Saturday, July 14, 2012

Kelsey Grammer's Wife Gives Birth To Girl - Twin Son Dies

Yesterday when Kayte Grammer gave birth to a girl, the first thing someone asked me when they heard the news was that they thought Kayte had been expecting twins. I had totally forgotten about that. Sure enough, in the statement announcing the birth of Faith Evangeline, the couple also released a statement that said that the twin boy had died shortly after the pregnancy announcement. They managed to keep that really quiet. It shows you that if you want to keep a secret bad enough that you can do it, even when you are in the public eye. I guess it is a blessing for Kayte that she gave birth so soon after the loss, but she must have been worried everyday until her daughter was born.


Tru Leigh said...

Her initials are F.E.E.G.

strawberrygirl said...

I don't mind his wife, but Kelsey is gross.

dia papaya said...

Wow! The initials are horrible. That poor girl.

I can't imagine living thru that. It must have been horrible. I'm glad they have one healthy little one!

Enty, I need more kitten pics or THOR pics or something cheery? Please?

Mojees said...

My daughters initals are S.A.D. I didn't even think about it until after we were set on the name. It's fitting I guess, because after marriage my initals are M.A.D.

At least they had one healthy baby. I couldn't even imagine dealing with something like that. That's the scary part of pregnancy, that's a long 9 months waiting for baby.

Mojees said...

My daughters initals are S.A.D. I didn't even think about it until after we were set on the name. It's fitting I guess, because after marriage my initals are M.A.D.

At least they had one healthy baby. I couldn't even imagine dealing with something like that. That's the scary part of pregnancy, that's a long 9 months waiting for baby.

Mojees said...

My daughters initals are S.A.D. I didn't even think about it until after we were set on the name. It's fitting I guess, because after marriage my initals are M.A.D.

At least they had one healthy baby. I couldn't even imagine dealing with something like that. That's the scary part of pregnancy, that's a long 9 months waiting for baby.

Mojees said...

Ah! How do you delete posts from your phone? I didn't mean to post three times! Ridiculous!

gladys kravitz said...

Oh, I'm so sorry for their loss. That just breaks my heart. Even though I think Kelsey Grammer is a P.I.G., no one deserves that kind of pain.

auntliddy said...

My congrats and sympathies to both of them.

MISCH said...

That is common in IVF pregnancy's. My best friend lost one that way early's still painful. But she also has one beautiful healthy baby girl.

Frufra said...

Agree with gladys.

timebob said...

I just hope he doesn't ignore his adopted children becuase the new one is his real "blood".

Unknown said...

I thought his children with Camille were by surrogate not adoption?

Kelsey is a complete ass (his heartbreaking personal history aside) but I wouldn't wish infant/neonatal loss on anyone.

Here's to a healthy feeg!

noseygal48 said...

Sorry to hear this but I can't stand Kelsey!! Wish his wife the best!!

libby said...

Geez, Kelsey's a pig, but this man has lost more family members than anyone I can think of! His life story is just heart-breaking, and probably explains why he drinks and has so many failed marriages.

Deepest condolences for their loss. How sad. At least they have a new baby girl to ease their pain!

Del Riser said...

My condolences on the loss of their son, and my heartiest congratulations on the birth of their daughter!

g.strathmore said...

Spelling Kate as "Kayte" is really stupid.

anita_mark said...

I also can't really hate on him. He has had one hell of a tragic life.

El Roy 13 said...

I have a question...did she have to carry the other child to term?

Because that really must be horrible, birthing out a baby who has passed on.

Lisa said...

I hadn't thought of that, Broko. If that is the case, it's so true.

Like anita_mark said- he's had a very tough life and I can't judge him since I haven't been through nearly as much.

I'm glad the baby girl is doing well.

Anonymous said...

Didn't she miscarry prior to this pregnancy too? I swear I heard that somewhere.

Meagan said...

I was also wondering the same thing Omama, what happens with the one who died, how would they get it out without harming the other one? What a terrible thing to have happen. And I didn't know about Kelsey's tragic past-- going to have to go google that-- I'll look up the baby thing and report back if I can find an answer....

Meagan said...

Ok, the answer seems to be that if the twin died in the first 6-10 weeks, the body will likely just reabsorb it and it's not too much of a health concern for the remaining twin, just requires extra monitoring of the pregnancy. If the twin dies after that time frame, the body will often miscarry the dead baby, but that can cause the other twin to miscarry at the same time, so it's a bit trickier. It also seems that if the body doesn't naturally miscarry the dead baby, it can be left in or taken out, based on a case by case basis. If the dead baby starts to deteriorate, it can be very problematic for both the other baby and the mom. Either way, it looks like if that happens to you, you'll be considered a high-risk pregnancy and need extra monitoring. Ugh, not something I'd wish on anybody.

Also, this is just what I looked up on Google, it is by no means qualified to be taken as anything more!!

auntliddy said...

What is this, his third wife? Notice how evrey 10-15 years, he unplugs from one life into another one- new wife, baby, etc. Men like this keep that up til finally they too tired, and settle with final wife. think Kelsy has another wife in him, complete with new family? lol

feraltart said...

Really sorry for both of them. One of my friends lost her only girl in utero 3 weeks before she was due. Tragic.

mooshki said...

Talk about karma! Not for his poor wife, but for him. Remember when he told Camille that she could have full custody of one of their kids if he could have the other one? Asshole.

AKM said...

"I also can't really hate on him. He has had one hell of a tragic life."

I don't hate him, but I sure don't think he's a very good person, nor do I think he treats women well. I feel for his losses, which I'm sure contributed to his addiction to coke. But the rest of his behavior? Just a jerk.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You read dlisted

Anonymous said...

Very sorry for their loss......but didn't they have A twins baby shower ? Why would they do that if they already knew there was just one baby ? I read it as the boy twin died shortly following the of their pregnancy. Weird

Mary Ann said...

I despise Kelsey Grammer. But I wouldn't wish this kind of heartbreak on anyone.

anon4 said...

If it's early enough, it's called a vanishing twin, and there's just some bleeding and spotting. It's actually very common in both natural and IVF pregnancies. One twin, usually fraternal, isn't equipped to make it and is miscarried. It's often so early in the pregnancy, most women don't realize what has happened, if they haven't realized they are pregnant yet.

Though since they knew it was a boy, it happened much later in the pregnancy, since gender isn't determined till around 4-5 months.

Anonymous said...

Gender can be determined at any point via an anmio


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