Thursday, January 17, 2013

Khloe Kardashian Kicked Lamar Odom Out For A Week

I don't care how much Life & Style ticks off Khloe Kardashian or any of the Kardashian family. They will all come back and be lovely to any tabloid who gives them some money. Then they are besties. It is amazing to me that they always clamor for privacy when it is a negative story, but when it is positive, then they are perfectly willing to give interviews or get paid to be on covers. In the latest issue, Life & Style says that Lamar spent a week in a hotel. In LA. Without Khloe. That is completely true. Has he been spotted with other women all over the place? Yes. Has he partied at 11:30 a.m and done shots and then partied straight through until the night without Khloe? Yes. So, when Khloe says that she is married to a great guy and that the stories are false, she might think he is a great guy, but I fail to see how the rest of the story is false. Everyone knows these things are going on and I think Khloe just chooses to ignore it.


Maximus said...

Sooo...the Kardashians didn't win the ____ Free Month vote? Or does that start Feb 1.

LottaColada said...

Feb. can't come soon enough....

auntliddy said...

If she wants to ignore it, so should we!!

PrincessConsuela said...

Can't we vote for a whole year? I'm sick of hearing about the Kimye baby already!

Sugar said...

He's probably the only person strong enough to give her a piggy back ride. She must stay.

VIPblonde said...

I'm in the minority of people here that watch the Kardashian shows (I blame the 1/8th of me that's Armenian), but this gives me the sads. Khloe is by far the nicest/most normal one, and she definitely gets the most flak. She actually puts her marriage in front of the family business. Looks like she bet on the wrong horse though :(

carolinec said...

it blows my mind how public figures can just go out and behave like this.. do they really not think people wont find out? or people wont talk?? i dont get it.

__-__=__ said...

Why do these guys get married? Why not just live with someone if you're not going to be faithful and forego all the drama! This will not end well.

Sugar said...

Guilty as well, VIP! I actually like Khloe.
You're not alone. :-)

DewieTheBear said...

I propose a Kardashian-Free Year. I really don't think anyone here will miss them and it would surely increase traffic from like-minded people.

tealily said...

I thought it was a Kardashian free month.

SusanB said...

Sorry, I don't want to ban the Kardashians. I love reading the snark about them, kind of like reading about Lohan. Sooner or later, the K Klan will crash and it will be magnificent.

PotPourri said...

Khloe's the only one I like. Cannot stand Kim and her intentional pregnancy to keep herself relevant. Give Paris credit, she did not stoop to a staged pregnancy like many of these other reality idiots.

Amber said...

FWIW, Kevin Love (NBA, MN Wolves) ,told us Khloe is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Best week of his life.

Maya Sambora said...

This is your chance to cut and run Lamar! Take your escape!

Anon said...

They are such a stereotype.Black men,we need to do better.

The title is misleading.The story says nothing about him being kicked out.

parissucksliterally said...

I don't like any of them, and Khloe is fucking UGLY.

urban chaos said...

It's in the contract- her pimp mama told her to pretend it's all fine no doubt as it's their image.

JSierra said...

I would assume that since it is KArdashian Free FEBRUARY that the ban wouldn't start until FEBRUARY.

I just want Khloe to be happy! Especially now that Kimmie is preggers with an alien baby.

VIP and Sugar I am there with ya. Mama K and Kim are the only ones I do not like, everyone else is hilarious.

So no, everyone will not rejoice if they are banned.

Anonymous said...

Why is he out partying every night with other women if he's so happy and devoted to her? When a man starts looking for fun and companionship then he's not happy at home. If my husband wanted to go out, he'd want me to be at his side, if he wanted to go out alone, I'd assume he's auditioning for a replacement.

Sugar said...

I need to admit it out loud, or in writing, so to speak. I, Sugar, totally watch both Kardashian shows. I am not proud nor ashamed of it. I still totally rock. There, I said it.

Kloie said...

I like her, and as a fellow Khloe (not my real name, though), this makes me sad!

Anonymous said...

i don't watch the shows but i'm a khloe fan. i feel like she has struggled so much being kim's sister and kris' daughter. her trying for a baby had to be put on hold for stupid kim and now this scumbag is spreading legs all over town. she deserves some happiness, don't we all? :/

ItsJustMe said...

Just like so many, I really like Khloe. She's the most realistic and approachable of the sisters and I think she's been through a lot. Growing up in the shadows of her sisters, her dad's death, and being the emotional support of everyone else. She's also the middle child - with Rob - and you know how it goes with middle children.

Having watched the Kardashians through the years, the Lamar that got married to Khloe is not the Lamar that was in Kim's wedding to Kris or even in the last couple of seasons. Lamar has a relationship pattern - have a steady woman, even though he was never married - have many chicks on the side. He was with an Armenian woman for several years right before Khloe and I think he may have cheated with his ex-girlfriend when he was with Khloe, so what can you really expect?

On the other hand, has Khloe really had any great role models for relationships? She really might be that naive and trusting.

With that being said, I highly doubt Khloe will ever pull the plug on her marriage.

Jazzy said...

Unfortunately, she probably thinks she can't do better financially and I'm sure PMK told her to keep him no matter what. I've seen khloe & lamar at my neighborhood Target and he's always given me the creeps. There's something seriously off with him. I feel like the minute she gets away from him, her mom, and into a regular relationship with a regular guy, she'll get pregnant.


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