Monday, December 10, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Hilary Duff celebrates getting down to a size 26 by going to an all you can eat buffet yesterday. Seriously, that is where she was going and it was not Shoney's.

Ireland Baldwin displays her, umm hat and new glasses.
Jessica Alba takes the kids out this weekend. Diaper bag instead of a purse.
Justin Bieber attempts to find his peen. Asks Robert Stack to do a special episode of Unsolved Mysteries.
Jessica Chastain has the look of a woman who knows she is going to win best actress. Dear Baby Jesus, anyone but Kristen Stewart. Please don't even let her get nominated for On The Road. Please, oh please oh please.
Katie Holmes brings cupcakes to work. That is an old Tom Cruise trick.
Kellan Lutz would like to be your best buddy and is now available for parties. You know, until that recurring on Life With Charlie kicks in.
Kate Winslet and her very interesting hat were in Hong Kong.
Lucy Hale got a Nylon cover for Christmas.


Shocky said...

Kellan looks like Stiffler

Lilbeach said...

Hilary Duff a size 26 Enty??? Really!??

Karen said...

I can't tell if Enty is being a jerk calling Hilary size 26 or if he doesn't know what women's sizes are in the U.S.

Nosey Parker said...

Hilary Duff and Jessica Alba fit two of todays blind items.

tealily said...

Wtf, Enty?? She had a baby and she looks great.

mynerva said...

Enty, that's too far with the size 26 thing.

Shocky said...

@karen and @lil I presumed he meant waist size as she's wearing jeans

Rain said...

Size 26 = jeans size 2

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Do you mean a 26" waist for Hilary, Enty? Because she's most certainly NOT an American size 26...

Oh, and I don't think you need to worry too much about Kristen Stewart getting an Oscar nomination, at least not for Best Actress. (Best Supporting, possibly, but right now it's looking as if that one's between Sally Field & Anne Hathaway.)

Amber said...

LOL yes, 26 is jeans. Although, I find it odd Enty would know that much about women's designer jeans.

Jules_345 said...

I thought maybe he was referring to waist size also. Because I'd throw a freaking eager if I ever get there again.

Jules_345 said...

Rager...I hate my keyboard

Ingrid Superstar said...

Someone needs to design some denim short shorts with pocket linings that fall below the knees.

Nervous Nelly said...

She posted a picture of size 26 jeans herself on Twitter and claimed she fits them so don't blame Enty!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

K Stew for best actress? Maybe for a Golden Blobe. For an Oscar - no.

Speaking of, I've been telling people all last week that Jessica C. will win the Oscar over Anne Hathaway without realizing that they'll be nominated in different actress category's.

Yeah, me stupid.

greenmountaingal said...

Good for Hillary Duff! I think Enty meant 26 as her jeans waist size. I wouldn't even be able to fit my arm into jeans that tiny, but I digress.

Jessica Alba looks great & her kids are adorable.

tealily said...

My bad, I thought he was calling her overweight and grossly exaggerating her size.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm pretty sure he meant, 26 waist. He's never beaten up a woman for being porky as far as I remember. Ireland needs to cover up a bit, how in the heck is she going to sit down in those shorts? All I was thinking was "Ouch!!! (cringes)" I'm with you all for the blind reveals of Alba and Duffster. Sadface. That legendary bitchface that Alba does makes alot more sense now. But her little guy is just a baby, she couldn't really be hitting him could she? An infant? The dark blinds can be soo... dark sometimes. I love Kate Winslet's expression looking at her husband. I hope she's found happiness. And so what if Katie Holmes copied Tom's cupcake thing? There's alot of good stuff that Tom does that wouldn't hurt many celebs to emulate, like signing autographs for fans tirelessly, um, bringing cupcakes to people, um, yeah that's about it.

Anonymous said...

I'd bet good good money that Hathaway's gonna get the Oscar, Sally Field already has one. Not that that ever stopped Meryl.

mynerva said...

Withdrawing the snark. I don't understand American clothes sizes!

Sarah said...

As a mom to a teen girl, I very much approve of Ireland's unappealing accessories. Let's work on someone's shorts now.

Sarah said...

* some longer shorts.

Autocorrect fail number ten million and one.

katsm0711 said...

Omg @ ingrid I can't stop laughing at that image!!!

Anna V. Xol said...

I won't get on hillary duff. Entaliscious, everyone should get a cheat day on their diets. It's even helps if you do it right. At least she is not killing buttered pop tarts or deep frying wild hogs in oreo crumbs like jessica simpson.

jax said...

holy fuck who cares, she is not a size 2 or 26 anyway. Get a grip people.

msgirl said...

Oh I never got snark - I knew right away it was 26 jeans. That's tiny! I hope she ate some at that all you can eat.

katsm0711 said...

Going to an all u can eat buffet doesn't necessarily mean the eater is goin to gorge themselves to get his money worth! I was dragged to one with my class over the summer. Most of them including the teacher starved themselves all day so they could polish of 4 plates of food. I had one plate. One tiny plate bc I was only eating to be polite.

Lisa said...

Isn't that Julianna Marguiles with Bon Jovi? Or does his wife just look like JM?

Sarah said...

Katsmo- I eat the same amount at a buffet as I do anywhere else. I am sort of grossed out by them anyway, but the Indian place in the neighborhood does a pretty decent lunch buffet. I eat one plate. Never more.
I'm not judgey about it, but I just can't.

Honey Bunny said...

Hilary looks great in those 26 jeans.
Jessica and kids always look cute.
Hey Kate W.! Looking goood!

Unknown said...

Jax, take some of your own advice and stop being so negative. You're like a freaking vampire. Just draining the threads of energy, wherever you post.

annanaannnaaaa said...

I got the same from it. 26".

crazycrashink said...

I can't believe I no this, and I can't believe I'm going to be a huge loser and post it.... Back in the day (years ago when Katie Holmes was with Chris (weird eyed face) what's his name... she had a documentary or true life special thing on MTV and she was taking cupcakes to her costars so she was doing that way before she was not doing Tom Cruise :)................... now someone give the speech from Billy Madison about how we are all dumber for having read my comment!

AndyCane said...

I like Jax and her posts. Gives some flava

crazycrashink said...

know* seriously ... I can't type

Mango said...

That's Kate Winslet's husband? I didn't know she remarried! When did that happen? Who's the guy?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@ Andycane. I like her too, but I'm tired of the negativity and sanctimonious posts, all the while hypocritically calling others out on being "negative".

I want the fun Jax back. The Jax who used to be interesting, and used to post things worth reading.

supapimp said...

Blind item reveal?

ethorne said...

Ireland's legs look two-toned like her shorts.

Cornbread said...

Ireland's outfit makes me cringe, especially because it reminds me so much of what I would wear in my late teens/early 20s. Even if my future daughter gets ticked at me, I'm going to stress the importance of covering your bits, wearing proper underwear, and choosing a flattering length for shorts. I need Clinton and Stacy to do a teenager guide for me.

Every time I see Beiber, my blood pressure goes up. My gosh, I can't stand him.

Hilary looks great, regardless of what the number on her tag is.

Chrissy Buns said...

OK Enty, you know I love you, but Hilary Duff looks amazing, and I might need to bitch slap you for saying that. Unless you are joking...then all is forgiven :)

Shocky said...

@mango it's Kate Winslet's boyfriend, Ned Rocknroll. Ahem.

Elizabeth said...

I believe Jessica Alba is carrying a PS1 in Smoke by Proenza Schouler which is $2K, not that she paid for it. That's no diaper bag.

JSierra said...

Meh I still don't think Jessica is the mean mama blind.

Kady Kat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kady Kat said...

If he was helping the BestBuddies charity... then no snarking on Kellan.

That charity does great work. Think Big Brother/Big Sister for children with Down Syndrome. It has a near and dear place in my jaded little heart.

Anyone who gives them actual time... (More than a 20 min meet n greet) is good people with me.

Kloie said...

I like Lucy, but she looks a little bit off here.

Roman Holiday said...

I am not sure how tall Hillary Duff is but she would have to be tiny to fit into size 26" waist!!

Is that like the Kim K. size 3? We all know that is code for husky size 8!!

Alicia said...

I thought the same .. It's been a few years since I could wear that size !

DewieTheBear said...

Since Kristen Stewart has no shot at an Oscar, I'm on the "anybody but Jennifer Lawrence" train. She's okay in Silver Linings; however, I could have seen any number of actresses in that role. (And really, her age is all wrong; twenty-two was way too young for the character, when she was written to be in her mid-to-late thirties).

But everyone seems to want to crown a new movie star and Lawrence seems to be "the one."

short le chic said...

I think actually Hilary herself said this recently. E had a pair of size 26s that

short le chic said...

...supposedly hers. But I thought: why you lying, girl??

Roman Holiday said...

LOL @ Short!!! and why would Enty, have a pair of her jeans? Is he doing dry cleaning on the side now??

katsm0711 said...

@roman a looong time ago and I don't think it was CDaN but I'm not positive. Jennifer Lopez's stylist had to rub out the real clothing size of 8 On all get clothes and forge a #4 instead

Roman Holiday said...

@ Katsm, that is hilarious!!! Just goes to show you how vain these people really are!!!!

Oh, and wasn't that an episode on Seinfeld one time?

Because there is no way in hell Jlo is a size 4 - don't get me wrong the girl has a beautiful figure but she is for sure bigger than a 4!!! Imagine if that was the only thing you had to worry about in your life??

katsm0711 said...

Lol yeah @roman I totally thought of Jerry as I typed that :)

misspeg86 said...

Why are you guys fussing all over what size Hilary's jeans are? Did you guys not see that picture of Kellan?! *drools then rushes off to bedroom*

Lilbeach said...

Lol... Ohh!! I didn't think of that!! Thank you! Enty gets a pass!

Lilbeach said...

He does look yummy but that tshirt collar has to go!

Anna said...

Moms with kids go to buffets because, if you don't, the kid smells food immediately in restaurant or sees it on other people's plates, starts screaming for it and is unlikely to stop until waitress brings food or other customers have killed your entire family with glares. Go to buffet. Kid eats immediately. Problem solved. But the food is usually bland.

Unknown said...

Oh please someone do it. I'd love to see people wearing them x

Vkn said...

I like Hilary, her perfume smells really good. I hate that Wilmer screwed her over.

Amartel said...

Size 26?
Projection much?
No particular problem with hypocrisy?
I think some of us already suspected that your blow hard condemnation and concern about causes du jour like teen bullying and DJ prank phone calls gone wrong was all political bullshit on parade ... but thanks for confirming.

PotPourri said...

""Dear Baby Jesus, anyone but Kristen Stewart""

Love this line!


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