Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ashley Judd And Dario Franchitti Have Split

It took a decade for Dario Franchitti to come to his senses but he finally did and now Ashley Judd and Dario have split. They released a joint statement but you know it was all Ashley who wrote it and produced it and directed it and Dario probably just wanted to get on with his life. Ashley said in the statement there would be nothing but love between them forever. Uh huh. Can you imagine the fights? Ashley is not exactly known for being a wall flower. I think I once had a kindness about Ashley and it was just so out of character for her that I really did not want to give the impression to everyone she was nice, but it was about animals. Maybe she has a softer spot in her heart for animals than she does for humans. Anyway, they have both moved on now and Ashley can get back to her monkeys and castle. Too much? Yeah, probably.


MISCH said...

He's been unhappy for years, he had wanted a family and a normal wife ...he got Ashley.

JSierra said...

I wish Enty had used the headline "Ashley and Dario have splitaro" from DisembodiedThumb yesterday, I thought that was pretty clever.

Cathy said...

I'm guessing that at least one of them has already moved on and they're officially announcing the split because she's considering a run in politics.

greenmountaingal said...

It's too bad she's crazy because I really want to like her.

Kelly said...

LOL Enty.

Mari said...

Right, I'm off to my old stomping grounds in Glesca, an Ah wilna be back withoot Dario!

Agent**It said...

Think EL had a blind on this.

Henriette said...

This sounds like an answer to a blind.

The Real Dragon said...

I don't get it. Did she fuck animals on the side? That's the Impression I got from reading this

ethorne said...

Lol I think he was calling her a wicked witch (Oz), with her monkeys & castle.

Erin B said...

Yeah, I was thinking that too about a blind. Maybe we'll get a reveal on this.

libby said...

I waited on them, the first year he was competing in the Indy 500 after they got together, whenever that was. They were with two other racing types. Ashley was not only completely normal, she was down-to-earth and nice, even. Not chatty, but definitely NICE and undemanding as hell. I left them as alone as I could, and they seemed happy with me. BIG tip from Dario. He became known for that where I worked, over the years.

After her hubby won a 500, and every win since, when she puts on that big display, makes the win all about HER---I think that back when they were first together, she must have been well-medicated, or a better actress than I thought.
Or maybe she was happy then, and it took the edge off.
She was good at hiding the crazy when she needed to, that's all I'm saying.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Jeebus! WTF did she do to her face?! I really hate that women are fucking with their faces and bodies in the name of beauty. It's becoming a major pet peeve of mine.

Tyler said...

As both Nascar and Indy fans are throwing impromptu celebratory parties up and down the racing circuit.

dragon, she is an animal lover and activist for the protection of animals against abuse. The monkeys and castle = Land of Oz snark for wicked witch.

urban chaos said...

I still want to like her! I hope they both find some happiness- he seems pretty down to earth and Ashley? Well, she does put some good karma out there with her volunteering, interests.

dia papaya said...

Thanks @ethorne for the translation. I was confused.

I also had no idea he was Scottish. I was sure he was Italian. So he's both? *yes, Dia he's both - insert your eye roll here*

Didn't realize she was so evil. Look at the photo! Her dog wants to run away. She is towering of Dario and he looks miserable. Maybe bc she's pinching his inner arm and whispering how he didn't perform well enough and ten lashes later. His dog looks happy to be in his arms instead of hers.

I bet there are a lot of ladies who would be happy to be with Dario Splitario.

VIPblonde said...

Dario's parting words to Ashley: "Begone, before someone drops a house on you too!"

Unknown said...

I think she's messed up from that shittastic childhood Naomi provided her.

I also want to like her.

The Real Dragon said...

Oh okay thanks lol

Cathy said...

I got the feeling that Ashley isn't so much "evil" but mentally ill/under-medicated...

Henriette said...

This post implies these two have been done for a while. I wonder who will step out with the new boyfriend or girlfriend first.

Karen said...

@Libby, thanks for sharing!

I was bored on Sunday so I watched Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood with the commentary on between Ashley and the director. Obviously it was for the DVD, but she seemed so nice--complimenting everyone else's performances and remarking upon her sister's favorite scenes and lines. It's too bad that so much has changed since then.

Also, wasn't there a blind item about her and Dario that they wanted kids and she was getting hormone shots because he refused to adopt or use a surrogat and only wanted natural children?

dia papaya said...

So the hormones shots made her crazy?

I want to like her too! I always have and was kinda shocked at all the wicked witch stuff. What happened? Someone here knows the dirt! And growing up with Naomi and being dragged around everywhere could not have been stable or nurturing.

I remember watching her on the NBC find your roots show. Her dad is Italian (which I didn't know) and he seemed like a nice guy. I'm just more and more confused by this.

Anonymous said...

I have a soft spot for Ashley. She's a good actress--I strongly recommend BUG--and she seems to have an actual brain that she's willing to use. I also like that she's committed to women's causes. Maybe things have changed, but she doesn't come across as being that bad to me.

Christopher Cruz said...


StewMcG said...

As a fellow sufferer of Major Depressive Disorder, I'll grant Ashley a "pass". It's hard to get the right combination of meds & therapy. If she hasn't found that combination (or if the combination she's used to has stopped being as effective), she could be acting like a total raging bitch because it's her defense mechanism, to save herself from completely baring her already raw feelings to the world. I know she did an in-patient treatment program a few years ago. Maybe she needs a "refresher."

Mari said...

Dia, in Glasgow there is a large community of folks from Italian heritage. They're as fiercely Scots as we all are, and they gave us the ice cream trucks! (Which of course degenerated into a war over territory, ah Glasgow!)
Funny story that I have verbatim from a letter my aunt wrote to my uncle in Canada in 1940:
(In WW II Italians were interred, until proof was offered of loyalty to the UK) well anyhow, my Gran's neighbour turned himself in to the police station, waiting for the paperwork to show his service in WW I, and his son & daughter's current service in the RAF. My Gran was going past, stops "Good evening Mr Lombardi. Is there something the matter?"
"Good evening, Mrs Silver, I hope you're well. No, just waiting for my youngest to bring my service record. Enemy aliens are being interred."
My Gran walks in, goes up to Sgt :
"Good evening, Sgt. As you may know my husband is deployed. My father in law is in the pub, as you know he served in Ypres and has had some resulting illness from the war. My father was never found, he is lying in pieces in France, again under German boots. My father served with Mr Lombardi in the worst experience ever endured by British men, and the only reason one lived and one died was chance. Mr Lombardi was five when he came here, he is as British as we are.
We are leaving, Sgt. My father in law can vouch for Mr Lombardi until the papers are found. Or he can batter the hell out of anyone who tries to stop us leaving. One way or the other.
Good night, Sgt. God Save the King."

Kelly said...

@Karen I adore that movie!

AnonGirl79 said...

This "crazy" biz is propaganda spread to make her seem crazy just because she is intelligent, strong and stands up for women's issues. It makes me sad.

Anonymous said...

"she's nicer to animals"??? Clearly you must not remember the story about how she left town and didnt hire anyone to feed her animals. When she came back home, her dogs were so starved.... They ate the cat. That story is the reason I stopped liking Ashley Judd. I thought she was great until then.

Anonymous said...
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dia papaya said...

@Mari - That is a fabulous story! Thanks for sharing. BTW - I think the Scottish accent is the sexiest! If I found a sexy Scottish man I may have to abandon the BF. My mom's side of the family is Scottish (and Welsh - sorry) but been in the States forever.

@StewMcG - thanks for sharing your story too! I think mental illness is often labeled as bitchy evil crazy in women. I didn't know and feel bad for my above comment if that's the case. There is a lot of MI in my family and I know how hard that can be. It's a daily struggle for sure. Thanks for the eye opener!

Anonymous said...

Your Gran is amazing!

Frufra said...

Mari, thanks for sharing that. What a wonderful piece of family history! I absolutely love that sort of thing. Personal accounts like your grandmother's are the best part of studying history.

Anonymous said...

@Mari--Nice! What verve that woman had. Thanks for sharing!

Bridget said...

Have you ever read the Lainey blinds about her? There's pretty much no excuse for this woman, and 1) Lainey isn't exactly subtle that it's her and 2) Lainey actually vets her blinds pretty well.

Also, Judd Judd has infamously been a raging bitch to everyone on the racing circuit for years. The web is FILLED with stories about her treating people like crap.

So, she is passionate about some really important global issues... but is an utterly awful human being to everyone she meets.

Anonymous said...

@dia papaya, you're not wrong. The Scottish accent is easily the sexiest. My husband jokes that I can't go to Scotland without him, because there's no guarantee I'd come back.

Eeekalicious said...

I've always thought the Judds kind of comical in the epic way they would describe their family arguments. It was always "We are all strong women with strong opinions and sometimes we need space from each other". It was as if their family arguments were so much more important than anyone else's.

Frufra said...

@dia - I saw a really eye-opening episode of some show the Judds did on OWN. The episode I stumbled on showed Naomi and Wynonna driving around revisiting the trashy apartments and motel rooms that they lived in when the girls were little, and discussing the trauma that occured there. Again, I only saw one episode, but it was pretty revealing. Apparently, Naomi left the girl's dad to pursue her singing career, and drug them around through a parade of places to live, abusive boyfriends, the works. And the saddest part was that Naomi still didn't really seem to get how her actions affected her girls, or to really feel any remorse over any of it.

Oh, I guess Wy's dad and Ashley's dad are two different men, but they didn't know that growing up? I'm not sure on that.

StewMcG said...

No worries, Dia. She may be a bitch but it could also be a by-product of her MI. If I'm in a full-blown depressive episode and not medicated, I can definitely rival Ashley in the bitchiness zone. Of course, I could be wrong and she could just always be one (but I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt.)

AKM said...

Frufra, Wynonna didn't know that. Wy assumed that Michael Ciminella (sp?) was her father, and apparently EVERYONE knew that he wasn't, including Ashley, and nobody told her. I always feel for her the most out of that family. :-(

warmislandsun said...

Sounds like she had an uber-shitty childhood. Wallflowers as children can become raging assholes once they find their own strength. It is a defense to make sure no one ever abuses them in any way again.

But that story about leaving her dogs to starve???? Is that real or legend? That is too disturbing for words.

Flash Gordon said...

I read her autobiography and actually enjoyed it very much. Granted, it was pro-Ashley and told only her side, but she had one fucked up childhood courtesy of parents. So I like her from the bio, but am cognizant of all the negative rumors that surround her; there isn't smoke without fire. She does some wonderful work for animals and women, basically the downtrodden. A complicated woman.

Frufra said...

@AKM, I feel badly for Wynonna, too. And I'm a big believer in taking responsibility for yourself as an adult, shitty childhood aside, but those girls really do seem to have had a rough time growing up. It stops being an excuse once you're about 30 (in my opinion), but it sure does explain a lot of things.

auntliddy said...

I read autobio too,harry, naomi is one screwed up bitch. Ruined both her girls lives. Selfish selfish drama queen.

Lurky Loo said...

Not feeling the love for Ashley, I think she is a huge narcissist, just like dear Mama. Ashley has her "causes" and says the "right things" to put on a persona of looking like a smart and caring person. Hey she is an actress so coming off like that shouldn't be hard for her. Just MHO but I get a huge self absorbed vibe from her. She doesn't really care about anything but herself.

Munch said...

@Mari - sorry to break it to you but Dario was born in Bathgate and went to school in Edinburgh, so if he's coming home it'll be me that's scouring MY old stomping grounds in Edinburgh to offer him 'comfort'!

VIPblonde said...

I've hated Ashely since I learned that she was the one who told Wynonna who her real father was. And not in a supportive, "Everyone knows but you, and I think you should be in on it" kind of way. It was a full on, mean girl, my daddy isn't your daddy, na na na na na, kind of way. What a bitch. Team Wynonna all the way

Gayeld said...

Especially since they rarely end up beautiful. Ashley used to be just gorgeous. Now she's approaching Joan Rivers territory.

ljsmed said...

I can totally relate to the mental illness parts (major depressive, anxiety disorder, bi-polar, and a personality disorder), while I can be and have been a raging bitch to the people I love I always try to be nice to others and mask my feelings.(it's terrible that I have treated my loved ones who support me through thick and thin). I have many friends who have attended events and dinners with her in Kentucky and every one of them has said the same thing. She is a rude, entitled, self-centered bitch. Her childhood was awful, but many other people have awful childhoods also. No excuse to act like that. Sorry to go off on a soapbox but I have heard too many things from different personal friends to have any inkling of respect/liking for her.

ethorne said...

"That's why Daddy named you Joe Dirt instead of Nunnamaker."

AKM said...

*snorting at ethorne's comment*

Also, I was born in KY and I'm a big UK basketball fan and I don't like Ashley because she's this annoying uber-fan and all. Yes, we get it that YOU actually went there, but...JUST SHUT UP.

Anon said...
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Parula said...

Weighing in on the other side of the "Ashley's a bitch" equation.

I live in the same area as all the Judds, Ashley included, and know some people who regularly work for her. She's kind to them and treats them exceptionally well. In my experience the way the rich treat the worker bees is a good judge of them as people.

I know it's popular on CDAN to be very black and white -- X is an angel/Y is a total bitch -- but in this case, anyway, I think that's inaccurate.

lc said...

Layna, I thought I was the only one to love that movie. It is an excellent movie.

Spring said...

My aunt Marie Donovan worked for an Italian family in Glasgow during the war. They had an ice cream shop and when they were interred, she stayed to run the shop and look after their children (she was their governess). Also, my granddad ran a POW camp in Chatham, Kent for Italian's and Germans. He organized them into soccer teams, etc. One of the guys who was Italian became his best friend. My mother still tells of how my granddad wept when his best friend was repatriated back to Italy. I think the family in Glasgow that my aunt Marie worked for was named Gianetta.

lc said...

Layna, I thought I was the only one to love that movie. It is an excellent movie.

Anon said...

Didn't she make racist comments about Hip Hop promoting a rape culture but went on to say she was violated by one her mother's boyfriends as a teenager? Can only imagine what he was listening to?

AKM said...

Parula, I'm not too surprised by that, because libby said the same thing. Of course, others have said that they met her and she was a total crab, to put it mildly. Overall, as StewMcG and others have pointed out, sometimes you just never know what mood or attitude you might get with someone with MI. (I also DEFINITELY speak from personal and professional experience on that!) Yes, she annoys me, like I said, but I don't think she's evil incarnate and I've not met her personally, so I would also probably give her a pass if I met her given the MI and her history.

And the starving animals story? Can we get a link to that? Because I swear that I've ONLY ever heard that she is WONDERFUL to animals, if not always to people. That's another reason I would give her a pass, even if I AM tired of seeing her at KY games and acting like she's the only fan in the world who matters. ;-)

parissucksliterally said...

I have dealt with Ms Judd in person too, and she is a BITCH. I know others who have worked closely with her, and she is a judgmental, nasty person.

Sis said...

I love her! I think she goes overboard when she sees an injustice and she has to fix it or try to, and I also think this comes from the abuse she suffered, still I give her a pass. Really, I like animals more than most people too. I would love it if she ran for office, it would give some of those old fogies a run for their offices and she could talk circles around them just for fun. :)

Anna V. Xol said...

It's hard for me to not like her. I think they both really wanted kids. Having them and not having them can really test and strain a relationship. I think Naomi clearly preferred Ashley over Wynona and really screwed them up. I love Wynona too.

RocketQueen said...

Meh, I generally prefer animals to people, too.

I also have empathy for Ashley...a mental illness is a hard thing, and her upbringing was not terribly healthy.

All about Eve said...

@Mari, love your story! And I love Scotland, never been but its at the top of my list. I love the history and yes, love the accent.

As for Ashley, I like her as an actress and her causes but personality wise she doesn't seem like a nice person but she did have a rough childhood.

trudi said...

There is serious talk that she wants to run for Senator from Kentucky. Should be an interesting race if true.

skimpymist said...

I'm so happy for him. I've been so disgusted by her ever since she tried to steal his thunder after he had just one the grand prix I think and she was walking and waving like she was the one everyone was cheering for. I hope karma gets her hard

Wil said...

Ya .. Dario and Ashley have [well, I guess in one instance now "had"] a staff at their farm who take care of the animals when they are [were] not in attendance .. so I am out and out saying the above poster pulled that little story about starving dogs out of their ass.

What is really weird about this is Ashley was posting this weekend about Dario at the Rolex 24 .. she was glowing about him and she was in Daytona, apparently. When I heard this last night, it knocked me on my ass. [And god forbid .. I thought for a moment maybe it was a ploy for some media attention for Ashley.]

I don't know .. just weird and disappointing. Like them both and very sorry to hear this.

Jules said...

I never comment here but I have to say, Ashley Judd came to my college to discuss UN Women's rights work she was doing and it was my job to show her around. She was lovely, encouraging and very kind. She talked about Dario and her dogs in glowing terms.
I know a lot of people perceive her as a know-it-all but from my brief experience with her, I have nothing but nice things to say about her

crila16 said...

It was just a matter of time. She's batsh@t crazy.

JoElla said...

Mamma Judd really screwed up these girls.

I can't help it, I like Ashley and Wy, batshit crazy mamma? No, not so much.

Wasn't it said that mamma judd didn't tell Wy who her dad was, until after he died?

Mango said...

For years Ashley Judd lied about her education and said she had a degree from the University of Kentucky when she never actually graduated. I think she did later complete her degree because she was working on a master's program at Harvard.

FWIW, Himmmm once had some interesting things (not good) to say about her. I don't know if they can be found under her name in the labels or if her name just popped up when we were guessing blinds, but IIRC, he said he was once in a hot tub with Ashley and some other peeps, she was very promiscuous at one time, (and I might be mixing this next part up with someone else) she is unable to have kids as a result of her promiscuity.

Re the Scottish Italians: I once saw a movie on cable about two warring Scots Italian families with rival ice cream trucks. It was very good but for the life of me, I can't think of the name. Anyone?

Agent**It said...

Mango, Comfort and Joy ?

Agent**It said...

1984 film "the Bernardis and the Rossis" :)

Sis said...

A favorite story about her is when she called up the car guys on the radio and told them her husband wouldn't let her drive and what should she do? It was pretty funny!!

Brandy said...

I'm convinced this person either is or is emotes by Ashley.

Henriette said...

That "story" was not "pulled out of the ass." It was her NYC landlord who outed her. The apartment was destroyed. It was outed in Page Six. I want to say it happened around 2004 or 2005. I remember that story well.

I'm not the biggest Lainey fan, but she does not paint a great picture of this Judd.

I too read about what Ashley did to Wynona. I also like Wynona better who DID not invite her sister or mother to her last wedding.

Judd also lied about graduating from college. She left in 1990 a few credits short of a BA. She DID not graduate from Harvard main, but the Kennedy School which is an offshoot.

She might have a mental illness, but that is very unfair to blame her attitude on that. I know a lot of beautiful people who are extremely kind who have mental illness issues.

Anonymous said...

bitch b crazy

Della said...

Excellent. It is a intense movie. I remember feeling as if I couldn't breathe the last 30 minutes or so. Very intense.

Mango said...

@ Agent - Comfort and Joy! Thank you!
I need to look for that one again.

WUWT? said...

We've discussed that starving animal story here in the past, so a link might be in the comments section of other stories about her. It happened in 2000 or 2001, and the way I read it (on Ted Casablanca's The Awful Truth), the cat had kittens and the kittens were eaten by the other animals because there wasn't enough food left out for how long she was gone. As far as I recall.

WUWT? said...

Found another site that quoted the story!

In Ted Casablanca's words:
Awful Truth September 7, 2000
dish, dirt & juicy bits

I'm told by employees of Ashley Judd that the best-lookin' Judd gal keeps
an apartment in Manhattan, where she recently left her two dogs and two
cats. Ms. J. apparently has been so busy filming--get this--Animal
Husbandry that she scarcely is home often enough to feed the poor critters.

Adding to this already desultory situation is the fact one of Judd's cats
just gave birth to several kittens. Can you already see the hideous place
to which I'm going? If not, read on:

Sure enough, Ashley's canines were so crazed with hunger that when the
litter was born, according to A.J.'s camp, the dogs did what any pooches in
their starved minds would do.

(What I'm about to write, I must tell you, is probably the most sickening
thing I have ever passed through my keyboard--save Arnold Schwarzenegger's
bad manners.)

I'm sorry to report the newborn kitties were promptly devoured by the
malnourished dogs. Blood was everywhere, and Judd had to call a clean-up
crew to come in and do the dirtiest of dirty work.

"That's absolutely not true," yelped Judd's publicist, who did confirm the
star keeps her animals in the New York apartment.

Fiona said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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