Sunday, May 06, 2012

Amanda Bynes Is A Really Bad Driver

Not only has Amanda Bynes been arrested for DUI and got into a couple of accidents over the past few weeks, she got into another one on Friday night. Apparently she sideswiped a guy whole she was driving and didn't stop. So, the guy followed her and while following her, called the police. Eventually the police spotted her with police helicopters and swooped in. The police says the damage was not severe to Amanda and she may not have noticed it. Hmm. I have a hard time believing that. Yes, it was a Range Rover, but there had to be some sound or something when you side swipe someone. The police did make Amanda exchange insurance information but she was not given a ticket.


ghost said...

When did she become such an asshole?

strawberrygirl said...

Oh, Linds.....oh, wait..

hunter said...

Hi Everybody!

So are there just a shit-ton of helicopters over LA all the time?

RenoBlondee said...

What you three said!

Del Riser said...

Texting and driving , I don't get it. In LV we have a hands free law.They stationed cops at one intersection and gave out 120 tickets in a couple of hours. We've killed 17 pedestrians so far this year. People are just bad behind the wheel.

nolachickee said...

Linds 2.0 didn't notice it. Right. You just have to tap something with your car to get that awful shrieking metal sound.

Police helicopters are like rabbits in LA. They're everywhere, and seem to multiply. You would think that a police force that diligent would actually arrest these people once in awhile.

Del Riser said...

@toldyaso85, good for you!!!!

PR Princess said...

In Amanda's defense...

AND Lind's defense...let me say this...

It is EXTREMELY easy to get in an accident where they are driving. Both of these girls are hanging out on Sunset Blvd. most of the time at The Standard and Chateau...

EVERYONE that drives on Sunset at this time at night is crazy or has had a few cocktails and everyone drives like shit.

Sunset is party time at night...its really nuts.

I got into a fender bender leaving Sushi On Sunset because some crazy girl started BACKING UP IN REVERSE when I was five inches away from her.

There is very limited parking at all of these establishments on Sunset and very little room to maneuver a car.

Even the Valets are constantly bumping cars into cars.

Give these girls a break seriously.

Enty should know this because he lives in L.A.

EmEyeKay said...

@toldyaso85 - congrats on your sobriety! It's so cool that you got sober in your 20s, you saved yourself some heartache (not to mention your liver). :)

If I were Miss Lohan, I'd be tipping off the paps to Amanda's whereabouts. Keep the focus on her, instead.

Rickatoo said...

"BACKING UP IN REVERSE"? Isn't that generally the way to back up?

ghost said...

If the space and traffic are so bad on Sunset, that is even more reason to a) not text and drive and b) not drink and drive.

Sorry, your defense of Amanda and Lohan just makes them look like even bigger irresponsible assholes for doing the aforementioned things in that kind of environment. They aren't getting a break from me anytime soon.

anita_mark said...

Helicopters for a fender bender? Really? I mean, they are already up there, flying around burning gas, but surely a city that size has other things going on than following a C-list celebrity.

Rose said...

@Del Riser, there is a hands free law in CA too. We have an * in all our laws that they do not pertain to celebrities.

Basil said...

For some reason I smell a publicity stunt. Bynes career is dead, so what better way to get it back again but to have a very public meltdown, a stint or 2 in rehab, and voila! People Magazine cover on how she conquered her demons. I suppose I would actually prefer that to her doing the downward spiral to death.

Wil said...

First @Rose .. LOL!! [Or .. well .. not so LOL if you live there. It likely pisses you off emmensely to see these idiots doing things freely you would be arrested for.]

But .. I have seen .. living in the land of snow .. many ladies driving huge SUVs who have NO idea how huge those things actually are. They can - at times - drive them like really large pinballs.

So .. where I am in no way making excuses for Amanda .. I am saying that they are not easy to drive and maybe she might want to buy a Mini for the safety of other Los Angeleans [Angelenos? Angelinians? Angelina's?] if she is going to continue to terrorize the streets of LA.

Del Riser said...

@Rose, I didn't know that. I just assumed it was not a hands free state since you see so many people talking and texting. I believe it about the celebs.
I just don't want these stupid people to kill me!

Rose said...

@Del Riser, Lol. Nope, we just have a bunch of jack asses here. To be fair, I can't say I've never used my phone while driving since the law has been passed. There is no way I would get out of a fine if pulled over though.

Bit dams said...

helicopter AND 6 cop cars. seriously, the cops said the scrape could be buffed out. not doubting that amanda is a mess, but this is a non-event.

lazyday603 said...

I lived in L.A. in the mid 1980's and Sunset and Hollywood Blvd were parking lots at night. You couldn't get your car going fast enough to do any real damage to another car. Melrose was the only real option going east or west if you didn't want to sit there all evening.

Baba said...

Phone or texting is illegal in Chicago too. Just try finding a cop who will write a ticket.

mooshki said...

Minnesota just started a huge crackdown on texting and driving, and it makes me so happy. Maybe people will finally get a clue! How could anyone give her a break after two DUI's? At what point do you say that she's the problem?!


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