Monday, April 15, 2013

Aubrey Plaza Was Kicked Out Of MTV Movie Awards

In what looked kind of like a stunt, but if it was, a very awkward one, Aubrey Plaza crashed the stage at the MTV Movie Awards when Will Ferrell was receiving his lifetime achievement award. Aubrey was drunk and MTV confirmed that the bit was not planned and that Aubrey was asked to leave the show immediately after the incident. During the incident, Aubrey was drinking out of a cup. Hey, she tried to pull a Kanye. Will laughed it off and covered really nicely.


Cathy said...

I didn't watch the show, but it looks like she has a "to do list" written on her chest. So I'm guessing her friends dared her to do a bunch of stuff?

Anonymous said...

I heard that was the title of an upcoming movie??

Unknown said...

Gotta love Will Ferrell - he handled the situation perfectly.

Izzie said...

I don't know, that looks like something Aubrey would do - very droll and she doesn't say a word. Except having her movie written on her chest, that's tacky. So this is drunk Aubrey!

LottaColada said...

The only funny about that whole situation is Will Ferrell's money suit.

Kelly said...

I half watched and happened to see this part. You could tell it wasn't planned by Wills reaction. I want to like her and I love Parks and Rec, but she has always rubbed me the wrong way.

Amber said...

Oh please, MTV. Let's not try and pretend like we're classy now.

OKay said...

I don't know who this is. Oh, apparently she's on Parks and Rec. That explains it. L Weird.

nevermindthat said...

Who need to worry about crazy fans when you have crazy ass celebrities.

Speaking of crazed fans; did you hear about the female stalker in New York who pulled a knife or box cutter on Hugh Jackman and told him we should have been married. I thought Jackman would have went Wolverine on her ass but he said he was concerned for his safety.

a non a miss said...

This was 50 shades of awkward! Didn't she spill her drink on the way back to her seat?

Unknown said...

hahaha. her timing was weird and the stunt was awful, but will handled it gracefully.

funny that she took her drink on stage.

and at least now she accomplished her goal: more publicity for her and the stunt.

WareCat said...

Stupid hipster

AndyCane said...

me thinks she's more than drunk

PhoebeJ said...

I think she did it to promote her movie and because she was drunk it seemed like a good idea. When she walked back to her seat she drops her entire drink all over her legs and the chair next to her.

All about Eve said...

Awkward...and she looked a hot mess

CrazyCatLady said...

It was an electric razor

BostonGreekGirl said...

That was so staged in the sense she knew exactly what she was doing. Will Ferrell had no clue but that was part of it. She had this all planned out. Btw EPIC FAIL!

Anonymous said...

She doesn't look drunk enough to do something so stupid. Just stupid.

Anonymous said...

I was glad (surprised) she didn't take a header down the stairs on her way back to her seat.

Unknown said...

I hope it ruins her career like she has ruined a couple of movies for me by her just being in them. Her idea of good acting is to show as much of the white of her eyes as possible.

lazyday603 said...

I didn't used to believe in reincarnation but Andy Kaufman died on May 16, 1984. Aubrey Plaza was born on June 26, 1984. She has been channelling his comic spirit on talk shows and now she's doing her version of Andy's bizarre public behavior. She's Andy.

timebob said...

This is the problem with actresses that think they are funny and aren't. You don't try to go up against a master and think you can take over.

epic fail.

Unknown said...

She wishes.

whocaresnow12 said...

It was absolutely planned. She was seated front and center for that moment. It didn't go the way MTV exactly planned it.

Flo said...

Oh please. MTV invited a that Kartrashian. The entire show should've been cancelled after that. If anyone knows about Aubrey, she is an unusual chick. Seriously. Google her interviews. The fake smiles of celebs and reporters don't mean shiz to her.

Seachica said...

Agree with whocaresnow -- this had to have been planned. No way would she be sitting in the front row if it weren't. She's not important enough to be in the front section without help from the producers.

And would Will F really have known that it was her movie written on her chest? I had never heard of the movie. Would he really just happen to know a) who she is and b) the name of her movie?

Planned stunt, and makes me hate MTV all the more for faking that it was a surprise.

HolidayinCambodia said...

St. Ann's, represent!

saycheese said...

loved peter dinklage's non-reaction too

lazyday603 said...

@Wendy I was in my early 20's & a huge subversive comedy fan during Andy Kaufman's heyday. People HATED Andy Kaufman. That's the reaction he was aiming for. They expected to get this cutesy comedian doing Latka from Taxi voices & instead he would harangue them all from the stage until half the audience had walked out & maybe 5% were still laughing. He was a performance artist masquerading as a comic. He pulled so many outrageous stunts like this that nobody believed his reps when they announced his death. Plaza tries to make everybody uncomfortable. That's her comedy.

crila16 said...

I thought it was hysterical. If no one said anything, I would have thought it was planned.

Angela said...

The To Do List's director is Maggie Carey, who was previously involved in the Funny or Die Presents... TV show, produced by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay.
Ferrell is not involved in the movie, but there are definite links between all these people.

Unknown said...

Ok then. They are both lame.

Unknown said...

Look at the pics of the front row over at the DM. No one on the front row is a celeb. They are all clearly "nobodies".

Sherry said...

I don't understand the appeal of Aubrey. I don't find her shtick funny and that goes for Andy Kaufman as well.

Redd said...

so lazy, by your theory it takes 41 days to incarnate or reincarnate? where do you suppose those in between days are spent? I was around for Kaufman's big 15 minutes, too and I agree with Sherry- he really wasn't that great. Most people don't find angry amusing.

Kloie said...

Dunno, I think she's pretty funny. Though I am not a fan of Andy Kaufman (too young for one thing).

it took forever said...

Stay classy Aubrey

Lauren said...


Gabby said...

I thought it was probably planned too, but I do think she had been drinking. She is an extremely interesting person - I think that knowing her in real life would be way different than her public persona.


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