Saturday, January 05, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

April 9, 2009

This foreign born singer who has been in this space before, doesn't even disguise her dislike of her celebrity husband. When she is drunk, her favorite game is to put her husband on speaker phone and let everyone around her listen while she yells at him, calls him names, and humiliates him as much as possible. No matter what though, he still hasn't left.

Avril Lavigne/Deryck Whibley


Nemesis said...

Ah the life of the golddigger. The things that people will put up with to get a paycheck.

seaward said...

And now she's with Nickelback. Haha, bitch.

Anyone know which one initiated the divorce?

Anonymous said...

Oh my God. That's horrible. What an effing bitch. No wonder he dressed up as her for Halloween. Wonder what the friends around her were thinking while she was doing all of this " Ha ha, oh shit, ha ha...( wincing )"

JSierra said...

Avril really gets under my skin. What cunty behavior.

Tyler said...

I always suspected she was nice under all that spitting... not.

supapimp said...

She's so punk. NOT!

Christopher Cruz said...

Talentless twat.

Anonymous said...

Peeps, the Lohan episode of Million Dollar Decorators is on right now (PST).

Pip said...

What a bitch! Thank god we barely hear about her now. I don't understand people are that horrible to others for shits and giggles.

MrWolf said...

Granted, Avril seems like a fucking nimrod..

However, I've met Deryck Whibley and the rest of Sum 41 and they're just about the most punchable dudes on the planet. Useless humps.

JSierra said...

YES! Thanks Ima!

Sarah said...

That's horrible. That made me sad.

Unknown said...

Ive met Derrick before he was a nice guy but a big cokehead (arent they all) but from what I understand Avril is pretty straight laced and conservative so I could understand why she would start to hate him. Also a funny story---I was friends with someone who was dating one of his friends when he was dating Paris Hilton and---well to no ones surprise---she was a big cokehead as well and as dumb as a bag of rocks and would text him literally every 5 seconds just saying "sup" and "what you doin"....apparently annoyed the hell outta him and he broke-up with her cause she was stupid, clingy and more coked-out then even he could handle....

Colleen said...

Wasn't this revealed already? I feel like it was a reveald during a 4th of July set of reveals. Maybe I'm mistaken.

Cassiopeia said...

I used to live near Nappanee, ON where she is from. My ex played ball and I met some people at a tournament who went to school with her. No good stories, but she has been insufferable little twat her entire life according to them.

Unknown said...

yeah I grew up in Belleville near Nappanee and no good stories but my highschool friend hated her cause in 8th grade she Avril was quite the little puck bunny and "stole my friends man" lol and THEN became a superstar and my friend would get sooo pissed when her songs were on the radio 24/7 and she saw her on tv etc...

Pip said...

Derek, that is hilarious! I hate one word texts, despite being guilty of them on occasion.

CamColty said...

Word ! I'm from orillia

Anon said...

You ain't lying. Never felt sorry for Anna Nicole Smith or Marla Maples.

Moonmaid said...

She sounds like a thoroughly horrible person, but I wouldn't say she was talentless. When my daughter was 12 she was a fan and I took her to see Avril in concert. We were sitting pretty close and she sang very well, not lip syncing. I came in thinking she would be awful, but left fairly impressed.

Anonymous said...

Sup? wut u doin? bored Paris is such a dingle.

Mark B said...

Avril is pretty well known for being an are I think. Plenty of rumours that she's gay as well lol.

White lilly said...

@PuggleWug, sup? lol

BUt... I gotta say I didn't expect this one just because I forgot she ever existed, lol

yodelay said...

Avril is such a dick! She totally deserves that Nickelback dude. I hope he lets his friends watch when he shows her the tapes of him and his 40 year old groupies.

trainrides said...

classy lady, that avril

Mala Propism said...

My loathing of Avril Levine was set in stone when she was announcing Grammy nominees one year and pronounced David Bowie's name as "David Bow-wee?" (rhyming it with wow-whee) and when someone whispered 'boh-wee' to her, said into the mic "I don't even know who that is." Moron.

OKay said...

Yikes! I really had no reason to hate Avril Lavigne until reading that. "Don't even know" who DAVID BOWIE is? There are no words to express my outrage.

Kelly said...

I am loving these personal stories on here lately! Thanks guys!

JSierra said...

Ahh I forgot! I have a story too! Not really personal buuut

When I was in eighth grade she did a free concert at Katy Mills mall, it was right when she first came out she she needed the publicity. Anywho she showed up over an hour late, sang one or two songs, and totally ignored all the fans who had been waiting for her.

Sarah said...

Sup! Lol. Very middle school

Sarah said...

That would be the worst, losing your guy to a twat of a pop star. Life is unfair! Haha

Sarah said...

Her clothing line is the worst. She has a Peter Pan complex. Wants to be a little pseudo punk brat forever . That's going to a bad look in her thirties , it's coming soon.

whocaresnow12 said...

Except he didn't have a film in 2009 or 2010 in which he was in his underwear. Besides, things are digitally erased/enhanced/replaced on actors all the time in post.

Fluffy White Clouds said...

What a bitch. I have never understood why she is famous as her music makes ears bleed. Nor did ever understand her pairing with Brody. Oh well, I do understand she is a bitch ass ho.

Unknown said...

Ditto. Don't waste tears over Dreyck W. He is a huge ass who I wanted to punch.

prolixe said...

What a horrible person. And David Bow-wee? Sweetie, the exit's that-a-way.

Anonymous said...

Hated her before after the Bowie snafu she will forever be a dipshit. She's such a try hard. Anyone who has to tell you they're punk isn't....agree with Sarah she's going to look like a dumbass when she's 35 trying to pull that stupid look off. Some people can carry on a look no matter what their age because they're genuine Debbie Harry comes to mind, Avril probably doesn't know who that is either

Unknown said...

This was at the time Avril herself did drugs and hanged out with cokehead Brandon Davis and didn´t wear her ring. So why Deryck didn´t tell her to go F herself, anyway all her fans did instead, no she have none left.

Unknown said...

@robin...?? this makes no sense since she went out with the guy for years ... before she married him...since she was sixteen...why marry him then? Also...I thought she just drank...not that I give a rat's youknowwhat...

Eeekalicious said...

She's turned out to be a sadistic little twunt.

Ari said...

Yep, not surprised...and he worshipped her too...she's a maneater, I don't get her appeal, she as crooked teeth

Unknown said...

@Tuxedo Cat lol @twunt,

Hammer_Girl said...

I was at an all day concert where Sum 41 was a coheadliner. This was 7-8yrs ago. Anyway, they refused to go onstage until they had a set put up. It took an hour and a half. Then DW was so trashed and slurring his words. We left 5 min into the set. Puddle of Mudd preformed better then those dipshits.

ChasingHeaven said...

I wish somebody would trip her.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

What's her problem with knowing about David Bowie? Did he pee on her toast or something?

(Don't google "bowie toaster" unless you love eye-bleach.)

megan00m said...

Saw her ex at coachella like a weeks before the split. He looked to be so sad. It was beautiful out, so much going on, and he was by himself roaming. Iiterally have seen happier faces at funerals. However the halloween photos of him dressed as avril and his gal as Chad...I it. Good for you d. That beotch will never be more thana poseur. Brody jenner, anyone?

Eeekalicious said...

How can one be in the music industry and not know who the hell David Bowie is, and have never heard him referred to? Chad Kroeger is in for a real treat.

Snapdragon said...

This foreign born singer who has been in this space before -- OK I read this as "This foreign born singer who has been in space before" and thought, wow, there's a singer that went up in space?! Ha. Need more coffee.


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