Wednesday, July 11, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

THIS prominent lady politico is frantic to keep news of her recent tummy tuck and liposuction procedures out of the media. The conservative mom wants her fans to believe she’s all natural and stays trim by exercising daily! Can you name her?


Glitter said...

Sarah Palin? I could use a tummy tuck and lipo myself.

cheesegrater15 said...

She didn't quit halfway through the surgery?

discoflux said...


That was PERFECTION, Vicki!

Elizabeth said...

Hahahha Vicki!!!

hunter said...

Not Hilary, not Michelle... I really don't know. Maybe Romney's wife?

selenakyle said...

From eating too much whale blubber up there...

EmEyeKay said...

Oh, Vicki... I love you.

selenakyle said...

However, the last time I saw Palin on TV she looked God-awful. She was pale, sickly, wan...definitely not overweight-looking at all. Also looked like she's doing her own hair, makeup, wardrobe and lighting for TV interviews, and not doing such a good job of it.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin, or the little satan spawn, Bristol Palin. But it says "lady," so I'll go with Sarah.

Shelly said...

I love the Sara Palin guess & Vicky's comment! I was also thinking of Elizabeth Hasslewhatever from the View, but even though she has done lots of politicking if she's considered a politico.

angie said...

lmao Vicki.. dead and buried comment.

Master of the House said...

What about Nancy Grace or Elizabeth Hasselback? Both have young children and are conservative politicos, no?

Shelly said...

No, on second thought, Hasslebick, is def not prominent. Gotta be Palin...or Cindy McCain?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone watch "Game Change" on HBO with Julianne Moore as Saraj Palin and Woody Harrelson as McCain's chief campaign advisor? It was really good. There was an indication in there that during the campaign she became obsessed with self image (which I guess can happen in that situation), and was almost starving herself with no-carb diet.

Anonymous said...

If you think Elizabeth Hasselbeck is at all a "politico," you need to turn off the View right now and turn on C-Span.

Redheat said...

You are on a roll Vicki.

MissCrop609 said...

Hilarious Vicki!!

AKM said...

A "politico" is a politician. Therefore, it's not Bristol, Nancy, or Elisabeth.

It can't be Hillary, either. She's not a conservative.

Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman seem to make sense.

hunter said...

Nancy Grace is actually a REALLY good guess.

You guys remember that blind item about the touring female singer who shoved their choreographer in the face during rehearsals? I think I found our winner (read the whole article).

cc423 said...

This has GOT to be Palin... she seems vain enough to do this.

dia papaya said...

Good one Vicki! Now I have that mental age of botched half surgery in my head. Ummm, time for breakfast ;)

dia papaya said...

And yes I think it's Palin!

cheesegrater15 said...

Wow, hunter. She's not talented enough to be this big of a diva. Her career won't make it to 2014.

Connie151 said...

Def Palin. In fact, I was thinking recently that her face looked like she had work, too--something looks different about her.

auntliddy said...

Yes, i noticed that too! Shes a nutjob, but i hope she isnt ill.

Anonymous said...

Why can't it be Michelle?? She's soooo pro "healthy" lifestyle, I imagine she would be mortified to be called out, no?

Unknown said...

This - I love the Sara Palin guess & Vicky's comment!

Bflogirl - because ShellyO isn't conservative.

cheesegrater15 said...

I forgot all about Batty Bachmann.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin. If it's not her, then it's Romney's wife. I can't think of her first name at the moment.

Anonymous said...

@grow- ah! Somehow I read politico and grazed over the rest ;)

SueRH said...

Elisabeth is and always has been super thin, so it's definitely not her.

Lizzie said...

Nancy Grace is a Dem, so it's not her.

jaariel said...

I think it's really hypocritical that many people who insist on proclaiming "tolerance" are so blatantly judgmental of anyone who doesn't share their political/societal/religious point of view.

Yes, I'm talking about Sarah Palin.

She may have been a bad choice for VP, but there are just as many examples of bad leadership on the Left. I just think it's in poor taste to continue to malign her all these yrs later. And FWIW, I don't support her politically, but also don't need to tear her apart.

Unknown said...

jaariel - in case you weren't aware, this is a snarky gossip site, people will be torn apart ~shrug~

MissDrea83 said...

Why all of the bashing of conservative women? Talk about being the left always tries to align themselves as being.

MISCH said...

Yes Palin, she lost weight and got a good look at her body and was probably in shock...

Lurky Loo said...
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Lurky Loo said...

Cosign MissDrea83,

Joe and Jill Biden get work done and no one bashes them. Joe should really stop, it is getting harder by the day to try to tell the difference between him and the Joker.

Unknown said...

Yes, because the conservatives never bashed Chelsea Clinton (a child) for her looks ~eyeroll~

cheesegrater15 said...

Also because the blind is about a conservative.

Unknown said...

I ~heart~ Vicki

cheesegrater15 said...

The thin-skinned conservative people on this site need to go laugh at homeless people or throw bibles at gay people or do whatever they do.

dizzyeggs said...

aaaaaahhhh! the humanity! what conservative would ever abort living human cells? (because that's what lipo is.) i obviously have a low irritation threshold this morning, so i better go guzzle another cup or two of coffee

Seachica said...

Why is it that the posters who whine about us bashing someone or being politically motivated are always first-time posters? There's this little thing called credibility, and you have to earn it around here.

cheesegrater15 said...

Seachica, I want to have your CDaN baby.

Dizzyeggs, I hear ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, Vicki, thank you for reminding me that I made an appointment with my fellow conservatives to harass the homeless today! I almost forgot! There's nothing I like more than rolling up next to some homeless bum in my Rolls Royce, dangling $20 bills out the window, and then snatching them away at the last minute while spitting in their faces! Good times, good times! After that, I think I will go to the AIDS clinic and yell, "that's what you deserve, faggot!" at all of the patients. A conservative's work is never done, after all!

This weekend I plan to get some aborted fetuses and throw them at women outside of Planned Parenthood. It's one of my favorite ways to pass a Saturday afternoon, next to beating the elderly and calling Homeland Security on every brown-skinned person I see!

cheesegrater15 said...

Tex, I said thin-skinned. You're as ballsy as I like to think I am. :)

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Love it, Vicki!!

iknowpeople said...

@Vickie Cupper, what an uninformed, biased statement. I'm not thin skinned nor conservative, but still find your comment offensive. It's a perfect example of why we have politiccal and governmental gridlock in this country.

Let the snark begin...

And no guess from me, because I don't give a rat's ass who has had surgery.

Anonymous said...

conservative makes me think of Brit Brit.

cheesegrater15 said...

I guess it's a good thing I don't give a fuck what you think.

But please learn how to spell a person's name when it's right in front of you.

Go back to shaking your finger at everybody for gossiping on a gossip site.

Lori said...

sounds like a very conservative weekend, Texshan.

parissucksliterally said...

I say Michelle Obama....

Lori said...
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Lori said...

Sarah Palin is an unintelligent, hypocritical, misinformation spreading, vitriol spewing worthless sack of skin. If any conservative have have any aborted fetuses left over after this weekend, I would like to throw some at her...

Lori said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MissDrea83 said...

Seachica...I'm not a first time poster. And I could care less about the 'credibility' of comment posters. Just because some of you have been here for ages does not mean what you spew out if true or factual.

lazyday603 said...

It's not a matter of not sharing Palin's political philosophy that makes me judge her harshly. It's more that I don't share her low IQ.

Anonymous said...

In case anyone missed the point of my post, it was to point out that most conservatives live their lives just like most liberals. They go to work, take care of their kids, go grocery shopping, and so on. They don't spend their time harassing others. I'll bet that you --gasp -- may even LIKE some conservatives personally!

I wish that more Americans would try to remember that a person's politics doesn't define them as a "good" or "bad" person. Conservatives aren't inherently evil, liberals aren't inherently good, and vice versa.

And, by the way, I've only picketed one thing in my life. The circus, to protest its abuse of animals. However, I do love to fantasize about loudly and obnoxiously picketing the funeral of a Westboro member someday.

MissDrea83 said...

Texshan...well said.

cc423 said...

I am a first time poster and I think I have a big, giant, liberal crush on Vicki. Although I am a gay man and I assume she is a woman. But still...

hunter said...

Vicki says hilarious shit so I don't really care if her comment offended someone.

Elizabeth said...

MadLyb that's what did it for me too. I think the day she started doing that, an undercurrent of evil was unleashed. It was like permission was granted to the most dangerous aspects of society and I put it right at the feet of Sarah Palin.

MissDrea83 said...

Sounds like some people really don't pay attention to facts...but oh well.

Anonymous said...

Pardon you, MadLyb. Obama DID hang out with Bill Ayers, a man who WAS a domestic terrorist. That's a fact.

I'm no Palin fan, but she, IMHO, is on the receiving end of an inordinate amount of hate, character assassination, and outright lies.

Amartel said...

"Yes, because the conservatives never bashed Chelsea Clinton (a child) for her looks ~eyeroll~"

Saturday Night Live is conservative. Yah, that's the ticket. Side-eyeroll.

The Pavlovian two-minutes-of- hysterical-hate response to items that might even possibly refer to Palin is truly grotesque.

Syd said...

Mad props to Texshan.

MadLyb said...
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ForSure said...

Sarah Palin deserves every ounce of hate she gets in this country. She quit her elected position as the Governor of Alaska simply because it was inconvenient for her and it got in the way of her making money. She is a quitter, straight up. She cannot ever say anything again about the 'will of the people'. The people elected her, and she spat that back in their faces.

But this blind for a 'prominent lady politico... conservative mom'. How exactly does that description fit Michelle Obama or Britney Spears?

MadLyb said...

@Texshan - is a wonderful resource. Try it sometime. Obama never "pal'ed around with terrorists". That is an outright lie, and shame on you and Palin and every other conservative for perpetrating it.

Seachica said...

Vicki's comment was also based on fact. Sarah Palin DID quit her term as governor before it was through. Someone who campaigned for the job and was chosen by the people of Alaska for that role should have the decency to finish out her term. I would criticize *any* politician, no matter what their orientation, for doing that. That's not partisanship - that is properly calling out a politician for being a quitter.

FWIW, my comment about first time posters was primarily aimed at jaariel, who was the first person who brought this to the realm of 'conservative vs. liberal' bashing.

Vicki's comment was funny. Vicki has also shown that she is willing to toss the barbs at a wide variety of gossip subjects, regardless of political orientation (or lack thereof). That is credibility. Picking fights and accusing people of being mean -- that's not credibility. It's the exact opposite.

K said...

She's talking about Limbaugh calling Chelsea the "white house dog" when she was thirteen years old.

Seachica said...

BTW, here is the link to the snopes look into the relationship between Ayers and Obama. Read through the whole story -- their paths crossed a few times, but "palling around" implies a closeness that doesn't exist.

dizzyeggs said...

Since there seems to be such a split here this morning, i would like to ask a question of the readers on. what is it about the palin woman that is so polarizing? i don't care for her as she reminds me of the mean girl who bullied me in the eighth grade, but my mom adamantly hates her. as a result, i know entirely too much about wasilla and it's inhabitants. but there are those out there who are such fervent supporters, you can almost here them squee when they're reciting her merits. what gives? what's so special? i don't think there is anyone else alive who can generate this much feeling.

Unknown said...

K - I was referring to what McCain said about Chelsea.

I am not surprised when comedians (SNL) to say inappropriate things about people.

dizzyeggs said...

*hear not here

K said...

Ugh I tried to block McCain from memory! Lots of conservatives were brutal to Chelsea but I didn't know snl was too. Gross.

caralw said...

I thought it was Rush who was mean to Chelsea when she was a kid. Off to google.

Seachica said...

dizzyeggs, good question. I wonder that myself. Sarah Palin has a high level of charisma, and has quickly catapulted herself into a high level of fame -- both political fame and celebrity fame. She has the same ability to outlast scandal as many other highly prominent politicians -- JFK, Clinton and Reagan come to mind. That gives her a lot of power to influence people.

caralw said...

It was Rush who made the dog comment. Doesn't mean others didn't also.

As for Palin, I think the blind said conservative. So it has to be her or that batshit crazy Bachman lady.

MadLyb said...

To everyone - I apologize for my comments. This is all in fun. I need to take my anger and frustration about politics and other issues to another more appropriate place. I don't mean to be an asshole, or put a damper on the comments here or come across as overly harsh in my responses, but that has been the case many times. I really enjoy the posters here, regardless of affiliation.

I have conservative friends in RL, and though we strongly disagree on a lot of subjects, we also have manage to have a lot of fun together.

So - I am going to try really hard to stay off the soapbox.

Shay said...

Just logged in to say VICKI CUPPER is AWESOME!!! =) Just sayin'...oops...

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

FWIW, I have a connection in Wasilla, and according to this person, the whole "Sarah's youngest kid is really Bristol's" story isn't true, although the idea of getting on a plane in active labor has to make you question her judgment. (I understand wanting to be w/your own doctors, etc., but damn...) Apparently the main reason she was elected Governor in the first place was because people decided the previous one was bad enough that she seemed like a decent alternative. My source has never met anyone in the immediate Palin family, although s/he has dealt w/cousins, in-laws, etc., to whom unfortunately the term "white trash" is all too applicable (I believe one of them was busted breaking into a house with her preschool-aged daughter in tow), but hey, hasn't everyone had relatives who embarrass them? As for the local sentiment about Sarah, et al. right now, it's pretty much "they were all a lot nicer before the whole VP business/before they went Hollywood". Make of that what you will...

As for the blind itself, since the two best-known conservative female politicians are Sarah & Michelle Bachmann, it's probably one of those two, although Ann Romney is also a possibility.

Eve said...

Texshan, unfortunately Sarah Palin herself set the tone for discourse in the post-2008 era. I really wish it hadn't coarsened to the level of vitriol that it is now, and I lay that squarely at her feat. Go back and watch her convention speech. And Dizzyeggs, you nailed it: she IS the patron saint of mean girls, just so full of vitriol, veiled threats and dog-whistles to the worst impulses in human nature.

I always saw her as less a political idealogue and more of a grifter who would do or say anything for fame and fortune. I think the reason she quit her governorship is because it involved actual work, when the cush, prestige and, of course, massive paycheck of being a Fox "consultant" and media personality was waiting for her. It's just such a shame that so many people were so thoroughly duped by her. Just talk to anyone in Alaska -- they were duped also but now have her number.

Eve said...

"Feet," not "feat!" D'oh!

CarolMR said...

Obama began his career in the living room of Bill Ayers, a known domestic terrorist. They didn't have to be friends, but our future president chose to start his political career in the home of someone who tried to bomb buildings, not caring if there were people in them. That alone tells me what I need to know about Obama. And "conservative mom" could mean this politico is conservative when it comes to raising her children. It could be Michelle Obama and that would be very embarrassing because of all her talk about healthy eating and exercise. It would hypocritical the same way Jane Fonda was hypocritical making money off her exercise tapes and never admitting, until now, that she had liposuction during that time.

K said...

Turn off the FOX News, go outside, and enjoy life. This country has gone to hell and we are being replaced by talking point spewing androids.

caralw said...

Damn, McCain did make a terrible joke about Chelsea too.

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

Glad I didn't vote for his ass.

cheesegrater15 said...

That's, uh, quite a reach there, Carol.

@K, I <3 you!

hairydawg said...

All the Republicans I know are a bunch of dirty, low down butt lickers. :0)

C'estMoi said...

Ann Coulter?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Carol, I rarely insert myself into political arguments here but this once I need to interject:

According to sworn testimony during federal court proceedings in Alaska, two close associates of former Governor Sarah Palin -- Joe Miller, a staunch political ally of Palin's whom she supported in his failed bid for the U.S. Senate; and Palin's former director of boards and commissions Frank Bailey, more commonly known in Alaska as Palin's "hatchet man" -- were responsible for introducing FBI Informant William "Drop Zone" Fulton to Schaeffer Cox, the leader of the so-called Alaska Peacekeeper Militia.

Cox and two other Fairbanks-based militiamen have been charged with conspiring to kidnap and murder Alaska judges and law enforcement authorities. They have also been charged with violating various federal weapons laws for owning or attempting to purchase machine guns, silencers, hand grenades and other combat-type weapons.

Now, who's the one "Pallin' " around with terrorists?

cheesegrater15 said...

Yxtabay said...
Ann Coulter?

The blind said "lady".

Frufra said...

K is the big winner here. BINGO!

(Vicki, you know I love you, too.)

Remember, different people like different things. That's what I tell my kids. Everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten, and all that good shit. Play nice, CDANers.

Seachica said...

Want to know my pet peeve? When "republican " is assumed to automatically mean conservative, and same for democrat/liberal. We have forgotten that most Americans are in the center. If we don't recover that sense of center, where compromises take place and shades of grey are allowed to thrive, we will cease making all progress toward fixing our society's problems.

Anonymous said...

It's so... Sarah Palin.

CarolMR said...

What's your point, Jason Blue? Have you heard of Fast and Furious? Have you heard of the unarmed 16-year-old American citizen that has never been charged with a crime who was killed by one of Obama's many drone attacks? And the media doesn't seem to care. If this boy had been killed under Bush...MUCH different reaction from the media. Sarah Palin has been scrutinized more than any other politician including Obama. Why hasn't Obama released his college transcripts like Bush and Gore did? And why is this a blind? Because it involves a conservative woman? As someone else said, Jill and Joe Biden are addicted to plastic surgery and no one cares. Who cares if Palin or Bachmann had work done? Good for them.

NomNom83 said...

Sounds like Palin. As much as I detest the woman and every stupid thing that falls out of her mouth, she does actually run and work out. If her routine isn't keeping up with her age and she went for lipo and a tuck, well, meh. I don't fault her. Her career rests on her looks a lot more these days than it used to. And she's four years past the days of "Nailin' Palin" fandom. But if she goes the duck lips and tight facelift route, then, yeah, I'll point and laugh.

SusanB said...

Well, I like Vicki AND Texshan. I don't like Sarah Palin but I'm not going to demonize her any more than I'm going to demonize Obama. I dislike ALL politicians, but I've always managed to find one or two good things to say about almost every politician - even if I hate to. I really try to be fair in my disliking politicians.

El Roy 13 said...


Great comment/response/observation. I thank you.

El Roy 13 said...

I think everyone should google what Olympia Snowe said for her reasons as to why she retired.

I'm not going to share it, research it yourself, and think about it. ANd it was aimed at both sides of the supposed fence.


El Roy 13 said...

lastly, snopes is not a reliable source.

El Roy 13 said...

And as for my guess, I;m going to say that old hag from my hometown, Jeanne Pirro.

K said...

Carol really Cares A Lot about this. It's funny but also sad as hell, nobody really cares if people get plastic surgery but we sure do care when people bring their nasty politics (on either side) to a snarky celeb gossip site.

K said...

And Vicki, I <3 you too!

ms snarky said...

EXCUSE ME, class......

This is a gossip website, not the Rush Limbaugh show. Let's get back to why we're here to begin with.

ms snarky said...

and on that note, I'm on the Sarah Palin train for the hypocritical cosmetic surgery.

Opie said...

I just wanna 5th the fact that Vickie is on fire today! Love it.

El Roy 13 said...

@ms snarky...with calling this the rush limbaugh show, I'm pretty sure we could all guess that you were on the Palin bash bus.

Sad though, b/c those who aren't on the Palin bash bus, aren't ones who could necessarily be grouped into any group.

Must be b/c we're FREE THINKERS.

Anonymous said...

Obama has spent years minimizing his connections to Bill Ayers, who grew from a spoiled little rich boy to a disgusting, violent, unapologetic terrorist. Obama served on multiple boards with that butthole Ayers, was a guest in his house, and received campaign money from him. Do I think they are BFFs, or even close? No. But I question the judgment of someone who would voluntarily associate with a man like Bill Ayers.

Refugee said...

I generally come here to escape all the political B.S. A lot of what I'm reading is the regurgitating of propoganda used by people who are trying to push their own political agenda. I have no patience for this. The misinformation that is passed off as news or facts is disgusting.

Oh, and my guess, Sarah Palin. I'm sure this isn't the only subject she's kept on the D.L.

Del Riser said...

It's probably Sarah.
I'm a middle of the road conservative
independent. My ass gets tired from sitting on the fence trying to sort lies from truth.
You folks are very entertaining today, you're tolerant of every liberal thing but the intolerance of another to your opinion.
It's nearly time to buy soup and ammunition.

Scott said...
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Henriette said...

The only ones I can think of are Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman.

iheartgoss said...

Ann Romney. And where she has MS, would that be allowed? Also, she's been in the public eye for quite a while now and constantly being photographed so I imagine this can't be her unless this is an older blind and enty has fudged the time line.

I'm on the Palin train. She's the type who would have plastic surgery and feel self-conscious about it.

iheartgoss said...

Umm wow... Intolerance is running rapid on both sides of the fence today. For the record, I'm a conservative, but really dislike Sarah Palin, and have from day one, she is really polarizing and too extreme. I like moderate politicians.

Also, I know some might not understand this, but I really hope none of you ever trash Ann Romney. She truly is a wonderful woman who is very gracious and charitable. I hope people can keep the criticism to the candidates and keep family members out of it.

And Obama does have very sketchy associations. And snopes has been proven by other news organizations as not being 100% correct on some of their postings. :)

Kelly said...

Crikey! I go away to drop my youngin' at the airport and I missed all this fun! ;)

Anna said...

I would guess a female Republican governor or congresswoman who got the tummy lift in hopes that her speech at the GOP convention will boost her career into a presidential ticket fast-track for four years from now.

Lisa said...

Saying Snopes is reliable is the same as relying on Wikipedia for facts.

God I HATE the posts that start political crap. This site is supposed to be fun, dang it!

I think it's Michelle Obama. I think "conservative" is subjective. It might not mean her political leanings but her manner of dress or actions.

Henriette said...

Speaking of Ann Coulter, she just disappeared, or maybe I just don't watch Fox anymore.

Popnursing said...

We met the Palins shortly after McCain had added her to his ticket. I am no fan of hers, I promise. But believe me when I say the woman was teeny - like size 0. She was breathtaking in real life. And Todd Palin who comes across so doofy on TV was all handsome-hot and rugged. They were a striking couple for sure and effortlessly projected the Barbie & Ken image they were selling. So I really doubted this was her; mostly I couldn't figure out how you'd do a tummy tuck on someone so small. But the no-carb thing mentioned is believable. If she gained some weight, there's no question she'd be vain enough to have the procedures.

PS- Vicki you are killing it today. This from a non-butt-licking Republican.


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