Monday, February 11, 2013

Random Photos Part Four - BAFTA Photos

If your dress does ever rip, I guess you can say it is a Dior. Marion Cotillard is the latest to wear that style.

Alice Eve and Bradley Cooper dirty dance.
Anne Hathaway
Jessica Chastain
Amy Adams
Ben Affleck and George Clooney
Damian Lewis all in velvet!
Elizabeth Olsen
Sarah Jessica Parker
Jennifer Lawrence


smash said...

That first picture is out of focus. The camera focused on the man in the background with the umbrella. Otherwise it would have been a cute photo.

skimpymist said...

Well if it isn't jennifer lawrence

LottaColada said...

Ben looks like he's going in for a smooch with Clooney.

Damien Lewis' wife(?) is wearing cinderella blue, odd choice.

What happened to JLaw's boobs?

KPeony said...

Bradley Cooper looks greasy.

Sarah said...

Can we pull up Jennifer Lawrence's dress? She looks like a bit of a sore loser on this night.

rhinovodka said...

Jessica C. looks amazing!

Sarah said...

God, Marion is adorable!

Sarah said...

Yay for Damien Lewis and his age appropriate wife! It's sad that it's so rare.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer L...pull dress up. SJP..yuck..does that have a kanagroo pouch. Jessica...not your colour. Amy look stiff and uncomfortable and that looks luke a victorian furneral dress. Lady with Damon that dress

Alexis makeme said...

I guess Lawrence has lost a lot of weight so the dress doesn't fit.

msgirl said...

Damian Lewis' wife is a famous British actress. Very feisty.

I like JL dress but it doesn't stay up!

GatorGirl said...

I love me some SJP

The Real Dragon said...

Get it Bradly C. New couple alert?

Amber said...

So I like Elizabeth Olsen. I was reading about her somewhat recently, and apparently her sisters wanted to put her up in a nice place in NYC, and she turned them down. I guess she lives in kind of a shithole, and wants to make it on her own. Respect that.

YourNameHere said...

Ugh another photo of Anne GoAway

greenmountaingal said...

Jessica Chastain looks hot.

AnnE needs to disappear immediately. Audrey Hepburn she is not.

JLaw looks like her boobies are missing.

Seachica said...

What is the origin of AnnE with the E capitalized?

ForSure said...

Love Anne Hathaway's dress, but the hair is entering the awkward grow out phase so I think there will be extensions after the Oscars.

pusssykatt said...

Please let the awards show be over so I don't have to see another Anne Hathaway photo for a while. She's so fake..

nevermindthat said...

What is up with Dior and their dresses ripping? That's the same dress that ripped on JLAW at the SAGs. Outsourcing at it's best I guess.

smash said...

Nevermindthat- do some research. Neither of the dresses "tore" they both were made of layers with flesh color tulle inbetween the layers.

Sherry said...

Yeah what happened to Jennifer's breasts. Guess the award season is wearing her down. She looks like she's losing weight. I actually like SJP's onesie. Looks like George is groping Ben's butt. LOVE Jessica's dress. This roster of pictures would be perfect if Helen Mirren were in them. She looked awesome at the BAFTA's.

Anonymous said...

If the Oscar curse is true and she wins, AnnE better decide what she wants....keep your hubby or star in Princess Diaries 3.

nova said...

Would have liked to see some actual Brits in here

librariantobe said...

Jennifer Lawrence is still getting over having the flu and pneumonia back to back which will lead to weight loss. When I had the flu I lost 3 pounds in 3 days.

Sunny said...

When AnnE accepted her award at the Critics Choice awards, they misspelled her name on the card and she said this:

"This is a bittersweet moment for me because I have this award, but you spelled my name wrong. "It is with an 'e.' It's probably in bad taste for me to point that out here."

Agent**It said...

AnnE is so full of herself I'm afraid she might explode at the Oscars if she wins.

Pip said...

You can clearly see the top and bottom of the Dior dress are connected, and it is not ripped. I really hope JLaw lost the weight from being ill. I hate when actresses become popular, and then lose a shitload of weight (looking at you, Emma Stone).

Laura said...

That photo of Bradley C dancing creeps me out

Anonymous said...

Love the beards on Affleck, Clooney and Damian Lewis. Love men with beards in tuxes. Swoon.....
Except BC he looks greasy and gross

MC said...

I'm tired of Jennifer Lawrence already. Not a popular opinion, i know, but I'm done.

Count Jerkula said...

OK, I'm finally far enough away from the Alba stalking to want to bone Amy Adams again. I guess the frumping up in the Muppets movie didn't help either.

MrWolf said...

I demand DNA testing to prove that that is in fact JLaw. Does not look like the same girl.

All about Eve said...

I love Marion but these Dior dresses are supposedly worth a lot of money, you would think that you wouldn't see the tulle that keeps the layers together on such an expensive and carefully crafted dress!

Don't like Anne's dress at all!

Jessica looks great, that color is so nice.

Amy looks nice and she's so talented. Jessica Alba should start trying to copy Amy's career lol

Olsen trolls take note! Your little sister is showing you how it's done!

JLaw still looks sickly poor girl.

Sarah said...

He looks dirty. Also, his dance partner is not Elizabeth Banks, but should be her double.

Sarah said...

Yeah, everyone acts like she's the best thing in acting, but Chastain is much more nuanced. She brings too much of herself to each role.

mooshki said...

I love Damian Lewis and his wife. She was great on 'Life.'

librariantobe said...

@Sarah, Jennifer Lawrence's performance in Winter's Bone was quite nuanced, as are most of her performances in her earlier indie films.

Unknown said...

Those Dior dresses are like the couture version of having your jeans hang off your butt and having your boxers show.

PugsterMom said...

Someone's in deep doo doo. Rip or not it's a fashion faux pas if it winds up in pics.

amused bush said...

I'm giving JLaw a pass on the weight thing since she's been sick. When I got the flu/pneumonia I lost 25lbs. Took me a good 3-4 months to fully recover.

greenmountaingal said...

Same here. I'm over JLaw.

Sherry said...

I like them both, Jlaw and Jessica but I can see how others have grown weary of them. If I had to give up one, I would choose Jlaw.

H888FUL said...

Jennifer Lawrence looks just like my mother's dog. I can't look at her without seeing it, and her face is just weird. She never looks like the same person in any picture.

Damian Lewis is one of the few truly hot men in Hollywood, IMO.

Amy Adams is so boring and nondescript, I can't ever think of her name if I see her in an uncaptioned photo.

Alice Eve sounds like a porn star name.

Jrebeclee said...

Marion's dress was supposed to look like that, it didn't rip.

cricket said...

Elizabeth is much prettier that the other two Olsens.


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