anyone when they say they don't want to be on television anymore. Once someone tastes fame they want it forever and Bristol is no different.


annabella said...

yes, never believe a palin.

MISCH said...

it beats getting a real job, what would she earn beyond minimum wage....

Merlin D. Bear said...

Well, that apple certainly didn't fall far from the tree.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

...and I'm sure you'll be dutifully providing us with recaps, Enty. After all, Bristol was one of the Teen Mom prototypes.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say that I have really enjoyed the February Kardashiban, and I would greatly appreciate if it could continue into perpetuity. Thank you.

EmEyeKay said...

Don't understand why anyone would want to watch a show about Bristol Palin.

Dianne P said...

I would enjoy hearing the real scoop on what actually happened to the reality show she was filming for BIO with Kyle Massey (hope I got the name right--the young man from Cory in the House/DWTS). Bet there's a story behind that.

I think as long as she gets offered stuff, she'll do it. Like many people.

RenoBlondee said...

^^Did they film it and not air it?

ForSure said...

If we all ignore her, maybe she'll go away (like Paris Hilton almost has).

I agree, the Kardashiban has been WONDERFUL and I also hope its gets extended. Would be nice if we could add Parasite and the entire Lohan family to the ban, but that's probably just wishful thinking.

MISCH said...

On Lindsay, she thinks she's back that she's been redeemed...I can't bear to read another word of her PR crap,..

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

So what.....Whats wrong with wanting fame?

Gypsytrill said...

What happened to the house she bought in Arizona, and was going to attend university there? See, I hate myself for even knowing this shit about her. I totally despise anything named "Palin" as well as those people whose name begins with a "K".

prettiestinpink said...

Extend the kardashian ban enty. Put up a poll and let your fans decide

Anonymous said...

Please extend the Kardashian ban!!! I was in the grocery store yesterday and while in line, was looking at all the tabloids and they were all covered in Kardashians. I realized how much I had forgotten about that and how much happier that made me.

I don't know if I'd advocate a Lindsay ban. She's just so delusionally stupid, I find it entertaining. But a Teen Mom and Real Housewives (or at least Brandi Granville) ban would be great. Oh, and Brooke Mueller. That is all.

Sis Cesspool said...

Wow. She really fucked up her face with that chin implant.

Snakeoiler said...

They must be hard-up for material, and it must be really inexpensive to produce. Because I can't see it's generating big revenue.

the.princess.leia said...

This may seem petty but she really should never wear those earrings again. I thought she had an ear deformity. That is all.

Dani said...

Dear Bristol,

No one cares. Please go away now.

Thank you,


__-__=__ said...

Going to school?!!??! Are you kidding? A reality TV teen mom going to school! That would be so un-real it would be worth filming. This is just more gutter trash, like her whole family. I don't see anything socially redeeming about any of them.


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