Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blind Item #2

There is nothing this B- list all movie actor or his studio loves more than having rumors of him flirting with women or canoodling. He is always trying to be photographed with women or whispering to them so it looks like they could be kissing. He is fully on board the find me a beard train because he fears that he is not in a position to come out as gay and still get the kind of roles he has been getting so far in his career which includes one very massive one. Huge.


Erika said...

Josh Hutcherson or Taylor Lautner.

cheesegrater15 said...


Sunny said...

I was thinking Josh H too. Role Hunger Games. Photo: leaving GG after party hand I hand with Selena Gomez

Christopher Cruz said...

So sad. You CAN be in the public eye AND be true to yourself. It's 2013, Hollywood!!!

a non a miss said...

I would say Lautner only because JH has been acting since he was a child, I don't think he has problems getting any roles. Lautner on the other hand has had only one huge massive hit.

Sunny said...

That wasn't supposed to be some mano a mano thing. Hand IN hand

Anonymous said...

Josh H. He's the lead in a three film franchise they won't let him come out until the last dvd is released.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy Renner also

Andrew said...

Taylor is rarely spotted with lots of girls. When he is seen with a girl its usually his childhood friend who's now a cheerleader of some sort. He hasn't had "girlfriend" for a couple years now - the last being Lily Collins I believe.

auntliddy said...

It still irritates me that someone either 'has' to come out or get a beard. A hetero isnt subjected to that scrunity. No asks did u sleep with your partner last night? Leave acyors alone to weave their and your fantasies on film. When im watching a movie, i dont want to thinking , oh he or she has to leave set soon to pick up kids. I want the fantasy~

LottaColada said...

Honestly I don't think it's Josh, he does a lot of work with the gay community. He has spoken out about his gay uncles who died from AIDS and how much he hates using gay labels. I think he would be pretty comfortable coming out if he were gay.

Josh Hutcherson at the GLAAD Awards

auntliddy said...

Possible hujack alert!!! I saw some pictures of croc dundee and his wife, linda kowaslkiki- whatever- and holy cow!!!!!!!! She doesnt even look like the same person!!!! Alot of bad surgery! Google it; see if you dont agree!!!

victoria said...

Bradley Cooper

Frufra said...

auntliddy, it's like you're reading my mind!

LottaColada said...

He's also done PSA's about the gay labels. I'd like to see Lautner be this comfortable talking about these topics.

Josh Hutcherson "Straight but not narrow

whocaresnow12 said...

"His studio"? I'm pretty certain he's not under contract with a studio, nor does he own one.

The Black Cat said...

I thought of Bradley Cooper too.

Anonymous said...

Jake Gylenhaal is another possibility, although I don't know if he has had one huge role

Sunny said...

I LOVE how you back up all your info with clicky links! You and French Girl are the Sleuthy Sistas!

Anonymous said...

Agree with the Jeremy Renner guess.

perfecttt2 said...

agreed I don't this Josh would be afraid to come out - he's been active in gay community. I'm on Taylor train

Sunny said...

(And thank you to everyone else who does this. I don't want to exclude anyone, but Frenchie will always stick in our minds for the Jamie Foxx images)

Anonymous said...

One huge role? I guess Lautner would fit that. I think it's a bigger deal to them than everyone else, just come out already. It makes people more interesting too.

Jolene Jolene said...

@whocares--Hunger Games is a franchise with two more films yet to be released, so I'm sure he's under contract with Lionsgate. Although Lotta has a pretty good argument against this being Josh H.!

Bradley Coop and Renner are bigger than B-, and neither have one HUGE role. I like Lautner. He may still be under contract with Lionsgate? They distributed all the Twilight movies and that shitty movie he was in after that. Lots of actors sign contracts with studios and commit to a certain number of films with them.

LottaColada said...

Your too sweet Sunny!

Sunny said...

Can you shed some light on whether some studios can demand a little more from the actors as far as publicity? I feel like there have been some discussions about Summit and how they treated the Twilight actors like puppets

Andrew said...

Twilights over folks. Why would the studio be super concerned now? Taylor is always the immediate guess for any gay blind item. Not very creative. Plus he has projects in the works with Gus Van Sant and Bryan Singer. That doesn't scream "i'm trying to avoid gay rumors" to me.

I'm on the Jeremy Renner train, the big role being the Bourne series.

Topper Madison said...

Harry Potter?

JSierra said...

Despite Josh being so support of GLAAD and LGBTQ rights I can understand the studio forcing him to remain in the closet until the franchise is over.

Think about it, we have a hard enough time believing the Katniss/Peeta love in Hunger Games. Their lack of chemistry almost ruins the movie and is totally unrealistic. It would only be worse if people knew that Josh was gay. We have to keep thinking he is straight because that is what the movie is leaning on, the relationship between Katniss and Peeta, and that one last heterosexual thread is the only thing holding their relationship together.

Not every gay man can play a super sexy heartthrob, and that is not a bad thing. Peeta was horribly miscast.

jax said...

Lotta, lots of closeted actors do that so they don't get labelled as shunning their community even though they're in the closet.

Queen Latifah anyone?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jolene Jolene said...

@Andrew--Like I said, Taylor could still be under contract with Lionsgate to make OTHER movies with them, not Twilight. That's totally standard. He has some movie on imdb that is being produced by Temple Hill, which produced alllll the Twilight movies and could very well be distributed by Lionsgate when it comes out. He's definitely a possibility.

I still think this could be Josh H. I know people don't understand why it should matter if an actor is gay or straight, but young Hollywood stars and their studios bank on being heart throbs and attracting young panty droppers. Young girls dream about dating whichever star they want at the moment, and finding out that guy is gay could definitely ruin a girl's crush. NOT because she's homophobic, but because part of their day dream is about being with him in real life. It's RIDICULOUS, but that's how it is. Crush = rush to the box office, buying the blu ray, following his career = money. It's pretty simple.

Unknown said...

I was leaning towards James Franco on this one, although I accept that he's more like an A minus/B+

Big role being Harry Osborn, seen flirting/kissing with Ashley Benson

Andrew said...

Was Harry Osborn really a "massive" role for him though? When I think of James I think of Pineapple Express, 127 Hours, Milk... I don't even remember he was in Spiderman most of the time.

Plus James is definitely A List.

Melissa said...

I'm on the Daniel Radcliffe train

Jeff B. said...

Victor Garber.

jza1218 said...

Chris Evans leaving a club with Minka Kelly in the Daily Mail.

One big role: Captain America, I don't think his Johnny Storm would really count as a huge role since the movies are pretty panned.

LottaColada said...

Ok I see what you guys are saying, it could very well be a ploy but I still don't think this blind is about him.

Who really talks about his love life? I haven't seen any blogs speculating if Selena is on the rebound with him after they hung out at that GG after party.

Anonymous said...

Thank yooouuuu Sierra!!! That is the truth! I know first hand. I wish more people saw it this way rather than the "shame" way.

Kelly said...


Unknown said...

If "One massive one" is a hint, then I'm going with Fassbender.

evey said...

can't be Jeremy Renner. while he was filming overseas, he would go back to his hotel after a night of partying with a woman in his arms. always a different woman every night.

Andrew said...

@evey- uh thats what the blind item is saying. that he wants to be seen with lots of women....

ms snarky said...

Jamie Foxx photos? anyone have the link?

whocaresnow12 said...

Not really outside the contract which usually is "I won't get arrested or caught snorting lines off a hooker during principle photography". Outside of that the marketing department takes over, and every film and TV show are churned out like a machine.

Summit is the production company. The studios handle distribution and marketing (seperate departments that really should be merged into one, but I digress). Many times Sony and WB will actually jump fully in for the post process through release.

All about Eve said...

@auntliddy, completely agree

Nellie said...

What about that little dude from Avitar? Sam Worthington?

megan00m said...

Quentin Tarantino. Mention of his studio..."roles" are..director, writer, producer and of course actor...he still pipe dreams to be a thespian! Canoodle...kathy griffin, shar jackson, some chick on globes night (forgot who off bat lol) , janene garafalo, uma...a whos who of bearding possibilities

megan00m said...

Kerry Washinton.

CanadianMiss said...

I'd go with Josh H. Although to me, anyway, he seems more asexual. That's just my impression of him.

whocaresnow12 said...

Unfortunately, not only is he straight but has regular escorts. From what I hear his much, much younger (and rather stupid) girlfriend not only approves but participates. They are both so coked out of their mind she most likely doesn't even realize there's an extra person in bed.

Sunny said...

Thanks Wcm12!

Andrew said...

whocaresnow12- who are you referring to? Tarantino?

MAC said...

I was thinking Chris Evans or Chris Pine

Tyler said...

Must be Andrew. Can't be Josh because he's only 20 himself.

Josh is my guess for this blind also. He was seen leaving the Golden Globes with Selena Gomez which got a lot of coverage.

Erin B said...

Jeremy's in three franchises. He's not B- list. Plus he isn't known for one role. "The Hurt Locker" got him more popular, but he's had a lot of roles since then.

Groovy said...

Channing Tatum

Tyler said...

Erin, my thought too, and Taylor isn't really known for much beyond his Twilight role.

I recall that a pretty big deal was made over how close Josh Hutcherson and Sam Claflin became during the filming of Hunger Games.

whocaresnow12 said...

Yes, I should have clarified.

Pink_Palace said...

Darn it, how can you all forget the cinematic masterpiece that he starred in? Sharkboy and Lavagirl anyone?!? Hehehe

noseygal48 said...

I think it's josh too. He was holding Selena Gomez hand in that pic yesterday someone posted. I thought they would be a cute couple but I stand corrected!

Mala Propism said...

Lautner was a child actor, too. For reference see "Sharkboy & Lavagirl" -- still on eternal play on Disney channels.

Mala Propism said...

Going a different route... "one very massive one. Huge." made me think of the Incredible Hulk. Who has played that? Eric Bana, Edward Norton, & Mark Ruffalo, right? Any candidates there? Pretty sure it's not Norton.

Angela said...

Henry Cavill, who's the next Superman.

jimbothered said...

This is out there, BUT, he is well known, but in a cultish way, and did have one huge, massive, HULKING role, what about Edward Norton?

Mango said...

Guys, if you're using the mobile version, kindly note the name of the poster you're replying to. If one is using the web version and not the mobile version the posts come up chronologically and not as a "reply to", so they sometimes don't make sense or we don't know what post you're replying to. I can't tell you how many times I've seen, "I totally agree!" and I've wondered, "To what??".

@ aunt liddy - Croc Dundee and wife were in yesterday's Random Photos Part 6 and YES, she looks freaky! What a shame. She used to be a beauty.

@ Lotta - I thought Josh H was lackluster in The Hunger Games but I love him after that PSA.

Unknown said...

Definitely, 100% not QT.

Tyler said...

Norton - engaged
Bana - married
Ruffalo - married
Tatum - married
Cavill - dating someone

rocketyank said...

Jeremy Renner was nominated for two oscars in two years. He's taking over the MI and Bourne franchises. In what world is he B-?

feraltart said...

@auntliddy, bravo.

Jenn said...

I saw a picture of Renner and he was wearing makeup, he looked like my mawmaw. Whether he's gay or not, he needs to get a new makeup person.

BobNYC said...

Josh Hutcherson and Daniel Radcliffe are both straight, despite wishful thinking on both sides of the fence. Jeremy Renner is not B-

This blind could fit so many....

angrysally said...

Jonah Hill for the long shot

Anonymous said...

Jeremy Renner does his own makeup! He used to be a makeup artist to avoid being a waiter.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

@auntliddy - wonderfully said.

Anna said...

*fully on board*

Is that a hint for a movie about a ship or airplane?

Unknown said...

Jonah Hill hooked up with Rita Ora! Don't think it's him.

Marie said...

I realised what Jolene Jolene said was true when I was about to comment 'I hope it's not Chris Evans - he's HOT!'.

I mean, I know I could have a crush on him anyway, but I still want him to be straight cos it works better in my head that way...

Excuse me while I go and have a crisis in the corner about not being as open minded as I thought.

The Real Dragon said...

Who the only single Actor in a franchise who always seen flirting with woman.hmmmmm

Jeremy Renner?
Tom Hiddleston?
Taylor Lanter
Josh from hunger games

Who else?

The Real Dragon said...

What about member from Fast and the Furious franchise

Vin Diesel?


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