Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Drunk

This A list movie actor is about to drop back to a B. He kind of has to. No one one wants to work with him unless they are obligated to do so. He brings a ton of baggage and when you hire him for your movie you have to hire three or four people who will stay with him almost every second of everyday. The only time they are allowed to leave his side is when he is actually in his hotel room. Yep. Only hotels while filming, even if it is being filmed in LA. They don't trust him anywhere else. They know he is getting trashed in his hotel room, but they have him confined there. Yes, he can bring in hookers. And he does. Lots of them. He likes the trashiest hookers they can possibly find. Street hookers. No escorts for this actor. He likes them dirty because he thinks of himself as a dirty guy. When he is sober he tries to be a loving boyfriend but even that does not usually work because he gets drunk almost all the time so girlfriends only stick around for some deluded reasons known only to them. he doesn't spoil them or buy them makeup gifts. I guess they think he can be saved. Maybe he can at some point. He has been close to death a few times from drinking too much. He rarely showers. Other actors like to film scenes with him quickly. Hair and makeup yes. But he says that nowhere does it say his character needs to shower. The audience can't smell him he always says. He got one of the hookers pregnant not that long ago. His girlfriend of a while dumped him at that point. Not so much that he was cheating because she knew about the hookers. Not even that he got another woman pregnant. It was because he loves having unprotected sex with hookers. He thinks it is part of the danger.


Agent**It said...

Johnny Depp.

allaboutkelli said...

Gerard Butler.

MISCH said...

Gross...............just Gross, I was going to say Butler, but he has never actually had a girlfriend just fuck dates.
Speaking of Butler he's off the grid...so rehab again of cosmetic surgery ?

hotchacha said...

Depp. Rourke. Lemme think of others...

Angie said...

Depp!!! Gotta be!

Angie said...

Depp!!! Gotta be!

a non a miss said...

Keanu? He looks like he smells. I know he drinks a lot. I just don't know if he's still A. I don't think he works much but he's got that Matrix cred.

sbalb said...

Maybe Depp fits the rest but "girlfriends only stick around for some deluded reasons known only to them" doesn't really seem to describe his relationship with Vanessa.

MontanaMarriott said...

I want to say Galifanakis or Jack Black but calling them A is a stretch so I got nada

spacecowboy78 said...

Yeah I don't think Depp works b/c this person sounds like they've had multiple relationships that've failed. Depp was with Vanessa Paradis for 15 years. Sure, he may have cheated, but I don't think any of them were consistent "girlfriends."

spacecowboy78 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RenoBlondee said...

At first I thought Butler too, but yeah, he didn't have a gf. Depp doesn't fit either because he's been w/ Vanessa forever. No on and off gf's. Just her.

Kris Koller said...

Colin Ferrell?

sbalb said...

I like that guess @spacecowboy, but hasn't Ferrell ALREADY dropped back down to a B?

spacecowboy78 said...

^Hence the reason I deleted it.

Jib said...


Beth said...

Butler or Farrell

NernersHuman said...

Awww, Horshack died.


Maggie May said...

There has always been comments in the press about Leonardo Dicaprio not bathing regularly ...

sassyb said...

Jim Carey?

Char said...

I thought Colin Farrell too, but yah, I would be shocked if anyone thinks he is still A.

Patty said...

I was thinking Rouke as I read this. I like the Depp guess too. Who else looks smelly?

moussemaker said...

Sean Penn?

cheesegrater15 said...

Abe Vigoda. Fucking crazy poon hound.

Roman Holiday said...

Keifer Sutherland? I don't know if he is A or if he has a bunch of girlfriends - but I know he loves to drink! The picture of him sitting at the table with his pants down was probably one of the best pictures I have ever come across!! Oh and the Xmas tree jumping was truly hilarious!!!!

Awesome Slut said...

sean penn looks smelly.

figgy said...

I agree with the Kiefer Sutherland guess. Has to be someone who's been around awhile in order to establish some cred that keeps getting him work in spite of this behavior.

MontanaMarriott said...

I like the Leo guess especially since he used to be a staple at the Playboy mansion and would sleep his way through several playmates. However I recall hearing rumors that he was an equal opportunity lover, as in he swung both ways.

spacecowboy78 said...

Kiefer Sutherland is A list TV, this says A list movie, so I tihnk he's out.

Agent**It said...

I'm repeating this :

Ron Palillo lived and taught in Fl. Nice article about him. RIP.


hotchacha said...

Oh, Sean Penn's a great guess!

yodelay said...

Mickey rourke or Nic Cage. Neither has all their screws securely in place I think.

sassyb said...

Jim Carey?

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Yeah I was thinking penn as well.

hothotheat said...

Colin Farrell recently (in the last couple of years) won a Golden Globe, could that be A list?

I don't think his last gf dumped him, other way around. She was stage-fave clinger.

I don't think Depp either, would have mentioned the kids.

How about Jude Law? Or Jonathon Rhys Meyers?

Yyisla said...

Robert Pattinson came to mind when I read this. Remember seeing a photo long ago of him with 2-3 adults at a bar (manager, assistant, etc) and the gist of the story was that they partied with him to keep an eye on him. I think it's been hinted at that he likes to drink and with the recent breakup it could fit.

allaboutkelli said...

Jim Carey makes sense based on clues but he seems like someone who's compulsively neat rather than having unprotected sex with hookers.

I don't think Leo i in danger of becoming B.

allaboutkelli said...

Jim Carey makes sense based on clues but he seems like someone who's compulsively neat rather than having unprotected sex with hookers.

I don't think Leo i in danger of becoming B.

Meg said...

RejectedCarebear - you beat me to it! I'm on the Keanu train. Wasn't he revealed to be the B.I. about an actor who showed up drunkity-drunk-drunk to a table read or fitting or something, who pulled a burrito out of his pocket?

Jolene Jolene said...

Am I the only one who thinks Colin Farrell would smell just delicious? I don't get the dirty as in doesn't shower vibe from him. Just me?

Maggie May said...

Yeah I think your right allaboutkelli on my Leo guess ... Sean Penn possibly.

Topper Madison said...

I totally read it as Mickey Rourke. That man is a mess. A friend of mine was caretaker at a house he rented back in the 1990s. He let his dogs go to the bathroom wherever they wanted and never cleaned it up. He just lived with dog poop and urine everywhere. Gross.

Not A Ninny said...

"Colin Ferrell?"

Yeah. IIRC, CDAN in the past has harped on how skanky he is, and he's had more than a few drunken escapades. He was definitely A-list around the time he headlined Alexander, and his current PR blitz for Total Recall may be his last hurrah as an A-list'er.

EmEyeKay said...

Didn't Keanu babysit for Charlize recently? She seems smart enough not to leave her baby alone with a drunk.

PunkinElf said...

Not Farrell. Co-stars love him. John Cho just had great things about working with him. Farrell has 2 sons and hasn't been seen as falling done drunk in years. He's been on promo tour for weeks. Enough?

Butler & Keanu don't work, as said above. Who lives in a hotel?

Jennifer H. said...

I was going to go with Keanu until the unprotected sex with dirty hookers part. I think he's an alcoholic with hygiene issues, but I don't think he's rolling around, unprotected, in heaps of hookers. Or at least I've never heard that. Seems more the loner type.

It's sad that there are so many realistic possibilities for this!

Comma Chaser said...

On the Abe Vigoda train.

Figuratively, natch.

crila16 said...

Not Johnny...he ALWAYS has had long term girlfriends. Also, Johnny isn't dropping to a B list anytime soon.

I'm going with Gerard Butler. He's a dirty, disgusting, womanizing, pig. He's also dropped to a B list already if you ask me.

Jennifer H. said...

I guess we can confine the search to who has a residence in L.A.? It says he is confined to staying in hotels while filming "even in L.A." I think that means he lives there and is so bad, he can't be allowed to go to his own home after work.

Silly Girl said...


Agent**It said...

I always say Johnny. I figure anybody that has a Disney donated private island in the Bahamas doesn't give a poop what I say:)

Grey said...


lazyday603 said...

This sounds exactly like Neal Patrick Harris in the Harold & Kumar movies.

skydives1 said...

Rourke is a dirty bastard. I worked out at the same gym back in the '80s when he was still hot. He wore a trench coat to work out in and stunk to high heaven.

discoflux said...

Colin Farrell's been looking pretty nice in all of his promo shots lately. And I have no idea why but I really want to give him the benefit of the doubt. With a few exceptions, he always looks pretty together and clean when he's out and about.

Don't know if Enty considers him A or not but I'm going to throw out Russell Crowe since Joan Rivers once said he has body stank problems and he loves to drink.

shaun said...

I thought Mel Gibson cuz he crazy

Sue T. said...

Don't think it's Sean Penn as he lives in Marin County (just north of San Francisco). He may have a place in L.A., but his primary residence is Northern CA. I thought Zach Galifianakis was a pretty good guess -- I'd call him A since he's been in the Hangover movies and "The Campaign" just opened strongly -- but he just got married over the weekend, so he doesn't seem to fit.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's Butler because he doesn't have girlfriends and doesn't even pretend to.

I don't think it's Keanu because I just don't get the highly-sexed vibe with him.

I don't think it's Pattinson because I've actually met him several times (he has a good friend who lives in Houston and comes here regularly), and he definitely doesn't seem the type to be rolling in hookers, nor a habitual drunk.

How about Shia The Beef?

Anonymous said...

Sure sounds like Johnny Depp. He looks dirty.

selenakyle said...

Eewww, nasty.

Depp was my first thought, then Gerard Butler.

Perhaps Woody Harrelson? Naw.

MadLyb said...

I'm with @Maggie May on the Leo D guess.

Olive said...

Awwww. That's sad to hear, Agent. Thank you for the article link.

selenakyle said...

Actually, no--I'm on the Keanu train now.

JagerLilly808 said...

Owen Wilson?

selenakyle said...

Oh wait, probably not Keanu cuz he might eschew females in favor of males...

Sue T. said...

Shia is a good guess, I think -- there have been a bunch of photos showing him looking really scruffy. He's also had a lot of short-lived relationships, which seems to fit. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/pic-shia-labeouf-sports-beard-greasy-ponytail-201293

a non a miss said...

Anyone remember the subway video of Keanu where he gives up his seat for a lady? I think I'll take back my guess, because of that and him not working. Peen fits and so does Fassbender :( did he break up with Lennys daughter? I knew they were dating when the new Xmen movie came out.

Maximus said...

I think Mel or Keifer could be decent guesses. Not sure if Mel had a steady fling recently (before the last couple weeks of being pictured with tons of chicks) but you know he's a fan of the bareback. And the sauce.

Cassiopeia said...

My first thought--my Leo.
As much as it kills me to say it. The not showering cinched it for me; I've heard that a lot.

EmEyeKay said...

Why is it so easy to believe that Mickey Rourke would work out wearing a trench coat? I can totally see that! And smelling bad, too.

Missjenny619 said...

Ya, it would make sense if this was Shia.

LeBeef for the win!!

Turkish Taffy said...

Wait. I remember watching a show on E! (don't judge) about Keanu. I recall they stated that he doesn't own a home-only lives in hotels. Do we have a winner? He was A-list for Speed and Matrix and his good looks, but hasn't had a hit in a while.

Turkish Taffy said...

Also, I remember the editor at Defamer describing a night out with Keanu. The writer was chatting up a rather trashy cocktail waitress, so Keanu took her home, just for the win.

Sherry said...

I immediately thought the Warlock. I thought Shia only had a thing for his mommy. And I don't think Scorsese would continue to work with him if he was such a problem. But he does fit the multiple girlfriend deal. But you never really hear about him being a drunk.

Not A Ninny said...

"Farrell has 2 sons and hasn't been seen as falling done drunk in years. He's been on promo tour for weeks. Enough?"

He's the most prominent semi-A whose star is falling at the moment. CDAN has been harping on how badly Total Recall has bombed. Seven Psychopaths is not a major film (like Total Recall) and Farrell doesn't have much work booked after that. Biel and Beckinsale seem like the types to bitch & dish about a smelly co-star.

Butler, comparatively, is still getting lots of roles.

Munch said...

I can't believe it would be Keanu, please don't say it's so. But if it is, have him stripped, washed, and brought to my room. You can have him back in springtime.

El Roy 13 said...

I think the Johnny Depp is a good guess and I have heard before that he and VP stink and neither are partial to showers.

//not that I don't LOVE VP b/c I do. It's just what I've read.

auntliddy said...

Don't u dis Neo!!!! Lol

El Roy 13 said...

...and maybe we all have it wrong about the JD/VP break up....maybe she dumped him. Got tired of his ways.

Basil said...

This has to be Johnny Depp. He may have been with Vanessa for years, but that doesn't mean he hasn't had girlfriends on the side. And obviously Vanessa is the "girlfriend of awhile" who has put up with his flings, until of course he got one of them pregnant. A girlfriend can only take so much before she has to get out of there.

auntliddy said...

Im diwn with the russel crowe guess. He looks smelly, and faux macho. Whiever it is has alot of self hate, thats for sure!! Now do not mention my keanu again!!!!

Cryscee said...

I like the Shia guess. His family has always been kind of Earthy...

Cake said...

Benecio Del Toro

nothistime said...

Everything fits Colin Farrell EXCEPT he is quite open about his sobriety. Has been sober for years. I don't think this is him.

ms_wonderland said...

Seriously, people think Depp is dropping to B? He's filming (yet another) gazillion dollar movie right now, and he's the highest paid actor in Hollywood.

It's true he does have people who stay with him at all times while filming, but he often stays in rented homes rather than hotels. Depp's co-stars are always saying how much they love working with him, which does not tally with the getting scenes done quickly point. He's also know to be generous.

Always makes me chortle when commenters say 'he looks like he smells' about someone. Sniff that photo!

it took forever said...

If the prostitutes were male then it could be Leo.

happygrl said...

Brad Cooper?

caralw said...

@Sherry... yes, you do hear about Shia being a drunk.


He's had many public episodes.

I'm on the Shia train.

Brenda L said...

@ms_wonderland....reminds me of the old scratch 'n sniff books. Scratch 'n Sniff Pap Photos! I'm going to go patent that idea RIGHT NOW

Brenda L said...

A Lindsay Lohan scratch 'n sniff photo is scary beyond belief. Smells like...ass!

cinephreak said...

I instantly thought Depp

Kraymond19 said...

Ah! Abe Vigoda... as FISH! I think you're on to something!

Blaze818 said...

Keanu doesn't do ladies. He's likes the guys. I think he is almost married to his ex band mate David Geffens son.

Hammer_Girl said...

Keanu used to rent houses and stay at hotels a lot, but now has an apt in NYC and also a house in The Hollywood Hills. I really hope it's not him there's something about him I like.
IMO Shia Ladouche would fit except has he ever been A-list? I threw up in my mouth when I saw that music video he was in.

Haphazard Chrysalis said...

Shia. Definitely fits all the clues.

luckylass said...

I instantly thought of Depp. Dirty, unmarried, thinks he is a dirty person, bloated - it all adds up to me. No wonder Angie and him didn't hit it off during the filming of the shitastic Tourist flick.

HalleGoLightly said...

I was going to say Vince Vaughn. His stuff hasn't been as successful ("Dilemma" & "The Watch" didn't fare too well), which is maybe why he's getting into production - like with his shatty new TBS series and his undoubtedly shatty "Brady Bunch" remake upcoming on CBS.

But isn't he married now?

OneGirlRevolution said...

Yeah, no way is Johnny about to drop back to "B". Even if he stopped getting movies today, his career would keep him "A" for years to come. I would argue that barring something HUGE, he's permanent A list. Also, his 15 year relationship w/VP aside, I think he is known for having long term relationships.

I buy into Shia for this. Carey Mulligan for the "girlfriend of a while".

HereiGo said...

James Franco!

whocaresnow12 said...


Amber said...

Not for nothing but Shia's in the pics today.

g.strathmore said...

My vote is either Kiefer or Leo.

L said...

not sure if she is credible, but Lainey mentioned she ran a few times into Colin Farrell working out in the gym and she said he smelled normal. She is pretty open how her "crushes" get insta-cured when she meets people and they do something weird or gross, so i guess she would have mentioned a major BO problem.. besides, if one does not normally shower, i would expect going to the gym amps up the problem to 11!

as for Leo, i am really not a fan, but frankly i do not see him dropping to B even if he had a gangrenous limb...

PunkinElf said...

I like the Shia guest... maybe because I don't like him LOL

PS Seven Psychopaths first trailer


Numu said...

Joaquin Phoenix.

Elizabeth said...

Vicky I love your Abe Vigoda guess, haha

Going through everyone's list I kept thinking no, no until Shia and I think that's the one.

And Leo? I don't think so. I think he's playing a long game to be one of the classic great actors. Gay or straight, I don't care, I'm looking at the roles he takes and this blind doesn't go with that at all.

Sydney21221 said...

Damn it Numu you beat me to it! : )

The not showering thing definitely screams Joaquin Phoenix to me.

Unknown said...

I like the Benito Del Toro guess.

Jt said...

I think people here are forgetting the fact that he's always in Los Angeles filming... doesn't apply to Depp or Leo.

KPeony said...

I agree with the Shia guesses. I read this as him. Wasn't he drunk when he was in the accident that crushed his hand? We know he's a drunk and he's in the pictures today. He looks disgusting.

trouble bubble said...

I am late to the train, just wanted to add my sixpence here. But when I hear of people, who do not shower, I assume there is some mental issues involved. Lack of personal hygiene is a sympthom of many mental illnesses. And alcohol abuse can be added to that list too. So I am not psichiatrist to make diagnosis, but I am pretty sure that actor suffers depression at least and needs qualified help. And I agree with Shia guess for this BI

Zara said...

Benicio Del Toro. Much as I love him, he looks like a hobo and probably smells like one, too.

MichiGal said...

Nick Nolte?

tealily said...

I like the DiCaprio guess. Colin Farrell's looking pretty good these days. Johnny doesn't fit. Sutherland is TV.

tealily said...

Ooo, or Benicio. I love him though. He is puffy like a drinker, however.

Della said...

I agree!

annabella said...

whoever guessed fassbender is way off of the mark. he is the epitome of talent and class. no way its him.

sadly, it could be a few of the current a listers. usually where there is smoke, there is fire.

Della said...

Hope it isn't Leo. He is so handsome. I wish he would work out more. Could you imagine Leo with Ryan Gosling's body.....oh my.

Jaiden_S said...

I think it's Joaquin Phoenix, but Shia is a good guess, too.

FingerBinger said...

@annabella Didn't Fassbender allegedly physically assault an ex- girlfriend? I don't think I'd categorize that as classy. Anyone is capable of anything.

Montie said...

Not Colin Farrell. He's been sober for 7-8 years, just after his oldest son was born. Right about the time he was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome. I think he stays on the wagon for his kids.

UPL said...

Colin Farrell looks clean and delicious.

CanadianMiss said...

Jude Law? He always looks dirty to me. And not the good kind, either.

El Roy 13 said...

you guys and gals, about JD slipping to a B, let's be real, a broom has better acting ability then he does. I swear someone told him to just bite down on his molars, as he makes THE same face in all his films (at least the ones I've seen, the older ones).

El Roy 13 said...

Joaquim Phoenix I believe has a penchant for call girls (yes I saw the casey affleck doc on "JP"). I don't believe he mingles with us minions.

El Roy 13 said...

**and I agree with everyone who says colin farrell looks delish. I'd take him in a heartbeat. A black irish - cheesy for me to say BUT - swoon AND, come to Omama.

(and I should really be getting back to my excel nightmare. HEY, if any of you know why my gaddamn thing won't slide, sorry, "drag" into my pivot table, please school me, b/c my head is about to explode. Thanks)

Agent**It said...

Omama, I can hear Etta James belting it out "Come to Omama".

g.strathmore said...

Joaquin Phoenix was never A list, though.

Volvican said...

Shia LaBouf

Sian said...

They actually did that on Family Guy :p

astrogirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Think for Free said...

sigh, i LOVE shia labeouf and i instantly read this and thought of him throughout -_- He has weird tendencies, i remember reading in a magazine that he doesn't mind that his mom walks around naked or something? and he doesn't have a big fancy hollywood house, he lives either in the same house he grew up in or some bungalow type. He just seems like the dirty type as well...sadness all around :(

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Rourke, or Charlie Sheen,except he is more known for tv and drunk behaviour nowadays. The long list of girlfriends/goddesses fit; only with him for fame hence the deluded reasons.

ecua said...

Joaquin Phoenix was definitely A list after Walk the Line. That said, isn't he the one supposedly boffing his sister?? I would say this sounds like Benecio del Toro.

ecua said...

Joaquin Phoenix was definitely A list after Walk the Line. That said, isn't he the one supposedly boffing his sister?? I would say this sounds like Benecio del Toro.

crapbag said...

This blind smells like Gerard Butstench!! Ugh! He is awful and stinky! How does Hollywood work? This guy couldn't get a to job any where in the world.

crapbag said...

Still smells like Gerard Buttstench!!

csproat said...

Oh @Vicki Cupper
Don't ever change!!!!

Abe Vigoda....hahahahaha hahahah!

yodelay said...

I've seen Shia's interviews and I would say his problem is being a cokehead rather than a drunk.

nunaurbiz said...

Hey, everyone I know who has been in contact with Gerry said even when he was smoking, he smelled gooooooood.

I say it's Colin Farrell.

poovey-tunt said...

Oh, didn't Fassbender show up at some awards show with his parents in tow because he or his team figured it was the only way he would refrain from getting completely shitfaced? This was right after he ran into the ex at another awards show, stinking drunk, of course, and there was still plenty of talk about that amongst the gossip rags at the time, if I'm recalling it at all correctly.

ATLBrvMom said...

Why isn't this Charlie Sheen?

saucyjane said...

Or Nic Cage! ...I don't know.

Misty G said...

I don't think it's Keanu. I thought he was more in to guys than girls? If it was Butler you'd think there would be more word about kids or something too.

feraltart said...

Please not Shia, he is my shame f*ck.

bouncergirl said...

@ MontanaMariott: Jack Black is happily married, so this blind doesn't fit.

@ Everyone claiming Johnny Depp: Blind doesn't fit him either, given his long term relationship with Vanessa.

Mr. Chopoffalof said...

Seems to fit, right?

ChrisO said...

Don't think it's Colin. He's been home in Dublin the last few days doing promo work for Total Recall. He appeared on two breakfast radio shows the past two mornings and talked about how much quieter his life is now he's sober etc. He was in great form and a delight to deal with by all accounts. For some reason I can't link to it but if anyone wants to listen to one of the interviews you can find it on FM104.ie

urbandrifter said...

Gotta be Rourke - "drop back to a B-list" After the Oscar in The Wrestler, he went up a notch, but he's movin' back down. I can totally smell that guy from the screen...

Sherry said...

@Caralw: What I really needed to do was READ my comment before I posted. I meant to put Leo before the last few sentences. Oh hail yeah on Shia's ass being drunk! My bad.

Angleonshit said...

This isn't Fassbender or Leo. Directors work with them repeatedly (Scorsese, McQueen, Scott). LeBoeuf for sure.

P.S. The whole MF abuse thing is still a big question mark. I don't want to judge either way. The gossip blogs need to dig around on this, current wisdom I've heard (probably about seven degrees away from being first hand in fairness) says he's not guilty at all.

Anna said...

I believe Enty wishes to imply this is Pattinson but spin it in the worst possible way. Enty's blinds tend to give us all possible Rob and Kristen scenarios to cover all possible bases. (One about an asexual Kristen; then the one where she was a guess about a bi star having an affair with a male director whose wife was cool with the whole idea). Pattinson comes with the baggage of crazy fans and must have bodyguards with him at all times He needs a hotel room in LA or else fans camp out near sets will follow him home. Pattinson's made jokes about showering, and the short video clip for Oscars where he was ordered to bathe in dirt. As for dirty hookers, how would Enty possibly know? I think it's a guess in case something of the sort comes out later?

Pythia said...

Colin Ferrell. He's got a long track record of getting seriously drunk, being smelly and passing along STDs. He's been looking good and doing well in the public eye lately, but that could be movie promoters riding his ass. After his initial fame splash, Colin dropped out of sight for awhile. There was constant gossip about how he rarely bathed and spread herpes because he refused to wear a condom.

PunkinElf said...

So much FAIL @Pythia. He's been sober for 6 years. He never had herpes. That's said about everyone whose name was linked with PHilton got herpes from her. If he truly had it, there would be a reputable source. It's haters like you who won't let go of old bad news ... old dogs, nothing new.

Question: do you buy RDJ's rehab? Bwahahahahahaha

Taliah Rene said...

Keanu legit smells bad

soooo sad


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